- Show and tell: Dyed4you Art throw (Holy is His Name)
- Testimony: “Covered in the revelation of who He is” Dyed4you Art throw and Introducing: The Power of His Presence (A Throne Room Encounter) [multi-art set] & Powerful Flags Testimony
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Come In
- Dyed4you Art: The Power of His Presence (A Throne Room Encounter) [multi-art set]
- Dyed4you silk: Flawless regular tassel tallit (on Etsy) and River of God Dyed4you Art flag (on Etsy) and Fiery Glory Dyed4you Art flag (on Etsy) – you can request a mismatched pair with these two 😊
- Other stuff: Dyed4you Ministries posts “The Glory of the Throne Room and the Value of His Presence” and “Experience the Throne Room”
God’s Radiant Countenance (Numbers 6)
At the end of Numbers 6, we find what is referred to as the “Aaronic Blessing.” In the Voice translation it reads, “The Eternal One bless and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Eternal lift up His countenance to look upon you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26) What we see in this blessing, is the radical impact of the face and countenance of God. Continue reading “God’s Radiant Countenance (Numbers 6)”
Come Soar with Me

Dance with Me, beloved. Hear the sound of heaven, that eternal song that calls to you and reminds that you are already home. Let your heart soar in songs of praise and worship and let your soul arise. As you worship, My presence washes and lightens your spirit, and you are caught up into My embrace. In My presence, the cares and the weights of the world will fall away, every power will bow, and all things will naturally align into their proper place. For where My Spirit is, there is freedom. Continue reading “Come Soar with Me”
Come to the Table

In a dream (2000), I saw a door. The door opened. My Dad walked out and approached me (My dad passed away in 2006). He informed me that someone wanted to see me. That’s all he said. I knew who wanted to see me. I knew it was Jesus and that He was on the other side of that door. Continue reading “Come to the Table”
I Am Here

A little over 2 years ago I was in a TERRIBLE spiritual storm. Attacks from people and demons, betrayal, rejection and sickness on every side. I was fearful, anxious and stressed. Continue reading “I Am Here”
You are Loved

In a vision/experience during worship, I was at the foot of God’s throne. A place I had seen many times during prayer and worship. His throne was box shaped and completely coated in like diamond dust, silver and transparent jewels which were radiating the GRACE of God and as I pressed my hands upon the throne I was being filled with the new wine through His Holy Spirit. Continue reading “You are Loved”
Lunchtime Live: Cherished
- Show and tell: Dyed4you flute called His Pleasure (right now we don’t have any Dyed4you flutes on Etsy, but I have one in stock that is ready to dye if you have requests)
- Testimony: Powerful word The Seer Dyed4you Art flag (on Etsy) and Mary’s Prophetic “Portrait”/Tallit/Flute Soaking in a Love Letter from God
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): You are the Apple of My Eye
- Dyed4you Art: Apple of His Eye
- Dyed4you silk: Cherished One Crinkle Silk (on Etsy) and Cherished One narrow infinity scarf (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW posts called “Those Who Love, Wait (1 Cor 2:9, Is 64:4)” and “Free to Choose Closeness”
- Daily Downloads from Heaven available on Amazon – more info on the Author Meghan Williams page
A Throne-Room Perspective

There was once a point in my walk when I was afraid to have a throne room encounter with God. I was still healing from a broken sense of identity at that time, so I was certain that an encounter with Him would “put me in my place.” Certainly, the presence of the flawless Eternal One would only confirm the sense of unworthiness I felt on the inside. Yet nothing could have been further from the truth. Continue reading “A Throne-Room Perspective”
Majestic His Sounds
In the Tabernacle of my Lord
He bids me come
He has poured
His music, I succumb Continue reading “Majestic His Sounds”
Just Be

Just be, beloved. There is a time and season for all things—time to learn, to do, and to explore in life. However, in every moment, no matter what activity it contains, I call you to simply be. Breathe, live, and move in Me, beloved. Pause to recognize how My Spirit fills you and gives life and purpose. Continue reading “Just Be”