In my desire to always have a heart of repentance, my constant prayer to be cleansed, my cry to be transformed more into Jesus’ image, and by my intentional choice to remain watchful of how I live and represent my God – even in doing all that, I may come upon something that rears its head. Something that I thought was out of the way – healed and dealt with. Another layer of my soul has revealed something that is still present from events of the past that are in need of attention. As I bring these things to the Lord, He is faithful to continue to work on these layers of my inner being. He’s ever so careful and gentle in dealing with me one layer at a time. Continue reading “One Layer at a Time”
Inexhaustible Compassion
Lamentations 3:22 (VOICE) How enduring is God’s loyal love; the Eternal has inexhaustible compassion.
Beloved, there is none more loyal than I AM. Nothing you can do will change My heart toward you. I love you with an everlasting love because I AM El Olam – the everlasting God. I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever. Never doubt My love for you.
I AM mindful of your every need, and I AM overwhelmed with compassion for you. Every care and concern on your heart is within My purview. I will not lose sight of you or your needs. Provision is seeing what you need before you have need and making preparation for that need, and I AM indeed your provider.
My compassion for you is inexhaustible. You will never wear out your welcome with Me. You will never tire Me out. You will never ask too much. My love for you knows no end. Trust My heart, beloved, and be saturated in the torrent of My love. Continue reading “Inexhaustible Compassion”