Do not pick back up what He delivered you from. Who the Son sets free is free indeed! Do not let the fire dwindle down to embers. Stoke your fire daily in Him!
Fostering Deeper Intimacy with God
One of our guest contributors on Dyed4youMinistries.com, Margie is a long time friend and former Dyed4you team member. Her ministry, Unhindered and Unashamed, has been a long-time sister ministry to Dyed4you, and her beautiful dyed and painted silks and art are created with a high level of excellence and honor to the Lord. Her wisdom and passion for worship as well as her strong prophetic voice have made her an invaluable friend and encourager.
Do not pick back up what He delivered you from. Who the Son sets free is free indeed! Do not let the fire dwindle down to embers. Stoke your fire daily in Him!
The Glory of God is established upon the earth no matter how we may feel emotionally or physically. God reigns sovereign in Glory daily and at all times!
Override what your natural circumstances may be dictating and establish yourself in His Glory and everything He has for you daily. Recognize that you are His child who is deeply loved and kept by His right hand every moment!
By Margie Puckett
When painting silk, sometimes I am led to pick up the brush and start painting without the slightest idea of what will be manifested. The colors are shown one at a time. Brushstrokes are shown one at a time. I dip the brush into the dye, and I just paint in the flow that I’m being led, still not knowing, still not having the slightest idea what the end result will be. Continue reading “Trusting the Lord in the Process: Walk by Faith, Not By Sight”
The beautiful works of God are also found in the smallest things. Let us not miss His greatness and all of His blessings by focusing only on the big manifestations of His works. Continue reading “The Little Things”
I have been quietly working and spending time with our Lord.
Yesterday, I strolled in our garden as the sunset, and I gave thanks to the Lord for all He is in our lives. I noticed the beautiful light that was cast on our garden and its flowers. The sun bathes our garden every day, but there was a mesmerizing new light that filled my spirit with a new spiritual expectation. It was beautiful!
I heard Him say, “Capture the moment.” And as I looked through the viewfinder I could see much more…
Dear beloved,
I want to remind you that sometimes words are not necessary. I know all of your needs and all of your desires. I know that all you desire the most is to always experience My loving presence upon you! Oh, how you love My presence and My voice! Continue reading “I Keep You In My Heart”
I heard the Lord saying:
“Haven’t I called you for greatness? What are you holding on to that is keeping you from being who I called you to be? Let go of the words and actions of others that are not in agreement with the words I have spoken over you! Do not focus on them.
“I Am the author and finisher of your faith. Focus on Me! Keep your eyes on Me! Rest in Me! Know who you are in Me. Focus on what I have spoken over you. I have called you for greater works! Rejoice in Me during this season!”
Selah… Rejoice.
by Margie Puckett