Matthew 5:43 (TPT) “Your ancestors have also been taught ‘Love your neighbors and hate the one who hates you.’
Beloved, My ways are not the ways of the world. Nor do all the traditions of man align with My heart. Even the things taught in love by your ancestors may be rooted in falsehoods or misconception. My ways are higher.
Take the time to know Me directly. Be open to Me breaking the box of your expectations and understanding. Allow My Spirit to truly teach you. Beloved, call to Me for I will answer and tell you things you did not know.
Refuse to be so stuck on what you believe is right that you close yourself off to Truth. Beloved, I will guide you with My eye. Be intent to follow where I lead, even if it’s uncomfortable, even if it challenges you, even if the cost is high – trust where I lead and yield to Me. Continue reading “My Ways Are Higher”