Bridle Your Tongue and Love Like Me

James 1:19 (VOICE) Listen, open your ears, harness your desire to speak, and don’t get worked up into a rage so easily, my brothers and sisters.

Beloved, be intentional to bridle your tongue. Resist the urge to vent your frustrations and instead cultivate peace so the frustration won’t come as easily. Like a muscle that can be trained and strengthened, you can increase your ability to hold onto your inner peace. Press into My Spirit. Allow Me to bring you shalom – the peace that wars against chaos – in every circumstance.  What you feed will grow. Will you feed the frustration or feed the peace?

Listen, beloved. Hear beyond people’s hurts and pride. Hear what is underneath them. Listen with My ears and hear with My heart. See the wounds and brokenness that cause the behavior. Be moved with compassion. Pray for them. Demonstrate My love instead of reacting to offense. Choose to love like Me, and walk in peace and unshakable joy. Continue reading “Bridle Your Tongue and Love Like Me”

Love Takes Action

James 1:22 (VOICE) Put the word into action. If you think hearing is what matters most, you are going to find you have been deceived.

Beloved, knowing My word is vital. You know this to be true. And knowing it is useless without putting it into action. Knowledge puffs up. Love takes action. Love chooses to obey and trust. Love chooses to extend mercy and forgiveness. Love seeks to bless and care for others. Love is reflecting Me.

The enemy will always seek to distort My will. He will twist My word and try to bring confusion. Rely on My Spirit to guide and direct, and to bring clarity and discernment. Do not expect perfection because even I don’t expect it from you. Be quick to correct your course if you find you’ve stepped off My path. Repent and realign with Me. I AM patient and slow to anger, and I extend much grace. Receive it and walk well with Me. Continue reading “Love Takes Action”

Be Naked and Unashamed 

James 5:16a (AMP) Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored.

Beloved, do not let pride or shame or fear of judgement keep you from confessing your sins. The enemy desires to keep you in bondage to them, wrapping you tightly in feelings of guilt and shame because he knows your confession will usher in freedom for you and he wants to keep you from it. Don’t let him.

Be naked and unashamed, willing to be transparent and vulnerable with your siblings in Christ. Trust that I will protect your heart, and trust that I will move in theirs as they respond to you and pray for you. Allow the fullness of your healing to come. Be restored and fully transformed. Be free.

Pray for My Kingdom to Come

Matthew 6:10 (VOICE) Bring about Your kingdom. Manifest Your will here on earth, as it is manifest in heaven.

Beloved, remember to pray for My kingdom to come – that My will might be established in the earth. Align with My heart and My plans. Darkness trembles when your prayers align with My will. The prayers of the righteous bring forth tremendous results. I hear your prayers – each and every one. Never hesitate to share your heart with Me for your thoughts are precious to Me.

And beloved, persist in prayer – do not grow weary. Let your heart be moved and let My Spirit lead as you pour out your petitions before My throne. I do not take them lightly. When we partner together, the enemy doesn’t stand a chance. Let My Spirit move you with compassion. Take the time to bless and pray for those around you. No prayer goes unheard. Even the smallest petition can move My heart. Have eyes to see and ears to hear and join with Me as you pray for heaven to come.

James 5:16 (AMP) …The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

I AM Your Shelter

James 1:2-3 (TLV) Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

Beloved, don’t shy away from hardships, rather seek Me in the midst of them. I AM the One who calms the storms and brings peace. I AM the One who brings beauty from ashes. Look to Me. I AM your ever-present help in times of trouble and I AM always with you. Quiet your spirit and seek Me. I AM your shelter in the storm, your cleft in the rock. And I AM working all things for good. I AM.