A Hearing Heart of Wisdom and Humility

1 Kings 3:9 (JUB) Give, therefore, thy slave a hearing heart to judge thy people that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this thy so great a people?

Beloved, like Solomon, desire wisdom. Wisdom to know Me more and to better understand My will and My ways. Wisdom to have a hearing heart – one that knows well My voice. Wisdom to see the ploys of the enemy and be able to thwart them and (when asked) counsel others on how to do the same. Beloved, wisdom is a precious jewel, more valuable than silver and gold, seek it – seek Me.

With wisdom must come humility. Remember the Source of your wisdom and it will be easier to resist the temptation to get puffed up. In humility and wisdom, walk in My ways and share My truths. Be light and salt, by your very life challenging those around you to reject compromise and seek Me with their whole hearts. So ask Me for wisdom, beloved. It will not be denied.

I AM Limitless 

Revelation 4:3 (VOICE) The One enthroned gleamed like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow encircled the throne with an emerald glow.

Beloved, I AM radiant. Shining in splendor. Enthroned above all. Swirls of color surround me. Light emanates from Me. I AM glorious. See Me and be moved in holy awe. Rightly see Me. Allow your spirit to discern and embrace My throne room. With your spiritual eyes see the glory of this place. Hear the voices crying, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” Understand My grandeur and majesty. Know Me as I AM.

Having seen Me as I truly am, would you try to put Me in a box? Would you try to contain or control Me? Beloved, I cannot be manipulated or controlled. Reject the temptation to make Me smaller so you can fully comprehend Me. I AM beyond comprehension – and that is good. I AM moving in ways you can’t see or imagine – and that is good. I AM bigger than you know – and that is good. I AM limitless! I know no bounds. Nothing is too great for Me for I AM greater than all. I AM.

Blaze Forth

Matthew 5:14-15 (VOICE) And you, beloved, are the light of the world. A city built on a hilltop cannot be hidden. Similarly it would be silly to light a lamp and then hide it under a bowl. When someone lights a lamp, she puts it on a table or a desk or a chair, and the light illumines the entire house.

Beloved, let your fervor and your zeal pour forth like a rising flood. Refining, bringing life, bringing refreshing, bringing healing. Resist the temptation to diminish who you are to make others more comfortable. For I have created you perfectly, exactly how I have intended you to be, and it is good. Blaze forth! Shining in all your glory. Reflecting Me. Let your passion fire ignite those around you. Spark them into roaring flames.

Your light overtakes the darkness, not the reverse. The darkness cannot overtake you for the radiance of My glory shines forth and nothing can make it dim. So burn brightly and in doing so give others permission to do the same.

Watch and Wait

Exodus 14:14 (AMP) The Lord will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm.”

Beloved, there are moments to take up your sword and fight, and moments to rest and watch Me fight for you. This is the moment to keep silent and watch as I move on your behalf. Am I not God? Am I not sovereign? Is My hand too small? The concerns of your heart are moving Me to action, beloved. Watch and wait.

I AM YHVH Sabaoth (the Lord of Hosts) and the heavenly hosts are at My command. The kingdom of darkness will not stand against us. We move in righteousness and light. And darkness cannot overcome the light, but rather light overtakes the darkness. So shall I, the One who created light, overtake the adversary and the kingdom of darkness. Watch and wait.

Quiet your spirit as you wait. Pray. Stand in agreement with Me. Align your heart with Me as you rest and trust. You are in My hand and there is no place safer for you. As an impassioned Father, I AM moving on your behalf. Watch and wait.


Isaiah 60:1 (ESV) Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.

Beloved, everywhere you look is My glory. The evidence of My touch surrounds you like a hug from heaven, giving witness of My reality so I cannot be denied. And not only does My glory surround you in My creation, but it is IN you – you who were created in My image – and you are the jewel in My crown, bursting forth in glory and beauty as you surrender your life to Me and your will to Mine.

As you yield yourself to Me, My glory shines in and through you in such a way that all can see and are drawn in to its warmth. Do not hide it away or try to dim it because it intimidates others or incites them to jealousy (because they have yet to surrender to Me thus allowing Me to shine through them too). Be all I have made and anointed you to be, and be it unashamedly and unreservedly. Shine, beloved. Shine.