The God Who Sees

“Seek the Light” – by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Genesis 16:13 (VOICE) As a result of this encounter, Hagar decided to give the Eternal One who had spoken to her a special name because He had seen her in her misery. Hagar: I’m going to call You the God of Seeing because in this place I have seen the One who watches over me.

Beloved, in the midst of your pain, remember that I see. I see you, the beautiful soul I have made in My image. I see the scars you bear and every unhealed wound that needs addressing. I see all and I care for every part of you. I am not a God who is distant and unsympathetic to your suffering. I do not look upon you with shame or rejection. You are Mine and My love for you is irrevocable. Nothing could ever cause Me to change My opinion of you. Continue reading “The God Who Sees”

My Light Pierces the Harshest Night

Psalm 18:16 (TPT) …He reached down into my darkness to rescue me! He took me out of my calamity and chaos and drew me to himself, taking me from the depths of my despair!

Beloved, no darkness is too deep for Me to reach you. For My light pierces even the harshest night. So though the walls may seem to be closing in and the pit seems unbearably deep, rest assured, beloved, I AM with you and I AM mighty to save. I AM drawing you to My side.

And in the darkness when you cannot see and your senses feel impaired, remember that is where faith is made strongest, because you must choose to blindly trust in Me. So refuse to let the darkness overtake you, and cling tightly to My hand. For I AM faithful and no hardship of the night is enough to convince Me to leave your side. I AM with you always, so cling to Me. Continue reading “My Light Pierces the Harshest Night”

A Beautiful Display

Matthew 5:14 (NLT) You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

Beloved, light and life have been deposited in you. I exhort you to be intentional about sharing it. I do not bestow gifts upon you simply for your own benefit and pleasure, but rather for your use to further My Kingdom. 

So shine and shine brightly. Boldly demonstrate the life that comes from one who has surrendered to Me. Death to self is life in Me – and life more abundant. So let it burst forth in glorious clarity, a beautiful display of My life-changing love at work in the hearts of men. 

The Ripple Effect

Matthew 5:16 (VOICE) You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me , and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it .

Beloved, cultivate the light and life within you. Resist the urge to do anything that dims or besmirches. Operate in a high level of integrity. Resist self-righteousness and judgment. Be transparent and lead by example. 

Walk in a way that honors Me and brings Me glory. Others will be challenged and changed simply by seeing how you live. So live in steadfast devotion to Me, and watch the ripple effect that faithful adoration has on yourself and those around you. 

Adonai Ori (the Lord your Light)

Psalm 27:1 (TPT) The Lord is my revelation-light to guide me along the way…

Beloved, I AM Adonai Ori, the Lord your Light. Look to Me for clarity and wisdom. Look to Me for direction and insight. Look to Me to illuminate that which is murky or hidden in darkness. For I see all, and I understand all. I AM conscious of the hidden things for nothing is hidden from Me. 

I AM at work in the midst of every situation, so look to Me and seek to know how you fit within My plan. My eye is on you and My light is within you, so shine even as you follow My directing rays.

Hold On – I AM is Coming

Revelation 1:8 (AMP)  “I am the Alpha and the Omega [the Beginning and the End],” says the Lord God, “Who is [existing forever] and Who was [continually existing in the past] and Who is to come, the Almighty [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all].”

Beloved, be expectant. I AM coming. Yes, you see darkness all around you, but I have placed in you My light for all to see. So shine and shine brightly. Be a beacon reminding all of the joyous promise of My coming. 

Do not despair for the world around you, rather focus on bringing truth and shining brightly into every corner that all may see and know: hold on – I AM is coming. 

Adonai Ori (the Lord your Light) and YHVH Shalom (the Lord your Peace)

2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP) For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].

Beloved, push back as fear tries to encroach upon you. You know it is not from Me. Find strength and rest in My presence and resist the urge to succumb to anything dark, like confusion or anxiety. I AM Adonai Ori – the Lord your light, and light dispels darkness. 

So stand in the light unafraid. Refuse to be moved or intimidated by darkness around you. You know Me and you know My voice, refuse to be moved by another’s. Stand fast and be at peace, for I AM YHVH Shalom, the Lord your peace. 

The Power Source

1 John 1:5 (AMP) This is the message [of God’s promised revelation] which we have heard from Him and now announce to you, that God is Light [He is holy, His message is truthful, He is perfect in righteousness], and in Him there is no darkness at all [no sin, no wickedness, no imperfection].

Beloved, I AM El Ori, God your Light, and surely you must know the innate power light embodies. Light when harnessed can start fires or form a laser to create a tool both precise and powerful. Light illuminates. It brings truth. It mandates its atmosphere. Light controls the darkness, not the other way around. 

What can darkness do? It can distort and lie, but it has no real power. It has only as much power as the lack of light allows. And you are called to be a light – to reflect Me. So shine brightly. Don’t concern yourself with the darkness, but rather focus on the Source you are reflecting, for that is where the power comes from. So make room for the Power Source and reflect Me brightly. 

Correcting Light

Ephesians 5:13 (TPT) Whatever the revelation-light exposes, it will also correct, and everything that reveals truth is light to the soul.

Beloved, My correcting light is a blessing worth embracing. I chasten those I love, so to reject My chastening is to reject My life-altering love. Embrace Me. Embrace My love. Welcome My correction without fear or shame. You have no need to defend yourself because you are not under attack. I understand your every heart motivation long before you do, and My grace is sufficient for you.

The wise embrace truth and see it as My wisdom, while the foolish reject it and seek to believe falsehoods and perversions. Refuse to allow pride to keep you from the benefit of wisdom, or for fear to create barriers from receiving My love. No one is beyond redemption. No one is incapable of change when empowered by My Spirit. Embrace My loving correction and allow the light of Truth to have its way. Yield to the shaping of the Potter’s hands, and become the glorious vessel you’ve been created to be.

Stay in the Light

Luke 8:17 (VOICE) Hidden things will always come out into the open. Secret things will come to light and be exposed.

Beloved, I AM not blind, nor do I hide My eyes from the things done in darkness. I AM the bringer of light because I AM light. I AM the revealer of mysteries and I expose the acts of wickedness and deception. I see and understand every motivation of every heart, and I shed light and bring truth that all will see and know and that every excuse is brought to naught.

For I AM holy, and I will not be mocked. Wickedness begets wickedness, and righteousness is born of truth. So hold fast to the truth and stay in the light. Walk rightly. My sheep know My voice and another’s they will not follow. Trust that I will bring forth truth, and fix your gaze on Me. Continue reading “Stay in the Light”