Carrier of My Living Water

Revelation 22:1 (VOICE) My heavenly guide brought me to the river of pure living waters, shimmering as brilliantly as crystal. It flowed out from the throne of God and of the Lamb,

Beloved, My living water flows fresh and clear from heaven – raining down on you. Raise your arms and open your heart and receive My flow. Drink deeply, beloved, and allow the refreshing, life-giving flow to saturate every area of your being and your life. You are a beautiful vessel, beloved, let Me fill you to overflowing.

And then, beloved, pour it forth on the dry and cracked people and places and situations around you. You are a conduit – a carrier of Me – to a lost and dying world who desperately need a touch from Me. Be that touch. Minister My love, My healing, My refreshing, My living water and bring forth life and life abundantly all around you.

Breathing Life

Genesis 2:7 (GW) Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the earth and blew the breath of life into his nostrils. The man became a living being.

Beloved, My breath brings life. Ask Me to breath into situations and over people. Ask for My breath of life – My Spirit – to change things. Ask Me. Feel My breath, My wind, in your life. I AM moving, beloved. Like a desert suddenly blooming, My breath of life brings dramatic change, refreshing and hope. Embrace it. Welcome and encourage it.

Remember that life is in you, beloved. You live because My breath is in your lungs. Breathe that life out onto others. Be intentional to do it. Choose life. Choose to release it over others. Carefully choose your words, beloved, and select only those that bring life. You are made in My image, reflect Me.

I AM the Life Giver

Psalm 78:20 (VOICE) He split open the rock, and water gushed out; streams and rivers were overflowing!…

Beloved, I AM the Life Giver. Just as the rain saturates the ground causing it to flourish, so I will pour out My life-giving flow of Holy Spirit over you that you might flourish and bring forth life and life more abundantly. I am even now saturating you. Receive!

No heart is too broken or cracked, no heart is too hardened or dead for Me. Have I not brought forth life-giving water from a rock? Nothing is too hard for Me. I will saturate you. I will overflow your spirit with My own. I will bring forth life in the desert places because I AM the giver of life and I love to see you flourish.

Firmly Rooted in Me 

John 15:5 (VOICE) I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear great fruit. Without Me, you will accomplish nothing.

Beloved, stay rooted in Me. Abide in Me. Rest, tarry, remain… BE with Me. Then watch. Watch the fruit pour forth from your life – so much you can’t contain it. So much it cannot be ignored or denied. My hand of blessing evident on your life.

Resist the urge to cut yourself off from My life-giving flow. Like a flower cut and placed on display, the appearance of life will linger for a season, but when you are cut off from life, you are dying – even if it isn’t immediately evident. Distractions will always be around you, vying for your attention, cultivate steady focus – be firmly rooted in Me.

Accurately Reflect Me 

Luke 17:1-3 (GW) …how horrible it will be for the person who causes someone to lose his faith! It would be best for that person to be thrown into the sea with a large stone hung around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to lose his faith. So watch yourselves!…

Beloved, be mindful of your actions and how they affect others. Yes, you each have personal responsibility for your choices, but you do not want to be the one to cause someone to stumble or fall away just as you don’t want someone to cause you to stumble or fall away.

Therefore it is vital you be like Me. Love like Me. Accurately reflect Me. This cannot be stressed enough. I see the full impact of careless words and thoughtless actions, and if you could fully grasp the effect they have you would feel the weight of them. They are not to be taken lightly.

My Word is there to instruct you in how to live. Beloved, eat it as though you were a starving man. It is good and nourishing to your soul. It brings forth life and teaches you to be like Me. So immerse yourself. Be saturated by the water of My word that you might pour out that living water in a dry and thirsty land.

Pursue Me 

Psalm 84:10 (NIV) Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Beloved, there is no place so sweet as My presence. I AM worth the time – worth the effort. The rest and refreshing that comes in My presence is deep and cleansing. Fight through the noise around you to find that quiet place of peace. I AM there. I AM waiting. I AM always with you.

Be hungry and thirsty for Me beloved. Be insatiable. I AM worth it. Just knowing Me is worth the blessings that pour forth from time with Me. I AM worth your pursuit. Find the time. Refuse to allow distractions to keep you from being with Me. I AM like air to you – necessary for life for I AM life. I AM the life giver. I AM the healer. I AM the refresher. I AM the Lover of Your Soul. Pursue Me. Continue reading “Pursue Me “

Hold Fast to the Vision

Zechariah 4:10 (TLB) Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin…

Beloved, hold fast to the vision I have placed in your heart for it will come to pass and is in fact already here and breaking forth. See the tiny sprouts of green? That is new life bursting forth – a small beginning. Beloved, guard and protect these tender shoots and all they represent, for the enemy of your soul would love to steal, kill, or destroy it; but as you nurture and water it, it will flourish and come to its full fruition.

Resist the urge to be frustrated or impatient at the time required in growing. Remember the journey is needed preparation for what lies ahead. Stay the course. Rejoice in each victory and success no matter how small. Expectantly await the fulfillment of My promises for they will not return void. Hold fast to the vision for it will come to pass. Continue reading “Hold Fast to the Vision”

Recharge in My Presence 

Acts 3:19 (VOICE) So now you need to rethink everything and turn to God so your sins will be forgiven and a new day can dawn, days of refreshing times flowing from the Lord.

Beloved, take the time to recharge in My presence. You are called to usher in My presence wherever you go, changing the atmosphere around you and reflecting the glory that is Me. You cannot do that effectively if you are wiped out, exhausted, and spiritually dry. Do not run out of oil, beloved, for the oil of My Spirit brings healing and restoration – it is vital to bring life. Keep your oil full, your lamp prepared, and your light shining brightly.

Refresh with Me. Recharge with Me. Let Me refill you, restore and renew you. Rest in Me and let Me have My way in your heart, beloved, for My touch is gentle and My love for you knows no bounds. Continue reading “Recharge in My Presence “

Create with Me 

Isaiah 40:28 (TLB) Don’t you yet understand? Don’t you know by now that the everlasting God, the Creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary? No one can fathom the depths of his understanding.

Beloved, I AM the idea maker. I never run out of ideas. My creativity knows no bounds. Take My hand and create with Me. I love to share in the joy of bringing forth new life and ideas into being. I AM the Creator. Listen for My whisper and be moved by the touch of My hand. I declared light into being, and it came forth. Behold the smallest detail on the daintiest flower is My design. I AM beautiful and I bring forth beauty.

I will paint the sky as you paint with words. I will create new colors as you blend your palette. I will bring forth music as you sing a new song. Don’t hold back. Don’t censor yourself, or restrain or limit your creativity, allow it to flow and My Spirit to flow through you. Let your work reflect My heart and My kingdom. Bring forth aspects of My glory and My grandeur. Make Me known in the earth.

Glimpse of Eternity 

Genesis 1:2 (NKJV) The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

Beloved, I AM the Creator and you are made in My image. I have made you to pour forth life, to create. Just as before the creation there was a moment My Spirit simply hovered, so there will be that moment for you. So wait for it, beloved, I will whisper to your heart – listen for it. Don’t move without Me. I love to create with you.

As you create beloved, reflect My heart. I will give you ways to express supernatural things in earthly mediums. My heart is for My people to know – truly know and understand – their real home, for you are simply sojourners here. As My people are able to catch the vision, they are better able to stay fixed on my worldview rather than being drawn in by the world’s. What a gift that you are able to help others capture that glimpse of eternity!