Support My Plans

Philippians 2:4 (TPT) Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests.

Beloved, refuse to allow pride and self-interest to direct your actions. Intentionally choose to focus on others, seek to build them up and support the plans I have for them trusting that I will see to yours. Keep your eyes fixed on Me and My vision – support that in your words and actions, building up those around you in their faith even as I build your own.

I AM mindful of your every need. You are seen by Me. Nothing that concerns you is beyond My notice. So fix your attentions on where I have you now rather than where you want to be, trusting Me to lead and direct you in each step in My perfect timing.

Follow My Lead

Matthew 11:28-30 (GW) …Place my yoke over your shoulders, and learn from me…

Beloved, partner with Me and follow My lead. Even when two oxen are yoked together, one is leading. If both tried to lead, there would be strife and confusion. If the one submitting falls behind or surges ahead, he pulls the team out of alignment, inhibits the progress, and alters the path.

In the same way, you must stay aligned with Me. Refuse to allow fear, doubt, or apathy to slow your progress. Refuse to indulge impatience by stepping ahead of Me. Refuse to fight Me for control. There is a time for everything under the earth, trust Me to know the times. Continue reading “Follow My Lead”

I AM All You Need

Matthew 6:24 (MSG) You can’t worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you’ll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can’t worship God and Money both.

Beloved, choose Me. Throughout history, My heartcry remains the same: that I would be your God and you would be My people. Refuse to give place to any idol, or to hold anything in greater reverence than Me. I will not be content to share your adoration, for I AM worthy of your singleminded devotion.

Only I bring true peace. Only I bring true contentment. Only I bring true security. Refuse the temptation to look to your own provision to offer those things remembering that even your provision comes from Me. It cannot love you nor fulfill your heart’s desires anymore than the idols made of wood and clay. Only I AM able to bring true fulfillment. Look to Me and refuse to look away. I AM all you need.

Nourish Yourself Wisely

Amos 5:14 (AMP) Seek (long for, require) good and not evil, that you may live; And so may the Lord God of hosts be with you, Just as you have said!

Beloved, hunger and thirst for Me and for the things of Me and the things that please Me. Seek that which is good and perfect and true, what is godly and beautiful and righteous, and what is holy, a blessing, and brings glory to My name.

Water the seed of righteousness within you. Refuse to be drawn in by things that are evil or the ways of the wicked. Have eyes to see and ears to hear that you might rightly divide the holy from the profane, the worthy from the unworthy, and that which is good from that which is evil.

Align with Me. Run your race by My side. Choose the side of victory and life. Beloved, that which you feed will grow. Would you indulge your sinful nature? Your fleshly desires? Or your spirit man? Nourish yourself wisely. Satisfy yourself in Me.

Make Ready

John 16:12 (GW) “I have a lot more to tell you, but that would be too much for you now.

Beloved, I have more to share with you than you could possibly imagine. How much I ultimately share in part depends on you and your preparedness. Will you make room for that which I would impart?

In the same way that to move furniture into your home, you must prepare a space for it for it to be beneficial, so you must make room for Me and for My revelation. The place you make ready determines what comes. If you prepare only a corner of a room, enough furniture to redecorate the whole house would be overwhelming.

So prepare your heart, make time and space for Me. Prepare your mind, saturate yourself in My word. Prepare your spirit, stay tuned into my frequency and firmly in My flow. Make ready, beloved, that I might share the fullness of all I have for you.

Be Mindful of Your Priorities

Haggai 1:9 (GW) “You expected a lot, but you received a little. When you bring something home, I blow it away. Why?” declares the Lord of Armies. “It’s because my house lies in ruins while each of you is busy working on your own house.

Beloved, be mindful of your priorities. Be intentional about being rightly aligned with Me and My will. Refuse to succumb to the temptation to be fixated on yourself and your selfish pursuits, and instead be steadfast in pursuing the plans I have for you, for they are good. As you delight in Me, I will give you the desires of your heart. Be intentional to delight in Me.

When I bring to naught your  efforts, it is not that I’m acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum because you didn’t pay attention to Me first, it is because I want what is best for you; therefore, I cannot prosper that which is outside My will, but rather only that which aligns with it. So seek Me first. Focus yourself on Me. Yield to My leading, and trust Me to lead you rightly.

Reflect the Son Brightly

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love… finds no delight in what is wrong…

Beloved, the world would have you believe that doing what is right is boring. It paints sin as lush and exciting – experiences meant to indulge in and enjoy. But beloved, the world doesn’t have your best interests at heart nor is it accurately accounting the truth.

One could paint touching a hot stove as exciting and an act of freedom, but without acknowledging the resulting burn and the amount of painful time spent healing (the momentary “positive” act of freedom weighed against the lengthy negative), the truth is not being reflected.

By painting sin as fun, joyous, and exciting, others are drawn into the trap. Refuse to bring others into bondage or needless pain by delighting in that which is evil.

Choose instead to walk in a manner that aligns with My word knowing it is the path of light. True joy and fulfillment are there. And any hardships along that path are for your benefit, to grow and be refined. You are a child of the day, so walk in the light and reflect the Son brightly. Continue reading “Reflect the Son Brightly”

Using the Creative Force of Your Mouth for Blessing

Proverbs 18:21 (AMP) Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.

Beloved, your mouth will bear fruit, the question is what kind. Will it be bitter or sweet? Will it bring forth life or cause death? Choose wisely, beloved. Align you heart and mouth and mind with Mine. Speak the echos of My heart, and watch the beautiful life that springs forth.

Be mindful of each word. Resist the urge to indulge in careless ones, understand the weight and responsibility of being a creative force, and choosing to be one for good by blessing.

Walk in the Fullness of Freedom

2 Corinthians 3:17 (ESV) Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Beloved, refuse to remain in bondage in any area. Allow nothing to have undue hold over you and the ability to influence you beyond what it wise and good. Ask Me for wisdom to find every toehold so that each and every one can be eradicated.

The price for your freedom has already been paid. Choose to walk in the fullness of that liberty so you might be all I’ve created and called you to be. Refuse to settle. Refuse to be content with mostly free and be complacent about walking out the rest of your freedom. The cost has been paid, and beloved, it is worth the effort.

Come and Know Me

Psalm 16:11 (NKJV) You will show me the path of life; In Your presence [is] fullness of joy; At Your right hand [are] pleasures forevermore.

Beloved, in My presence is fullness of joy. The world would have you believe serving Me is drudgery. Your flesh seeks to convince you that worldly entertainments are more exciting. But beloved, those are simply quick counterfeits of downloads from heaven.

As with any relationship, ours is built over time. It requires commitment and dedication, but it is well worth the cost for true contentment is found there. Not the fruitless byproduct of the world’s offerings that often leave you more empty than when you began, but deep abiding satisfaction and wholeness that is found only in intimacy with Me.

No, I cannot be manipulated or controlled like a television is turned on and off with channels switched at will, but that which you will find in Me, is the only thing that truly satisfies.

Come and know Me. Come discover Me. Put in the time and effort recognizing it for the blessing it is – Melek Kabowd (the King of Glory) who desires your time and attention; Abba, your loving Father who desires the best for you; YHVH Bore (the Creator), the One who knows you intimately because He made you and understands every facet of your heart; Palet (your deliverer), the One who sets you free.