Testifying Without a Word

1 John 2:4 (VOICE) If someone claims, “I am in an intimate relationship with Him,” but this big talker doesn’t live out His commands, then this individual is a liar and a stranger to the truth.

A man who is unfaithful to his marriage vows, yet holds himself up as a paragon of a husband is a liar and a hypocrite. Be mindful then, beloved, not to do the same. In humility, read and study My word, walk it out, and let the light of My love reflect from your face (just as Moses’ did when he spent time with Me). You need not declare your relationship with Me to the world, for My touch on you – the glow of my presence – will be apparent without you saying a word.

The light of your countenance will testify. The strength of your love will testify. The beauty of your compassion will testify. And the depth of your mercy will testify. All of these, a reflection of Me, My touch on your life. No words needed. The strength of your actions – your very life – testify of Me and Who I AM to you.

Fruit from Adversity

For I have loved you with an everlasting love, and My eye is ever upon you for you are so lovely to My gaze. Nothing about you – no aspect of your life or your past – goes unseen by Me, nor am I unfeeling to anything that has wounded you. Each wound you’ve received I felt even in greater measure, for I treasure you and hold you dear – I would that you NEVER be hurt. And yet, to those wounds I will bring healing, and through those wounds I will bring testimony that speaks of the power of My love. Nothing will be wasted. So hold fast in adversity, I am with you to bring you through and My love will cause fruit to burst forth from the land plowed by hardships. I bring life in the desert and joy even in the dark places. So again, hold fast – mourning may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning!