Passionately Pursue

1 Corinthians 12:31 (TPT) But you should all constantly boil over with passion in seeking the higher gifts. And now I will show you a superior way to live that is beyond comparison!

Beloved, passionately pursue Me. Passionately pursue My gifts and the fruits of My Spirit. Refuse to settle for a lack luster, mediocre relationship with Me. What I have for you is rich and deep, it is powerful and sweet, it is life-changing, and it is worth fighting for – worth pursuing.

Don’t waste time or focus on being envious of others’ walks with Me because each is unique and special just as each person is unique and special. I meet each of you exactly where you need. You don’t need – nor should you want – a duplicate of what someone else has, but rather something uniquely wonderful tailor-made just for you. That is a superior way to live – it is beyond comparison.

Pursue Me and Hold Nothing Back

Psalm 25:14 (TPT) There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises.

Beloved, press in. Refuse to settle for less than My perfect will for your life. Go all out. Excel at being a lover of God. Lavish Me with your time and affections. Hold nothing back. You determine the closeness of our relationship because My pursuit of you is limitless, but you must choose your part.

The difference between a shallow acquaintance and a fervent relationship is significant. Would you rather be dwelling in My Holy of Holies or wandering the outer court? How much do you truly want to know Me? Do you share your intimate secrets with acquaintances or close friends? You are made in My image, beloved. Pursue Me as you desire to be pursued. I AM worth it.

May Your Motivations Be Pure

2 Chronicles 19:9 (NET) He commanded them: “Carry out your duties with respect for the LORD, with honesty, and with pure motives.

Beloved, I desire true relationship with you not one birthed of ritual or rote obligation. Be honest not just with Me but with yourself about what drives you. I want more than obligatory actions and feelings from you, I want your whole heart.

Give with joy. Be honest with Me about your thoughts and feelings (I can handle messy – just read the Psalms!). May your motivations be pure and rooted in love – a desire to please Me because you love Me rather than of a fear of what I will do if you don’t. Trust that My heart for you is good.

Make Me Your Choice

Psalm 25:14 (VOICE) ONLY those who stand in awe of the Eternal will have intimacy with Him, and He will reveal His covenant to them.

Beloved, go deeper. Refuse to settle for a surface level relationship with Me. See Me as I AM. Stand in reverential awe. Desperately seeking to know Me. Pursue Me as a priceless jewel. Wrestle for My blessing. Refuse to give up. Be relentless. Bare yourself to Me. Yes, I AM omniscient, but choose to share all the parts of your heart with Me. Make Me your choice.

Choose Me because I chose you. Each sliver of your heart is priceless to Me. I cannot get enough. I’m wild about you! I love to share My thoughts, mysteries, and promises with those who seek Me wholeheartedly. Let that be you. Hold nothing back and refuse to be sidetracked or deterred. Be unshakable in your pursuit and outpouring of love for Me.

I AM the Good Shepherd

John 10:14 (AMP) I am the Good Shepherd, and I know [without any doubt those who are] My own and My own know Me [and have a deep, personal relationship with Me]

Beloved, you are My precious child. You are My very own. You are a part of Me and I know you intimately. You can rely on Me and trust Me to lead and counsel you wisely, for I AM the Good Shepherd and I care deeply for My sheep.

And My sheep know Me. They know My voice and listen (and obey) My instructions. They know My touch and follow My leadings. They choose to rest in Me – relying on Me to provide, protect, and prepare. I AM faithful and I love My little ones, not one escapes My notice. I AM good, rely on Me.

Constant Communion

Philippians 1:4 (VOICE) My spirit is lightened with joy whenever I pray for you and I do constantly

Beloved, keep your heart in an attitude of prayer always – in constant communion with Me. Stay tuned into My voice. Ready and awaiting My instruction. My sheep know My voice and another’s they will not follow, so trust that you will hear Me and hear Me rightly.

Freedom and refreshing are found in My presence. Be strengthened and restored with My joy. Listen intently for My still small voice directing you, “this is the way, walk ye in it.” My desire for you to know My heart exceeds your desire to hear, so trust that I will make clear My thoughts when you earnestly desire to know them.

I AM Your Source

Haggai 2:8 (NLT) The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.

Beloved, I AM your source of supply. Be at peace and trust Me. Resist the urge to hold on tightly to what you have (for I cannot put anything into a closed hand) as well as the urge to be reckless or indulgent. Ask Me not just for provision, but for wisdom on what to do with what you have. Then be obedient to the instructions I give.

Strive to be content. Be thankful for all you do have rather than obsessing over that which you don’t. Seek My heart rather than simply My blessing for My heart is the true prize just as yours is the greatest gift you can give Me. Understand true value, beloved, for the trappings of this world are only temporary. Focus on that which is everlasting. Continue reading “I AM Your Source”

Find Me in My Word

Psalm 119:97 (VOICE) Oh, how I love Your law! I fix my mind on it all day long.

Beloved, pursue My heart. If you would know Me, you must know My word, for it reflects My heart toward you – My longings clearly reflected page after page: that I would be your God and that you would be My people. In it you’ll find example after example of My patience and grace. Seek Me there and you will find Me.

Allow My Holy Spirit to bring revelation as you read, and meditate on it as you go about your day. Filter your thoughts and encounters through My truth and learn more about Me. Fix your mind on My instructions, set your heart on My word, and determine how best to honor and exalt Me in all you do.

Allow My Spirit to Saturate You

Song of Solomon 4:15 (VOICE) My bride, you are a fountain in a garden, a well of life-giving water flowing down from Lebanon.

Beloved, you are a well of life – deep and true – your capacity great, your water fresh and pure. Allow the life within you to gurgle up and overflow bringing life to all those around you. Tender shoots of green and brilliant colors of wildflower life surrounding you.

Feed on Me in our times alone. Allow Me to nourish and replenish you, beloved, that your well will never run dry. Wait on Me. Soak in My presence. Abide in Me. Allow My Spirit to overtake you and saturate your soul.

Worth Knowing

Isaiah 58:11 (NLT) The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.

Beloved, I AM all that you need. Rest in Me and let Me provide and heal, refresh and restore, build up and inspire, teach and reveal. I long to dwell with you, to have you abide in My presence, that we might commune together and nourish each other’s hearts.

You cannot imagine how much you please Me, how your fumbling attempts bless Me. Stop being so hard on yourself and trust My love for you, trust that I AM good and that I AM looking for the good in you. I AM not looking for reasons to be angry, beloved. Nor am I eagerly awaiting standing in judgment of you. Refuse to allow the world’s view of who I AM to color your view. Know Me and know My heart. Like you, I AM worth knowing.