The Only One Who is Worthy

Deuteronomy 13:4 (VOICE) Remain loyal to Him! Fear Him and obey His commands. Listen to His voice. Worship Him alone. Be fervently devoted to Him.

Beloved, I AM worthy of your steadfast devotion. Resist the urge to lavish your time and attention on things that are of no consequence or value. Refuse to be lulled into a sense of complacency or become so engrossed in entertainment that you become numb to real life.

The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Refuse to be taken down without resistance simply because you’ve become too lethargic to care. Ask Me to align your heart with My own, that you might know what matters and what is of no-account. Beloved, waste your life on Me – the only One who is worthy – pour yourself out like a drink offering upon My altar, wholly acceptable and highly pleasing to Me.

Pour Out from Your Overflow

Psalm 33:2 (VOICE) Worship the Eternal with your instruments, strings offering their praise; write awe-filled songs to Him on the 10-stringed harp.

Beloved, use whatever is at your disposal to make a joyful noise. I AM less concerned with proficiency than heart, so simply pour out from your overflow the joy and worship you have for Me, may your love shine forth on words and notes so sweet unto My ear. May your praise be a fragrant offering and your worship as incense before My throne.

Make your praise glorious, worthy of the King of Kings. Like the widow’s mite, your all will be enough – you and your praise will be accepted when offered with clean hands and a pure heart. Ascend the heights with Me, beloved, lost in the glory of My praise. Watch life and joy pour forth as the flame on the altar burns brightly.

Psalm 66:1-2 (ASV) Make a joyful noise unto God, all the earth: Sing forth the glory of his name: Make his praise glorious.

Tremble in Awe

Psalm 96:9 (TPT) Come worship the Lord God wearing the splendor of holiness. Let everyone wait in wonder as they tremble in awe before him.

Beloved, tremble in awe as you gaze on My beauty – as the eyes of your heart become clear and you see Me for all I AM. I AM holy, rich in mercy – an awesome God, the great I AM. Meditate on all I AM. Let your heart be full. Be overtaken.

Set aside earth pursuits and distractions and make time to to seek Me. Choose to be holy as I AM holy. Offer yourself as a gift – a holy offering – an act of worship. I AM life-changing, life-giving, the author of hope. Being with Me changes things – changes you – the cares of the world will fall away as you see Me as I AM.

Pour Out

Psalm 29:2 (NLT) Honor the LORD for the glory of his name. Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

Beloved, be holy as I AM holy. Knowing that you can fully rely on me to be set apart, unique in My divine perfection, allows you the freedom to fully rest in who I AM because it is perfect and unchanging. That is beautiful and worthy of celebrating, worthy of worship. So pour it out.

Bask in the splendor of My glow, the radiance of My glory. Give honor unto My name. Pour your heart out before Me as a pleasing offering, a sweet aroma before My throne, a living sacrifice. Make this your life’s ambition, to worship at My feet, to lavish love upon Me, to waste your life on Me. I will receive you. You are Mine. Continue reading “Pour Out”

Receiving the Gift

Isaiah 53:5 (VOICE) But he was hurt because of us; he suffered so. Our wrongdoing wounded and crushed him. He endured the breaking that made us whole. The injuries he suffered became our healing.

Beloved, My Son was born that He might die – graciously sacrificing Himself on your behalf, His love poured out for you – a selfless and perfect offering made on your behalf. The cost was high. Yet we choose it willingly because that is the depth of the love of God.

Refuse to waste the gift you’ve been given. Walk in the freedom that came at so dear a price. Cling to the Blood-bought healing for your body, mind, soul, and spirit. The price has been paid, there’s no need to try to pay again out of a mistaken sense of guilt or shame. Don’t belittle the sacrifice given out of love on your behalf. Receive the fullness of the gift. Continue reading “Receiving the Gift”

Let Me clear the Path

1 Kings 19:11-13 (VOICE) Eternal One:  Leave this cave, and go stand on the mountainside in My presence. The Eternal passed by him. The mighty wind separated the mountains and crumbled every stone before the Eternal. This was not a divine wind, for the Eternal was not within this wind. After the wind passed through, an earthquake shook the earth. This was not a divine quake, for the Eternal was not within this earthquake.  After the earthquake was over, there was a fire. This was not a divine fire, for the Eternal was not within this fire. After the fire died out, there was nothing but the sound of a calm breeze. And through this breeze a gentle, quiet voice entered into Elijah’s ears. He covered his face with his cloak and went to the mouth of the cave. Suddenly, Elijah was surprised. Eternal One: Why are you here, Elijah? What is it that you desire?

Continue reading “Let Me clear the Path”

Let Righteousness Be Your Reward

Luke 18:9 (VOICE) He told another parable—this one addressed to people who were confident in their self-righteousness and looked down on other people with disgust.

Beloved, your identity is firmly rooted in Me. You have no need of posturing and in fact I will bring the effects of any such attempts to naught. I AM the one who gives honor, do not try to grab it for yourself – especially at the expense of others – rather trust Me to protect your good name.

Walk in humility. Refuse to be baited into fruitless bickering, but instead shift the atmosphere by responding in love and grace. Allow the fruit of the Spirit to pour from your life. Turn the other cheek. Remember each time you sacrifice the desires of your flesh it is an offering before My throne and its fragrance is exceedingly sweet to Me. Let righteousness be your reward.

I Receive You

Leviticus 9:24 (NLT) Fire blazed forth from the LORD’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground.

Beloved, present yourself as a living offering. You are precious to Me. Whether you feel lovely or worthy matters not, simply offer Me you. Just as with offerings of old, I will send My fire – the fire of My Spirit – to consume the offering as a symbol of My acceptance. So know as you feel My fire, you are Mine – your life a fragrant offering before Me, pleasing and acceptable.

I will receive you, beloved. Hold nothing back. Grant to Me your whole heart. Give Me all of you, unreservedly. Refuse to allow fear of not being enough to hold you back, for I love My children, imperfections and all. You are enough when you give Me all of you. I receive you. I accept you. You are Mine. Continue reading “I Receive You”

An Attitude of Thanksgiving and Praise

Psalm 118:28 (VOICE) You are my God, and I give You thanks; You are my God, and I praise You.

Beloved, regardless of circumstance, keep your heart toward Me in an attitude of praise and thanksgiving. There are always reasons to rejoice. Thank Me for the breath in your lungs. Thank Me for My love. Even thank Me for the blessings to come and for being constantly mindful of you. I AM worthy of your praise and I AM worthy of your thanks.

Keeping your heart in that joyously worshipful posture positions you for more blessings while intentionally cultivating peace in your heart. Refuse to allow the enemy to steal your peace, joy, praise, or gratitude. Refuse to allow circumstances and situations to inject worry. Trust Me. Trust My love for you. Steadfastly know My plans for you are good.

Lift Your Voice in Song

Colossians 3:16 (VOICE) Let the word of the Anointed One richly inhabit your lives. With all wisdom teach, counsel, and instruct one another. Sing the psalms, compose hymns and songs inspired by the Spirit, and keep on singing—sing to God from hearts full and spilling over with thankfulness.

Beloved, lift your voice in song. I AM worthy of your praise, worthy of your affection. Release a sound. Give voice to the overflow of your heart. Let My word pour forth from your lips. Make My heart known. Release it into the atmosphere on the wings of joy. Breath life. Prophesy.

You are created in My image and I AM the Creator, I spoke life into existence – the sound of My voice reverberating through heaven and earth. Do likewise. Lift your voice. Don’t hesitate. Refuse to allow timidity, lack of perfection, or performance anxiety to hinder you from breaking forth. I have put song in your heart, release it, beloved.