Align, Abide, Bear Fruit

John 15:16 (GW) …I have appointed you to go, to produce fruit that will last, and to ask the Father in my name to give you whatever you ask for.

Beloved, I have created you to bear fruit – fruit that will last. See with My eyes and hear with My heart, as you do you will know what to ask for and when, and you will know you do so in My name and under My authority. Then watch Me respond.

Be moved with compassion. Hear past the outer layer of a situation to the heart of the matter. Allow your discernment to grow and increase as you cultivate your spiritual senses and tune in more and more accurately to My frequency. Be patient with the process and remember it will always be ongoing for you cannot begin to fathom the depths of Me. Allow My Spirit time and space to move in you. Align with Me. Abide in Me. Bear fruit.

Ripe With Possibility

Song of Solomon 2:13 (TLB) The leaves are coming out, and the grapevines are in blossom. How delicious they smell! Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.’

Beloved, the time is ripe and the harvest season upon us. Open the doors of the storehouses and prepare to fill them with the choicest fruits.

Awaken your senses! Be aware of all the possibilities around you. The moment is ripe with possibility. Be alert. Tune in. Align with My frequency and wait on Me. The time is now. Break forth. Burst forth. As you have sown, you shall receive.

Firmly Rooted in Me 

John 15:5 (VOICE) I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear great fruit. Without Me, you will accomplish nothing.

Beloved, stay rooted in Me. Abide in Me. Rest, tarry, remain… BE with Me. Then watch. Watch the fruit pour forth from your life – so much you can’t contain it. So much it cannot be ignored or denied. My hand of blessing evident on your life.

Resist the urge to cut yourself off from My life-giving flow. Like a flower cut and placed on display, the appearance of life will linger for a season, but when you are cut off from life, you are dying – even if it isn’t immediately evident. Distractions will always be around you, vying for your attention, cultivate steady focus – be firmly rooted in Me.

Time to Flourish and Bloom

Isaiah 35:1 (TLB) Even the wilderness and desert will rejoice in those days; the desert will blossom with flowers.

Beloved, now is the time to bloom! Walk forward in peace and wisdom for it is time to prosper and flourish. My call is given without repentance. I haven’t changed My mind about you or the plans I have for you. I will see them through to their completion, never leaving your side, ever cheering you on as you blossom into the fullness of all I’ve created you for and called you to.

I’m not done with you yet. I have so much more in store. Hang on. Things are not dry or dying, but simply making way for new life. This desert is going to bloom. So make ready and prepare a place, for abundance is about to overtake you – so much that your storehouses won’t be able to contain it all. Make ready, beloved. It’s time to flourish and bloom!

Silk: River of God

This silk came out of a church service a couple weeks back. We have a number of river/water silks already, but God showed me He wanted something new. It started stirring up during the “I Rest in You” song mentioned in the letter (you can hear us singing it in the background on this video) and below is what came forth!

He had me make silks for both ladies who wrote the song and a pair of spin wings for myself. You’ll see some of the pics/video of those throughout.  The name of this silk is River of God. The colors in it are: Continue reading “Silk: River of God”

Prosper and Mature 

Psalm 1:3 And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season; Its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers [and comes to maturity].

Beloved, be firmly rooted in My Spirit. Yield to His leading and flow. The Spirit can teach you all things, He will not lead you astray. He will refresh and restore you, guide and grow you, and instruct you and give you insight. Under His tutelage, you will prosper and bear fruit, bearing it abundantly as you flourish. Yield to the Spirit, beloved, trust Our heart for you. Continue reading “Prosper and Mature “

Cultivate Relationship with Me

Luke 10:41-42 (GW) The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha! You worry and fuss about a lot of things. There’s only one thing you need. Mary has made the right choice, and that one thing will not be taken away from her.”

Beloved, don’t allow yourself to get distracted by busyness. There will always be many good, worthwhile activities, but I have not called you to them all. Relationship with Me is more important than anything you could be doing, so make the time to cultivate it. Choose the better part – time with Me – and it will not be taken from you.

Remember that I AM the vine and you are a branch.  I AM your source of life. Draw from Me that you might bear fruit and bear it abundantly. Abide in Me. Dwell and rest in My presence that you might know Me and hear My voice clearly. Then you will know that you know your time is not wasted on fruitless activities because I will direct you. Rest in Me and bear fruit. Continue reading “Cultivate Relationship with Me”

Sober Responsibility

Romans 8:5-8 (MSG) Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God!…

Beloved, I have placed a power in you – My Spirit – that cannot be contained or controlled. And you are a vessel that I AM moving through mightily. My authority rests upon you. Move in it unapologetically. I have called you to touch My people and to bring My healing and restoration. You are My hands and feet, reflecting My heart, so that others may know Me and know Me more deeply. This is a weighty responsibility, to demonstrate My heart to those who need Me so desperately, but it is not a burden for you, it is simply a sober responsibility. But beloved, you wear it lightly, allowing Me to share that weight, and simply flowing in My spirit and it is beautiful. Thank you for allowing Me to move through you in such mighty and powerful ways.

I love you so deeply. But My love for you is not because of your yieldedness and willingness to move on My behalf, but rather simply because you are My precious child. And yet I love partnering with you to change lives. Thank you for being willing to lay yourself bare for the good of others. Walk in the fullness of all I have called you to, My blessing and My hand rest upon you.

Bear Fruit

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us]…

Beloved, dwell with Me. Let My Spirit do its work in you. A plant without water will not flourish, it will die. Allow the water of My Spirit to refresh and bring forth life in and through you. If you abide with Me, you cannot help but bear fruit. And that fruit will be abundant and visible to all, it will be sweet, and it will teach others of Me without you saying a word. You will simply reflect Me and My character.

Stay in My presence. Choose to hover there. In these periods of gestation, I AM growing beautiful things in you. Let them come to full term, let them mature. Take your time with Me. There are blessings that only come in My presence and I desire those for you greatly. Come be with Me and see what comes forth as a result.

John 15:4 (AMP) Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you [bear fruit, producing evidence of your faith] unless you remain in Me.