Genesis 37:5 (VOICE) One day Joseph had a dream. When he told the dream to his brothers, they hated him even more.
Beloved, refuse to mock or belittle the dreams of others. Simply because you can catch their vision doesn’t make it ridiculous or beyond possibility. In the same way you wouldn’t want to have someone judge or crush your dreams, refuse to be the one who does that to someone else. Time will show whether it is a God-given desire or simply a soulful hope.
But regardless of which it may be, Hold the dreams with respect knowing it is a beautiful thing for someone to dream with Me for I AM a big God, the author of the impossible – a miracle-working God. You never want to find yourself in opposition to My thought and plans simply because you didn’t understand them or they offended your sensibilities. Always encourage dreaming with Me. Continue reading “Always Encourage Dreaming with Me”