Joyful Noise

God is wanting to acknowledge that making a joyful noise and becoming a changed person looks different for everyone and that it isn’t always easy. There are seasons in our life where lifting up a joyful noise and declaring our love to God is a sacrifice yet our desire is to remain in relationship with Him. As we choose to walk in obedience into the position or place He calls us He will change our hearts and our mouths will be filled with praise.  Continue reading “Joyful Noise”

The God Who Sees

“Seek the Light” – by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Genesis 16:13 (VOICE) As a result of this encounter, Hagar decided to give the Eternal One who had spoken to her a special name because He had seen her in her misery. Hagar: I’m going to call You the God of Seeing because in this place I have seen the One who watches over me.

Beloved, in the midst of your pain, remember that I see. I see you, the beautiful soul I have made in My image. I see the scars you bear and every unhealed wound that needs addressing. I see all and I care for every part of you. I am not a God who is distant and unsympathetic to your suffering. I do not look upon you with shame or rejection. You are Mine and My love for you is irrevocable. Nothing could ever cause Me to change My opinion of you. Continue reading “The God Who Sees”

YHVH Bore (the Lord your Creator)

Genesis 1:2 (VOICE) At first the earth lacked shape and was totally empty, and a dark fog draped over the deep while God’s spirit-wind hovered over the surface of the empty waters. Then there was the voice of God.

Beloved, I AM YHVH Bore, the Lord your Creator, and I AM still speaking life today. Just as My Son called Lazarus from the tomb and He came forth, so I AM calling to the dry, wounded, and dead places in your heart and calling out, “Come forth, beloved. Come forth!”

Hear and respond to My voice. Be transformed into the fullness of all I have called you to be. Be as radically changed as the caterpillar to the butterfly, unrecognizable in your glorious metamorphosis. Allow all you are – all I have made you – to shine forth unhindered bringing glory to My name.  Continue reading “YHVH Bore (the Lord your Creator)”

Hold Fast to Hope and Believe

Genesis 40:14 (VOICE) But I ask one thing. Remember me when things are going well for you. If you have the opportunity, do me a favor and mention me to Pharaoh. Perhaps he will get me out of this place.

Beloved, you need not curry the favor of man, nor look to them in your time of need. I AM the great I AM, and I AM the One to look to. I AM the One who knows each plan for you and the perfect execution of each.

Look to Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith – the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. I AM God. There is no one higher than Me. Refuse to create an idol by looking to man to “help” when you believe Me slow to answer. Though I may seem to tarry, I tarry not.

Beloved, I know the hour and the moment of your deliverance. Look to Me and trust Me to move at exactly the right time. Embrace each moment, allowing the trials to increase your strength and your faith. Hold fast to hope and believe.

El Roi (the God Who Sees)

Genesis 16:13 (CSB) So she named the LORD who spoke to her: “You are El-roi,” for she said, “In this place, have I actually seen the one who sees me?”

Beloved, I see you. I AM the God who sees. Nothing is beyond My notice. In the depths of despair or deepest wounding, I AM by your side. I see, and I hurt with you. My love for you is beyond measure. In moments you have been wronged, I see, and I will hold you and strengthen you. Forgive, and trust Me to deal with the situations that cause pain or frustration and the people connected to them.

Bring your heart to Me. Share your heart – with all its hurt – with Me. Let Me share in these moments with you. Remember that I have been hurt and I have been wronged. I have been accused and misunderstood. I see you, beloved, and I understand. I AM with you always. Surrender to My love. Continue reading “El Roi (the God Who Sees)”

Oasis of Serenity

Genesis 2:8-9 (VOICE) The Eternal God planted a garden in the east in Eden—a place of utter delight—and placed the man whom He had sculpted there. In this garden, He made the ground pregnant with life—bursting forth with nourishing food and luxuriant beauty…

Beloved, My heart’s desire has always been to tarry with you in the cool of the day. To provide you with a place of restful refreshing where we might sit together and commune. Dwell with Me. Choose Me as I have chosen you. Drink from the sweet water of My Spirit and be refreshed.

In the midst of chaos, the peace of My presence carves an oasis of serenity – that deep knowing place of calm tranquility that can only be found in Me. I long for you to tarry there. The enemy would keep you hectic, creating a mental static so loud it keeps you from hearing My voice and in far too much upheaval to find rest or peace.

But beloved, shalom is the peace that wars against chaos and I AM the Prince of Peace, so find your rest in Me. Find your peace in Me. Quiet your soul and tune into Me. My children know My voice. Hear Me, beloved. Find rest and hear Me. Continue reading “Oasis of Serenity”

Always Encourage Dreaming with Me

Genesis 37:5 (VOICE) One day Joseph had a dream. When he told the dream to his brothers, they hated him even more.

Beloved, refuse to mock or belittle the dreams of others. Simply because you can catch their vision doesn’t make it ridiculous or beyond possibility. In the same way you wouldn’t want to have someone judge or crush your dreams, refuse to be the one who does that to someone else. Time will show whether it is a God-given desire or simply a soulful hope.

But regardless of which it may be, Hold the dreams with respect knowing it is a beautiful thing for someone to dream with Me for I AM a big God, the author of the impossible – a miracle-working God. You never want to find yourself in opposition to My thought and plans simply because you didn’t understand them or they offended your sensibilities. Always encourage dreaming with Me. Continue reading “Always Encourage Dreaming with Me”

Remind Yourself of My Faithfulness

Genesis 9:13 (TLB) I have placed my rainbow in the clouds as a sign of my promise until the end of time, to you and to all the earth.

Beloved, I AM the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I AM everlasting and completely faithful. That which I have said will be accomplished as surely as the sun will rise on the morrow. I AM steadfast.

Encourage yourself in the knowledge of who I AM. Stir up your faith and remember that I AM true. Look to the sky and allow My rainbow to remind you that I have promised and I will always make good on My promises. Remind yourself of My faithfulness and keep your heart true. Continue reading “Remind Yourself of My Faithfulness”

My Choice and My Acceptance

Genesis 29:30 (VOICE) Then Jacob also slept with Rachel, and he clearly loved Rachel more than Leah…

Beloved, man’s choice and My choice often don’t align. Refuse to look to the acceptance of man to gauge your worth. Focus on Me and receive My attentions. Allow My fervor and favor to feed your heart and shape your understanding of who you are – for you are loved more deeply than you can begin to know.

Man does not see or judge as I do. My judgment is perfect. My approval is all you need. Honor and favor come from Me alone. Refuse the temptation to court the fickle favor of man for it will come and go – changing like a breeze – but Mine is steadfast forevermore. Continue reading “My Choice and My Acceptance”

Uncontainable Blessing

Genesis 15:5 (NET) The LORD took him outside and said, “Gaze into the sky and count the stars – if you are able to count them!” Then he said to him, “So will your descendants be.”

Beloved, My promises for you are plenteous and steadfast. Just as the rainbow is a reminder of My promises, may the stars be a reminder of the overwhelming blessings in store for those who love Me. For just as I promised Abraham more descendants than there are stars in the sky, so My promises for those who love Me are an uncontainable blessing.

Fix your gaze on Me and make Me your first choice. Throughout the ages My heart-cry remains the same: that I would be your God and that you would be My people. I hold nothing back from those who hold nothing back from Me. So delight in Me, beloved, and let your zeal be unmatched. May your passion be a flame that burns so brightly those around you can’t help but be ignited. May it serve as a lighthouse that guides the way to unfettered access to Me and the fullness of My love, which knows no bounds.