A place where I find refuge from
the world’s ensnaring sham
And gain the inner peace I need
to remember who I am Continue reading “My Sanctuary”
Fostering Deeper Intimacy with God
A place where I find refuge from
the world’s ensnaring sham
And gain the inner peace I need
to remember who I am Continue reading “My Sanctuary”
There are moments when the psalmist plays, the songbird sings, they move and have their being in the secret place of the Most High God. His anointing fills them with His music and words to impart to His people. One only becomes aware of His awesome presence as it fills the room.
Sing unto Him a song of praise, sing unto Him a song of victory, sing an anthem of your great love for Him, we exalt the Lord. Continue reading “The Anointing of God”
In the quietness of the woods
I seek His face most dear
In His presence I can hear
His powerful words become most clear Continue reading “Your Presence”
My Violin and I are one
Springing forth heaven’s sound
Precious the heart of His Son
Whose life we have found Continue reading “A Blessed Morning Has Arisen”
Psalm 34:17-19 (VOICE) When the upright need help and cry to the Eternal, He hears their cries and rescues them from all of their troubles. When someone is hurting or brokenhearted, the Eternal moves in close and revives him in his pain. Hard times may well be the plight of the righteous— they may often seem overwhelmed — but the Eternal rescues the righteous from what oppresses them.
Broken hearts – some full of scars, so much pain fills their memoirs,
Finding it hard to break loose from the memory of it all. Continue reading “Gathering the Broken in Heart”
When I have no words, please hear my heart,
For I know You hear every word through the tears that fall. Continue reading “Covered by Grace”
As the ocean before me stands deep and wide,
I know just beyond the expanse my destiny lies. Continue reading “A Way is Made”
His soft gentle whisper
Is oh so very sweet.
Every word that’s spoken
Is a precious word to me. Continue reading “His Gentle Whisper”
As His wind moves me
It’s His voice I listen for attentively,
I’m forever compelled to ascend higher,
While softly He beckons,
“Come up here!” Continue reading “Moved by His Wind”
How does one deal with the swirling chaos that may surround us,
Losing focus as it blinds us?
Overwhelmed and in despair,
Seems no one stops and bothers to care. Continue reading “Rest Awaits”