Stand Fast and Trust in Me

Jeremiah 32:17 (VOICE) Eternal Lord, with Your outstretched arm and Your enormous power You created the heavens and the earth. Nothing is too difficult for You.

Beloved, nothing is too difficult for Me. Will you believe what your natural senses are telling you above what My Word says? Surely not. Stand fast in faith. Ask for My truth over any situation, then hold fast to what I say and refuse to be moved. 

I delight in showing My power. I delight in making the impossible possible. I delight in changing hearts, healing the broken, and restoring that which seems beyond repair. Stand fast and trust in Me. 

Tenacious Warfare

Jeremiah 51:27 (GW) Raise your battle flag throughout the world. Blow the ram’s horn among the nations. Prepare nations to attack Babylon. Tell the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz to attack it. Appoint a commander to lead the attack. Bring up horses like a swarm of locusts.

Beloved, keep your heart tuned into My frequency and keep your eyes at the ready. Be sensitive and know the times. Listen for when I rally My people – calling them together from the east and from the west. Respond to My cry. It is time to take action.

Prepare for battle, beloved – a war fought on your knees through the righteous prayer and intercession of the saints. They are as strong and mighty as rearing stallions – bold and fearless. So listen and respond. Join the troops, be tenacious in your warfare, and remember I AM always victorious. 

Dive Deep

“Currents of His Love {Water}” – by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Jeremiah 1:5 (AMPC) Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

Beloved, I created you that I might know you. I brought you forth that you might explore the depths of who I am. I am love and it is My good pleasure that you would live forever immersed in Me. My love is endless and fathomless, far deeper than the oceans. I am worth knowing, and I take great joy when you pursue Me with all of your being. Continue reading “Dive Deep”

Surrender Your Plans to Me

Jeremiah 31:3 (GW) The Lord appeared to me in a faraway place and said, “I love you with an everlasting love. So I will continue to show you my kindness.

Beloved, never has My love for you dimmed or been diminished. No, it burns like the brightest flame, casting light and bringing warmth – a steady assurance and unyielding support. I AM and have been at your side, and ever will I be.

Let My love strengthen and encourage you – bring you comfort when you are in need. But press forward, beloved. Refuse to turn back. The threshold lies before you, and like a bridegroom carries the bride into the chamber, so, My love, will I carry you as you surrender your plans to Me.

Choose Who to Trust

Jeremiah 17:7 (VOICE) But blessed is the one who trusts in Me alone; the Eternal will be his confidence.

Beloved, choose to trust in Me, for I AM faithful and worthy. Blessed are those who put their unfettered trust in Me – those whose confidence is in Me. I will not leave you or forsake you. If your trust is in Me, you do not trust in vain.

I AM the mighty deliverer. Would you rely on the weapons and wisdom of men when you have Me on your side? Surely not. Walk in wisdom rooted in a fear of the Lord. I will not lead you astray.

Gifted and Anointed

Jeremiah 1:5 (AMP) “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Beloved, you will not haphazardly stumble upon your call. There is nothing arbitrary about the path you’re walking. Even in events that may be seemingly random, My hand is always at work. I have called you. I have chosen you. So trust that I have and will continue to equip you every step of the way.

Resist the temptation to minimize the value of what you bring to the world. Simply because certain things come more easily to you than others does not make them valueless, it simply means they’re gifts I’ve anointed you to operate in. Embrace them wholeheartedly – with childlike faith trusting Me to lead and guide you every step of the way.

Steadfast Love

Jeremiah 31:3 (GW) The Lord appeared to me in a faraway place and said, “I love you with an everlasting love. So I will continue to show you my kindness.

Beloved, regardless of where you are – regardless of how far you’ve wandered, My love for you remains the same. My heart for you is steadfast and true, and nothing in heaven or on earth can alter it one iota.

I will spend eternity drawing you closer to Myself, for the depth of My love is greater than you could imagine and My longing for you, My beloved, is unending and profound. Though you can search to the ends of the earth – exploring high and low, you will never find anything more steadfast than My love for you. Continue reading “Steadfast Love”

I Lead You Rightly

Jeremiah 32:19 (VOICE) Your instructions are great, and Your actions are too wondrous for words. You see all that happens on this earth; You know what everyone does, and You deal with each fairly.

Beloved, I AM righteous and I AM fair. I AM trustworthy, and I know and see all. Resist the urge to try to take control, and instead trust My capable hands and My wise heart. I AM not biased, and I judge based on truth.

My perspective is broad, deep, and detailed. I know and understand all the hearts, motivations, and circumstances involved in every situation. You cannot say the same. Only I AM God.

The only way for you to respond fairly in any situation is to trust Me to lead. I see what you do not, but if you allow My Spirit to guide you, you can navigate with My perspective. But to do so, you must yield to Me.

Trust Me when I challenge you not to react. Responding in haste without My perspective will often lead to unnecessary hurt and confusion. When I encourage temperance it isn’t because I don’t care about your feelings or because I want to give someone a pass on their poor behavior, but rather I’m seeing things you do not. Trust Me, beloved. I lead you rightly.

Cling to Hope

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Beloved, cling to hope tenaciously knowing I AM a good God who lavishes His love on His children. Even when things look bleak, remember every story has its ups and downs, pains and pleasures, moments of sorrow and rejoicing; and a happily ever after is dependent on where you stop the tale. Would Lazarus story be as powerful if it ended in the tomb?

So wait for Me to move. Trust that I AM a good author weaving a beautiful tale of glorious redemption where My grace, mercy, love, and power are on full display. My plans for you are good, beloved. So cling fast to hope and wait for Me to move. Though it may not be in the way you expect, it’s always in the way that’s best.

El Gibhor (Mighty God)

Jeremiah 32:18 (NKJV) ‘[You] show lovingkindness to thousands, and repay the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them–the Great, the Mighty God, whose name [is] the LORD of hosts.

I AM El Gibhor, the Mighty God. I AM righteous and powerful, merciful and perfect in my judgment. Nothing is too great for Me. I AM the Lord of hosts with legions of angels at My command, is anything beyond My reach?

Know Who it is you serve. Understand the God you have chosen. I AM the great I AM – beyond your full comprehension – so resist the temptation to try to fit Me into your understanding rather than stretching your understanding to know Me.

I cannot be manipulated or controlled, but I love you and I AM good. Yield yourself to Me, your trust is well-placed here. Partner with Me and together we will move mountains.