Yield Yourself to Me

Psalm 95:6 (TPT) Come and kneel before this Creator-God; come and bow before the mighty God, our majestic maker!

Beloved, joyously take your place at My feet. To humble oneself is not to be humiliated, it is simply a point of surrender. It is you laying down your burdens and allowing Me to pick them up.

Find your rest, beloved, at My feet. Feel My touch upon your head as I cover you with My love. Like a precious ointment upon My feet, so you pour your heart out before Me. The sweet aroma of your offering is incredibly pleasing to Me.

You honor Me as you choose to yield. You magnify Me in your heart and on the earth – giving Me the honor due My name. Blessed are you as you yield yourself to Me.

Who is More Deserving?

1 Chronicles 16:27 (DBY) Majesty and splendour are before him; Strength and gladness in his place.

Beloved, rejoice for I AM good. Release a sound of praise as a call of victory, for strength is found in My presence and you abide with Me. Behold My majesty. Pause in awe of My grandeur. My glory is resplendent, let wonder fill your face.

Who is more deserving of your worship? Who is more worthy of your praise? I AM the God of the impossible. I AM the One who moves mountains and causes the dead to rise. My glory fills the heavens and all creation sings My praise.

Pour out your acceptable offering. Be filled with My joy and strength. I extend My hand in welcome, so let hesitation fall away. Refuse to feel unworthy, for I have chosen you, I long for you, and I love you more than words can say.

The Presence of the Living God

Psalm 96:6 (NASB) Splendor and majesty are before Him, Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary.

Beloved, find your rest in Me. Behold the beauty of My presence. Allow the awe of My majesty to fill your heart and overflow. May that overflow pour forth as a pleasing offering before My throne.

Find strength and resolve in My presence. Allow your faith to be renewed. Recharge and refresh as you sit at My feet. Refuse to allow life to get in the way of finding time with Me, for I AM worthy and indeed your very heart cries out for Me – for the presence of the Living God.

Sacrificial Love

John 15:13 (NIV) Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

Beloved, true love means sacrifice. The cost is high to give. And the higher the cost, the more difficult it can be to receive – to feel worthy of such a sacrifice. But, beloved, to focus on your worth is asking the wrong question. The question is: what will you do with what you have been given?

Respond in gratitude. Respond in power. Rather than asking if you are worthy of such a sacrifice, live in a way that is worthy. Choose to receive the blessing and walk in the fullness – not in arrogance, but rather an honored humility.

Obedience: a Sweet Act of Worship

1 Samuel 15:22-23 (VOICE) …Be certain of this: that obedience is better than sacrifice…

Beloved, yielding to My voice is one of the sweetest acts of worship you can bring. It is an aroma so pleasing before Me. It is a wordless declaration that you trust Me and that I AM a worthy God. No form of sacrifice outweighs the gift of your obedience.

Partial obedience is still disobedience. It is a sign you trust your own judgment and agenda above My own. If you truly trust Me, you will obey Me. Even your need to understand is based in a desire to judge My judgment.

Release your need to understand. Release your need to determine if you agree with My instructions or requests, and simply yield. Yield out of love. Yield out of respect. Yield to give honor. Yield to bring glory. Part of “giving your life to Me” is yielding to Me, so release any need to judge or control and simply trust and obey. Continue reading “Obedience: a Sweet Act of Worship”

Unabashed Devotion

2 Samuel 6:22 (NKJV) And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight…

Beloved, give no thought to how your complete trust and unreserved devotion to Me makes you look to others. It is of no consequence if they find you foolish, for they judge amiss. Nothing is more lovely than My beloved children lavishing Me with their affection and walking in unreserved trust. My honor is worth the sacrifice of your pride.

For I AM worthy. I AM far more important than concern over the misconstrued judgment of men. Just as David, a man after My own heart, was willing to dance before his people with abandon and who responded to censure by saying he would be even more undignified than that, so refuse to give consequence to the criticisms of others nor allow them to mute your unabashed devotion to Me.

Never Forget Who You Are

1 Peter 2:9 (TPT) But you are God’s chosen treasure —priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own.

Beloved, never forget who you are and who you’re called to be. You are Mine. Called to be in My presence, to boldly approach My throne of grace. Called to minister at My feet, to pour out your life as a sweet offering to Me.

I receive you. You are acceptable in My sight. Lovely and beautiful, radiant for Me. I see you. You shine so brightly, beloved. Your face reflects My glory as you stay close to Me. Dwell in this place. Continue reading “Never Forget Who You Are”

Sacrifice Your Ego

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …I say to you, love your enemy…

Beloved, choose not to respond as the world does. Resist the urge to indulge your flesh, and refuse to take offense or seek out retribution. Put others in My hands and simply operate in love. This doesn’t mean openly and continually being exposed to abuse – for that is not My heart for you – but rather, in the moments you’re faced with adversity, respond in steadfast, life-changing love.

You never know when an unexpected response of love – a kind and gentle word – will shift someone’s entire life. Be willing to pay the cost of your pride. When your identity is in Me, your fleshly ego is a price well-paid to change a heart. And though you may not see the impact your love has, I do. I see it as a most beautiful and pleasing sacrifice, most acceptable in My sight. Continue reading “Sacrifice Your Ego”

Burn for Me

Leviticus 6:13 (AMP) The fire shall be burning continually on the altar; it shall not [be allowed to] go out.

Beloved, it is your responsibility to maintain and nurture the flame of worship in your heart. I cannot nor will not attempt to force you into a place of intimacy with Me. I simply invite you in. The onus rests on you to cultivate a heart that burns for Me.

So stir up the flames, beloved. Resist the pull towards complacency and choose instead to press in for more of Me. Refuse to settle for second best, for cheap counterfeits that will leave you unsatisfied and unfulfilled. I AM all you need. Choose to burn for Me.

Trust That I AM Bigger

John 15:14 (MSG) You are my friends when you do the things I command you.

Beloved, be obedient to My voice. Regardless of your maturity or lack thereof, I can work with whatever you’ll give Me as you yield to My direction and follow My flow to the best of your ability trusting Me to make up the difference.

There will be times you don’t understand, and times you think I have “missed it” because you mistakenly thought you knew where I was headed – all that is fine and even expected – but refuse to allow it to harden your heart towards Me.

Trust Me to lead. Trust that you don’t need all the details to successfully execute My plans for you. Simply be open to the next step, and the next – on and on until suddenly you realize you know Me better than you thought because you’ve yielded and watched Me move, seen Me follow through, seen Me be faithful, and even seen Me have surprising and unexpected solutions.

Trust that I AM bigger than your failings, bigger than any human shortsightedness or insecurities, imperfections, or presumptions. I AM enough, rest in Me.