Equip Yourself 

Ephesians 6:13 (AMP) Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger]…

Beloved, being dressed for battle does not ensure it will come, it simply ensures you’re ready and equipped if (and when) it does. Yes, I protect you, cover you, and fight for you, but you must also be prepared to fight for yourself. Beloved, you still choose what thoughts you entertain and what things you welcome into your space, so you must choose wisely. And when the enemy comes, stand and resist. Then we can stand together – united – working toward a common cause.

When the enemy lies, recognize it for what it is and reject that lie. When he tempts you to compromise, see the slippery slope for what it is and stand fast. Be alert for his ploys and thwart them at every turn. The more you know the truth – My word – the easier it is to see his evil manipulations. Equip yourself, beloved, and be prepared, but know I AM with you always.

The Roar and the Whisper

1 Kings 19:12 (TLB) And after the earthquake, there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, there was the sound of a gentle whisper.

Beloved, I AM the Lion AND the Lamb. The roar and the whisper. The thunder and the gentle breeze. Stay fluid and surrendered to My flow. Be mindful not to try to box Me in, or to say, “He only speaks this way” or “He only speaks that way.” I will not be contained or controlled. I defy definition simply because I AM beyond comprehension. Allow Me to choose the tone, the volume, the message…let My spirit govern the flow – for I see things you do not and have reasons for everything I do.

Quiet your spirit and stay open – malleable – in an active form of waiting; a state of readiness awaiting a word or a nudge from Me. Keep your wick trimmed and your oil ready, for the call is coming and you want to be found ready.

Build Your Arsenal

Ephesians 6:17 (AMP) And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Beloved, if you would wield the sword of My Spirit, you must know My word. There are so many things that clamor for your attention as My word waits – unchanging and available – for you to feast. Choose to make the time. Choose to know Me – My heart, My ways, My instructions for you – for they are to protect you and bring you blessing and goodness in your life – My word is worth knowing.

The more of My word that is hidden in your heart, the stronger and more prepared you are to do battle against the enemy of your soul when he brings his onslaught. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I come to give you strength. The enemy will often twist My word, and just as when My Son was tempted in the wilderness and He refuted those lies with Truth – with the Word, so you must be equipped to do the same.

For it is not a question of IF the enemy will lie and twist truths, it is a matter of WHEN. Do not be found defenseless and weak, but rather prepare. Just as a lawyer spends time building his knowledgebase so he can make the arguments in court to win the day, likewise spend the time every day to build your arsenal and your strength. Again beloved, My word is worth knowing – I AM worth knowing.