Spirit of Counsel

Isaiah 9:6 (NLT) For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Beloved, you have but to ask to receive My counsel. I AM Gelah Raz, the Revealer of Mysteries, and the only wise God. Who might you query for insight that would have greater wisdom than I? There is safety in a multitude of counselors, but be certain to include the God of Wisdom in that number. Seek Me first and seek Me often. I delight to instruct you.

I give purpose. I grant insight. I download revelation. I give dreams and visions. And I do all this for those who ask. So, beloved, keep your heart in a constant state of receptivity that I might counsel you day or night, asleep or awake – keep your spiritual senses open and be ready to receive, for I AM speaking. Flow in My Spirit of Counsel. Continue reading “Spirit of Counsel”

Dream with Me

Ephesians 3:20 (TLB) Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.

Beloved, dream with Me. Your thoughts and hopes are safe here. I want to know the desires of your heart, for what is important to you is important to Me. Refuse to feel small or somehow lesser-than, for to Me you are of the utmost importance. You are the apple of My eye. You have My heart and My attention, and most importantly, you have My love.

And in the same way that when you love someone you desire to lavish them with blessings, so I love to lavish you. So dream with Me. Allow your heart to soar. Hold nothing back, and place those tender hopes in My hands trusting Me to lead you and bless you wisely. I know the plans I have for you and they are GOOD plans. Dare to dream big, for I AM the God of the impossible. With Me nothing is impossible. So stir up your faith, beloved, and dream.

Always Encourage Dreaming with Me

Genesis 37:5 (VOICE) One day Joseph had a dream. When he told the dream to his brothers, they hated him even more.

Beloved, refuse to mock or belittle the dreams of others. Simply because you can catch their vision doesn’t make it ridiculous or beyond possibility. In the same way you wouldn’t want to have someone judge or crush your dreams, refuse to be the one who does that to someone else. Time will show whether it is a God-given desire or simply a soulful hope.

But regardless of which it may be, Hold the dreams with respect knowing it is a beautiful thing for someone to dream with Me for I AM a big God, the author of the impossible – a miracle-working God. You never want to find yourself in opposition to My thought and plans simply because you didn’t understand them or they offended your sensibilities. Always encourage dreaming with Me. Continue reading “Always Encourage Dreaming with Me”

Fill Yourself with the Unshakable Understanding of Who I AM

Revelation 4:2 (TLB) And instantly I was in spirit there in heaven and saw—oh, the glory of it!—a throne and someone sitting on it!

Beloved, quiet your soul, quiet your spirit. Let Me sweep you away – whether to catch you up into the heavenlies or simply have you rest in My presence. Meet with Me. Be saturated in My glory. Allow yourself to be completely overwhelmed and undone by My presence and the full saturating love you feel from Me.

Fill yourself with the unshakable understanding of Who I AM. For if you fully and truly receive that understanding, you cannot operate in fear because you know the One who loves you is greater and higher than any other (by far). Of whom shall you be afraid? I AM on your side. Be overwhelmed by My glory and walk in the full confidence of one who knows they have nothing to fear.

I Will Meet You in Your Dreams

Psalm 3:5 (VOICE) I lie down at night and fall asleep. I awake in the morning—healthy, strong, vibrant—because the Eternal supports me.

Beloved, I AM with you always. Rest in Me. As you yield to Me even in your sleep, I will meet you there for times of refreshing and impartation. Be ready to receive. Come with your heart prepared to meet with Me. Truly you cannot begin to imagine all that I want to share with you there, beloved.

Be ready to be commissioned. Be ready to be mantled. Be ready to be radically and completely healed and transformed. Come ready to lower your guard (you don’t need it with Me anyway), and your logic won’t help you here – My ways are not your ways. Simply trust and yield. Take Me at My word and receive.

Hear Me Even in Your Sleep

Job 33:15-16 (AMP) In a dream, a vision of the night [one may hear God’s voice], When deep sleep falls on men While slumbering upon the bed, Then He opens the ears of men And seals their instruction,

Beloved, hear My whispers as you sleep. Recognize My heart. Know My voice. Feel My touch. Receive My wisdom. Heed My warnings. Feel My hand upon you as I seal My instruction in your heart. Yield to My direction. Hold fast when you awaken. Refuse to allow My download to be stolen or dismissed.

I have opened the ears of your heart. You can hear Me, beloved. Choose to be open and rest. Choose to listen. I AM moving as you sleep. I never slumber, I never sleep. I AM always aware of you and the things pertaining to you. So rest in Me, knowing I AM covering you. Healing and speaking. Protecting and refreshing.

Open your heart to hear My voice as your flesh is silent and your natural mind is not spinning or fighting My words with your own sense of logic or understanding. Hear Me, beloved. Receive, understand, and yield.  Continue reading “Hear Me Even in Your Sleep”

Hinds’ Feet on High Places

{vision} You are getting ready to ascend the hill of the LORD. He has you in a place that is safe where you can learn from Him and grow in Him. He will be inviting you to go along the journey upwards when the time is right and you are ready. There are many stops to make along the ascent—a meadow, a stream, a wildflower patch, and even a dry area. All of the stops have a lesson for you to learn before you move along. He will guide you, strengthen you, and be with you always as He has said in His word (Matthew 28:20). Continue reading “Hinds’ Feet on High Places”