Weapons of War / Implements of Peace

Joel 3:10 (VOICE) Hammer your sickles into swords. Forge your pruning shears into spears. For this final battle, even the weakling must say, ‘I am a warrior!’

Beloved, there is a time of peace and a time of war. Be sensitive to My Spirit to know the season and the times. And in each season, take the time to prepare whether you be reworking your plowshare into a sword or reverting your weapon of war to an implement of peace. 

Be prepared to build. Be prepared to tear down. Be prepared and flow in unity with My Spirit that you might also be in harmony with your brothers and sisters in Christ as we all move together as one, for together we are mighty. Continue reading “Weapons of War / Implements of Peace”

Look for Me in the Storm

Psalm 89:9 (TLB) You rule the oceans when their waves arise in fearful storms; you speak, and they lie still.

Beloved, refuse to be intimidated as the winds and waves rage around you, and look for Me in the eye of the storm. I AM your peace, YHVH Shalom – the Lord your Peace, and I AM always with you. Find your rest in Me.

When the storms come, pause to breathe and regroup. Fix your gaze on Me. Refuse to allow the chaos to mandate your internal landscape. I have given you My peace, none can take it away, so hold it fast and refuse to let go.

Refuse to make room for chaos and confusion. Instead look to Me in the midst of the Storm, for I will guide you with My eye. I will bring order and rest that no circumstance can alter. See clearly, beloved, and let that peace that I have given you radiate out and shift the atmosphere.

You are My carrier of peace. Release it to the world, changing it rather than allowing it to change you. I AM your strength. I AM your joy. I AM your peace. And I AM steadfast. Continue reading “Look for Me in the Storm”

Carrier of My Peace

John 14:27 (AMP) Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge].

Beloved, I have endowed you with My peace. It is yours and you walk in the fullness of it. Allow My peace to so saturate you that you carry it like a tangible presence and like a lingering aroma leave it everywhere you go.

You are an overcomer, and you have overcome fear with My peace. Continually shift the atmosphere around you, being intentional to usher in that shalom – the peace that wars against chaos. You are My chosen vessel – a carrier of My glory, My Spirit, the truth of who I AM – share that truth unashamedly and cultivate an atmosphere of peace everywhere you go. Peace, peace, abundant peace.

Oasis of Serenity

Genesis 2:8-9 (VOICE) The Eternal God planted a garden in the east in Eden—a place of utter delight—and placed the man whom He had sculpted there. In this garden, He made the ground pregnant with life—bursting forth with nourishing food and luxuriant beauty…

Beloved, My heart’s desire has always been to tarry with you in the cool of the day. To provide you with a place of restful refreshing where we might sit together and commune. Dwell with Me. Choose Me as I have chosen you. Drink from the sweet water of My Spirit and be refreshed.

In the midst of chaos, the peace of My presence carves an oasis of serenity – that deep knowing place of calm tranquility that can only be found in Me. I long for you to tarry there. The enemy would keep you hectic, creating a mental static so loud it keeps you from hearing My voice and in far too much upheaval to find rest or peace.

But beloved, shalom is the peace that wars against chaos and I AM the Prince of Peace, so find your rest in Me. Find your peace in Me. Quiet your soul and tune into Me. My children know My voice. Hear Me, beloved. Find rest and hear Me. Continue reading “Oasis of Serenity”

I AM YHVH Shalom

Exodus 33:14 (TLV) “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest,” He answered.

Beloved, you need not carry the weight of the world, not allow stresses and worries to consume you. I AM YHVH Shalom, the Lord your peace. In Me you will find rest.

Tarry with Me, beloved. For My yoke is easy and My burden light. Chaos has no foothold here. Darkness cannot remain where light has decided to dwell. I AM the Lord of the Breakthrough. Trust Me to make it so. Continue reading “I AM YHVH Shalom”

I AM All You Need

Matthew 6:24 (MSG) You can’t worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you’ll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can’t worship God and Money both.

Beloved, choose Me. Throughout history, My heartcry remains the same: that I would be your God and you would be My people. Refuse to give place to any idol, or to hold anything in greater reverence than Me. I will not be content to share your adoration, for I AM worthy of your singleminded devotion.

Only I bring true peace. Only I bring true contentment. Only I bring true security. Refuse the temptation to look to your own provision to offer those things remembering that even your provision comes from Me. It cannot love you nor fulfill your heart’s desires anymore than the idols made of wood and clay. Only I AM able to bring true fulfillment. Look to Me and refuse to look away. I AM all you need.

Palet, Your Deliverer

Psalm 32:7 (AMP) You are my hiding place; You, Lord, protect me from trouble; You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance. Selah.

Beloved, there is no situation so severe I cannot rescue you. I AM Palet, the Deliverer – your very present help in times of trouble. I walk with you through the storm, and I comfort you with My presence.

Look to Me. Regardless of the turmoil surrounding you, I AM your peace, your hiding place – the One who never leaves you or forsakes you. Rest in Me. Listen for the songs I sing over you, and set your mind on Me. Trust yourself in My hands, for I AM good.

Shaped and Purified

Colossians 1:11 (VOICE) Strengthen them with Your infinite power, according to Your glorious might, so that they will have everything they need to hold on and endure hardship patiently and joyfully.

Beloved, be patient and strong. Press into the joy and peace I’ve placed within you. I will never allow you to walk into trials you are unequipped for and I AM always with you to guide you and give you wisdom when you will but ask.

Rejoice in trials knowing they are the fire by which you are shaped and purified – your character coming forth in beautiful array when you’ve yielded to My refining. Beloved, cling to the knowledge that though sorrow may last for the night, joy comes in the morning.

Be a Living, Breathing Testimony

Colossians 1:10 (VOICE) May their lives be a credit to You, Lord; and what’s more, may they continue to delight You by doing every good work and growing in the true knowledge that comes from being close to You.

Beloved, draw near. Come close and abide. Fix your heart on Me and hold Me close, meditate on My word – delight in Me. Make Me your filter, see everything through Me and My heart. Refuse to experience the world simply through the reactions of your flesh or be slave to your fickle emotions, but rather be firmly rooted in Me.

May your life be a testament to Me. You are a child of the day. Shine, beloved, reflect the Son. May the peace in your heart be the evidence of your time dwelling in My presence. Let My joy pour forth and infiltrate everything you do. Bear fruit. Give evidence of your relationship with Me. Be a living, breathing testimony.