Covenant Strength Shining Through You

2 Corinthians 12:9 (AMP) but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.

Beloved, don’t be tempted to see your weaknesses as flaws or shortcomings, but rather as areas for My strength to shine through you. My grace is sufficient. Refuse to be tempted into pride by wanting to be seen as “capable,” but rather seek to be known for being completely reliant on Me. That is a legacy worth having.

Boast in Me and in My power for I AM more than enough and delight in showing who I AM. You need not fight or argue or scramble for Me to be faithful, for My covenant with you extends generation to generation of those who love Me. Let Me be made large in you.

Safe in My Hands

Isaiah 26:3 (VOICE) You will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in You, for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to You.

Beloved, take your hands off the wheel and let Me drive. You don’t need to be in control to be safe, on the contrary, doing so only brings the illusion of control. Like Dumbo’s feather, the illusion of control brings you a sense of peace, but it is not founded in truth. You are a child of the Light. Truth is your inheritance.

Beloved, release it all to Me. In My hands is the only place you are truly safe. As you shift control into My capable hands, it may feel awkward and uncomfortable at first, but know that over time, the burden it has lifted from you will feel more freeing than you can imagine.

Remember beloved that I AM the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I see it all. I know what is coming and know exactly where you should be positioned and what provision you’ll need. As you trust Me and yield to Me, I make you ready. I AM worthy of your trust. Lay down the idol of needing to understand and fully release yourself in to My care, for I love you and I will never leave you. You are safe in My hands.

With Me Nothing is Out of Reach

Philippians 4:13 (AMP) I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]

Beloved, I AM greater than you know and your strength is found in Me. I AM filled with seeming contradictions, using the foolish things to confound the wise. So rest in Me and grow strong. In your weakness, My strength is made perfect. You don’t have to be big and strong for I AM, and you have simply to be like Me.

Walk in My ways, follow My heart, and trust in Me – then see what I do. Suddenly the impossible is possible. Don’t discount any possibility because with Me nothing is out of reach. Yield to My will and My plans and you will see Me move through you in ways you couldn’t even imagine. Breathe Me in beloved. Worship with all your heart. Walk confidently in Me.

Unflinching Faith

Daniel 3:17 (TLV) If it is so, our God whom we serve is able to save us from the furnace of blazing fire and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.

Beloved, refuse to allow circumstances to alter your faith. Be steadfast – strong and determined – and have unflinching faith. Stand fast like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the face of seemingly impossible obstacles and declare that I AM faithful regardless of circumstance.

I AM with you, I never leave you, I love you and desire good for you. Rest in Me – knowing that whether or not I choose the outcome you desire, I always choose you and My heart towards you is good. I see things you don’t see and cause all things to work together for good. Continue reading “Unflinching Faith”

Strengthened by Trials

James 1:3-4 (TPT) For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things. And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

Beloved, the trials you have walked through have served their purpose. They have stretched your faith and enlarged your ability to believe in Me for both the miraculous and the mundane. You have tasted and seen, you know that I AM faithful. Your confidence in My character is steadfast for I AM unimpugnable.

You’ve learned by experience that worrying and wondering are wastes of time and energy, and in wisdom you simply look to Me and follow My lead. As a result, I AM pouring out increase over you, for you are faithful to Me, and I cherish that. I do not take lightly the cost that was required from you to get to this point. Though I know it was needful, it didn’t make it easy to watch as you struggled, but you were tried by fire and have been strengthened for it. You are My joy.

I AM the Richest of Fare

Psalm 37:3 (TPT) Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in His eyes. Fix your heart on the promises of God and you will be secure, Feasting on His faithfulness.

Beloved, feast on Me and on My goodness for I AM the richest of fare. Delight yourself in Me. Know My heart that you might act rightly and do that which is pleasing to Me. Trust Me and lean on Me, knowing I will not let you down for I AM faithful.

My promises are yes and amen. See them as done, beloved, for the moment they leave My mouth they are as good as such. Let the surety of them anchor you and provide stability as the enemy seeks to agitate and distract you. I AM faithful. I AM true. I watch over My word to perform it. Trust in Me.

Taste and See

Psalm 34:8 (NOG) Taste and see that Yahweh is good. Blessed is the person who takes refuge in him.

Beloved, taste and see that I AM good. Evidence of My goodness surrounds you. Try Me. Put your faith in Me and release the outcome. See how I move. I AM good and I love you. Blessed are those who rest in Me.

I AM your rock and your firm foundation. I AM unshakable and immovable. Find shelter under My wings. Let Me be your hiding place. Let Me be the one you run to. Taste and see, beloved. I AM faithful to the end.

Fill Yourself with the Unshakable Understanding of Who I AM

Revelation 4:2 (TLB) And instantly I was in spirit there in heaven and saw—oh, the glory of it!—a throne and someone sitting on it!

Beloved, quiet your soul, quiet your spirit. Let Me sweep you away – whether to catch you up into the heavenlies or simply have you rest in My presence. Meet with Me. Be saturated in My glory. Allow yourself to be completely overwhelmed and undone by My presence and the full saturating love you feel from Me.

Fill yourself with the unshakable understanding of Who I AM. For if you fully and truly receive that understanding, you cannot operate in fear because you know the One who loves you is greater and higher than any other (by far). Of whom shall you be afraid? I AM on your side. Be overwhelmed by My glory and walk in the full confidence of one who knows they have nothing to fear.

Let Your Anticipation Testify

Psalm 130:6 (VOICE) My soul waits for the Lord to break into the world more than night watchmen expect the break of day, even more than night watchmen expect the break of day.

Beloved, be a watchman on the wall. Alertly fix your gaze, watching expectantly for Me to breakthrough for I AM the God of the breakthrough. Let your heart stand in faith, knowing with full certainty that I will move suddenly. It may seem as though I tarry, but I tarry not.

Anticipate Me. Sober, alert, and ready – expectant, filled with confidence and trust in Me and My word. May your anticipation alone testify to your faith in who I AM and My faithfulness.

I AM Burning Away That Which Restrains You

Isaiah 43:2 (VOICE) When you face stormy seas I will be there with you with endurance and calm; you will not be engulfed in raging rivers. If it seems like you’re walking through fire with flames licking at your limbs, keep going; you won’t be burned.

Beloved, I AM baptizing you with fire. Immersing and consuming. All the dross is being burned away and your face will shine with a pure radiance that can only come from knowing Me and basking in My glory.

Let My fire wash over you like waves. And like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego walked among the flames but only the ropes holding them in bondage burned (Daniel 3:25), so shall My flames be over you. I AM igniting you and setting you ablaze for My glory! I AM burning away that which restrains and holds you back. Walk in the fire and do not be burned. Be beautified, glorified, and made new.