Let Your Cry of Victory Ring

Psalm 118:16 (VOICE) The mighty arm of the Eternal is raised in victory; the right hand of His has shown His power.”

Beloved, raise a shout of victory! We shall not be defeated. Sound a cry in declaration that we are victorious. Raise your voice! Do not be afraid that you will be put to shame, lean on Me. Trust in Me. I AM the God of heaven (El Shamayim) and earth, the Lord of Hosts (YHVH Sabaoth), the King of Glory (Melek Kabowd) – nothing is too hard for Me!

Rightly understand Who I AM and what I AM capable of. I AM the God who parted the sea, brought forth water from a rock, and sent manna from heaven. I make a way where there seems to be no way. Don’t focus on possible solutions YOU see in a situation, for I see things you do not. So simply focus on Me, on who I AM, and let your victory cry ring!

Cling and Sing

Psalm 118:14 (VOICE) He is my strength, and He is the reason I sing; He has been there to save me in every situation.

Beloved, praise Me in every situation. I AM your strength. I AM El Maowz (God your strength). Allow Me to strengthen you, beloved, regardless of circumstances. Praise Me. Let joy pour forth from deep in your soul because I AM worthy. Let your songs of love be a victory cry that you refuse to waver, that you trust Me implicitly.

I AM Yeshua (your salvation). My hand is extended to you, beloved. Take hold. Cling to Me. I AM strong and I will strengthen. We will stand fast together. The enemy cannot stand against us so cling and sing. Cling and sing, beloved. Your deliverance is here. Continue reading “Cling and Sing”

Silk: Confident Faith

The name of this silk is Confident Faith. The colors in it are:

  • Seafoam green representing bathing in the warmth of His love
  • Cranberry representing of great worth and value
  • Mahogany brown representing depth of God’s love
  • Light turquoise representing water-like flow of the Spirit
  • Amethyst representing the promises of God and divine provision
  • Sky blue representing spiritual realm
  • Dark teal representing rich and fertile
  • Silver shimmer representing strengthened faith

Continue reading “Silk: Confident Faith”

I AM God Most Able (Elohim Yakol)

Matthew 19:26 (NLT) Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

Beloved, nothing is too hard for Me. I AM able to see the way through every situation. Nothing shocks or overwhelms me. I AM the God who is able, Elohim Yakol (God Most Able). You can rely on Me. I AM trustworthy and worthy of your faith; nothing is impossible for Me.

I love to show My fingerprints – to do things to build your confidence – to wait and see if you’ll notice My hand at work and what your response will be. Will you thank Me? Will you give glory and honor? Will you testify of My goodness? Just as you like to be encouraged, I do too. You are made in My image. I like when you love on Me and encourage Me. Love like you want to be loved.

Put Your Confidence in Me 

Ephesians 6:16 (AMP) Above all, lift up the [protective] shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Beloved, faith is complete confidence in Me. Confidence that I AM who I say I AM. Confidence I’ll do what I’ve said I’ll do. Confidence that I AM. Put your trust in Me for I AM faithful. I AM reliable. I AM trustworthy. I will not let you down. Rest in Me.

Let your faith be unshakable. Let no circumstance or situation give you pause to wonder about Me. I AM always at work and always working on for the good. Let your faith in Me be unshakable. Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego said to Nebuchadnezzar, “our God is able to rescue us…but even if He doesn’t we will serve no other.” Their faith in Me and My plans was steadfast. In the same way beloved, let your faith surpass your ability to understand what I am doing and simply trust. I AM worthy of your faith for I AM El Aman, the Faithful God.  Continue reading “Put Your Confidence in Me “

Essential Faithfulness and Truth

Psalm 89:8 (AMPC) O Lord God of hosts, who is a mighty one like unto You, O Lord? And Your faithfulness is round about You [an essential part of You at all times].

Beloved, My faithfulness surrounds Me. It is evident in everything I do and everything I AM. Those who know Me (truly know Me), know I AM faithful, always mindful of My word – watching over it to be certain it comes to pass. I speak only truth for I AM truth. My promises are affirmed – a certainty – bringing forth a resounding “Amen” (So be it)! Thus My character is unimpeachable, sterling, true.

So let your yes be yes and your no be no. Reflect My character, walking in your own faith and faithfulness. May your mouth speak only truth, and may your heart reflect on that which is good and faithful. Be like Me, for you are made in My image. May your integrity be an essential part of who you are and how you are known, that you may be more like Me thus bringing Me glory. Continue reading “Essential Faithfulness and Truth”

Silk: Trust Him To Make It So

Photo May 26, 11 56 36 AMGod is so fun. 🙂 Not long ago, we shared a silk letter He’d given us called Trustworthy. This silk was birthed as an expansion of the other – it extends it and adds more specificity. The silks look similar (this one is the same colors, but over-dyed with black and shimmered with copper), and the themes are similar of course – most of the Trustworthy word is included in this one. We pray it will bless you.  Continue reading “Silk: Trust Him To Make It So”

Hold Fast to the Vision

Zechariah 4:10 (TLB) Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin…

Beloved, hold fast to the vision I have placed in your heart for it will come to pass and is in fact already here and breaking forth. See the tiny sprouts of green? That is new life bursting forth – a small beginning. Beloved, guard and protect these tender shoots and all they represent, for the enemy of your soul would love to steal, kill, or destroy it; but as you nurture and water it, it will flourish and come to its full fruition.

Resist the urge to be frustrated or impatient at the time required in growing. Remember the journey is needed preparation for what lies ahead. Stay the course. Rejoice in each victory and success no matter how small. Expectantly await the fulfillment of My promises for they will not return void. Hold fast to the vision for it will come to pass. Continue reading “Hold Fast to the Vision”

I AM the Way Maker

Ephesians 6:13 (AMP) …and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious].

Beloved, there are moments to fight, but there are moments where all that is left to do is stand fast. You’ve prepared, you’re equipped, you’re positioned – it’s time to simply be immovable and leave the rest to Me. Knowing you have all of heaven behind you – the hosts ready and willing to fight on your behalf – be steadfast.

This is the test of faith. To stand at the Red Sea with an enemy bearing down on you, and to trust the One who is trustworthy to make a way where there seems to be no way. I AM the way maker. I part the seas. Stand in faith allowing your stance to declare your confidence in your God – in Me. I will not let you down. I will meet you in that place for I AM faithful and I bring victory in My mighty hand.

Set Your Face Like Flint

Isaiah 50:7 (NLT) Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.

Beloved, do not be caught up in circumstances and the things your natural senses may tell you. What I have said will be. I AM faithful and My word is true. Stay fixed on Me, unmoving, not able to be swayed by the things of this world, hearing My voice clearer than any other. Believe, stand in faith, and watch Me move.

I will allow circumstances to stretch your capacity to believe. I would not allow these things if I didn’t know that you could withstand and stay strong. So focus your gaze on Me and your heart on My promises, and wait with joy. In your heart you’ve desired to be able to testify to My power, so don’t be surprised when I give you opportunity to stand in faith, beloved. You asked for this. You will withstand and see My glory unfold.