Love Without Reserve

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …do something wonderful for the one who hates you, and respond to the very ones who persecute you by praying for them. For that will reveal your identity as children of your heavenly Father. He is kind to all by bringing the sunrise to warm and rainfall to refresh whether a person does what is good or evil…

Beloved, your actions speak clearly whether you know Me or not, so consider what you’re communicating with each move and decision. Would you choose to reflect Me? Love unconditionally. Bestow mercy and extend grace. Reflect My heart.

Refuse to love only the easily loveable, but rather allow your love to be tested by loving those who resist it or who operate in hate. Choose to respond differently. Allow humility to be cultivated in your heart. Lay down your pride and offer someone what reflects My heart rather than what their actions call for. Love without restraint. Love without reserve. Love. Continue reading “Love Without Reserve”

Unabashed Devotion

2 Samuel 6:22 (NKJV) And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight…

Beloved, give no thought to how your complete trust and unreserved devotion to Me makes you look to others. It is of no consequence if they find you foolish, for they judge amiss. Nothing is more lovely than My beloved children lavishing Me with their affection and walking in unreserved trust. My honor is worth the sacrifice of your pride.

For I AM worthy. I AM far more important than concern over the misconstrued judgment of men. Just as David, a man after My own heart, was willing to dance before his people with abandon and who responded to censure by saying he would be even more undignified than that, so refuse to give consequence to the criticisms of others nor allow them to mute your unabashed devotion to Me.

Refuse to be Silent

Acts 18:9 (TLB) One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t quit!

Beloved, refuse to shrink back. Refuse to be cowed. No ploy of the enemy or criticism of man is worth bowing to fear. I AM with you. My grace sustains you. You are worthy and beloved by Me – not for what you do, but for who you are. And yet stand fast, refuse to be moved. Refuse to allow your testimony to be tarnished or stolen. You are able to withstand. My grace is sufficient.

For I, even I, have put the words in your mouth. So let them flow forth – allowing them to flow unhindered – planting seeds and watering each in their season. And watch beloved, for I will surely plant them in fertile ground and that will yield beautiful fruit. Rich is the reward.

Pursue Humility with Diligence

1 Peter 5:6 (CSB) Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time,

Beloved, refuse to be concerned or dismayed in humbling seasons knowing I AM the one who lifts men up and makes men great. Glory and honor come from Me alone. So be not troubled in moments you feel overlooked, undervalued, or unseen – for I see you and am holding My hand over you to cover you. But beloved, in due season…

So pursue humility with diligence, allowing it to grow and refine you. Wear it like a mantle and be known for your selfless support of others. Love like I love – steadfastly believing the best – and continually align your vision with Mine. Trust that I AM at work and bringing things together for good. And trust that I know the perfect moment to make you shine.

Shine Unhindered

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …do something wonderful for the one who hates you…

Beloved, refuse to let someone else’s actions mandate the person you are. You are My child, a reflection of Me. You operate in humility, love, truth, mercy, and integrity. None of those things are conditional on someone else’s actions. Refuse to reflect someone else’s poor behavior.

Refuse to indulge a fleshly desire to “be right” or “show them”. Reflect love in the face of hate, and humility in the face of pride, honor in the face of perversion and integrity in the face of deceit. Refuse to let anything steal your witness. Allow Me to shine through you unhindered. Continue reading “Shine Unhindered”

Bless Without Reserve

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …bless the one who curses you…

Beloved, refuse to retaliate in kind. Refuse to stoop to a level that diminishes your witness. Responding in love isn’t the same thing as receiving the curse they’ve spoken, it is simply choosing a higher path – My path.

So bless all you touch, including those who curse you or seek to do you harm. Ask Me to move in their lives. Ask Me to touch them and heal their hearts. Blessing someone isn’t you submitting yourself as a doormat, it is you refusing to shift into a negative mindset simply because someone else is. Operate in love and bless without reserve. Continue reading “Bless Without Reserve”

Be a Fool For Me

1 Corinthians 12:7 (TPT) Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community.

Beloved, allow My Spirit to empower you to operate in the supernatural. I have placed gifts within you for My glory, resist the urge to withhold them because of insecurity, doubt, or pride. Be a fool for Me. Withhold nothing. Allow My Spirit to flow like water over and through you.

Refuse to be sidetracked or derailed by comparisons or petty jealousy, I flow through each of you in a way that is unique and perfect for you. Yield to that flow, with no concerns of vanity or judgment of man, simply focus on releasing all I’ve empowered you to impart. Glorify Me. Continue reading “Be a Fool For Me”

Sacrifice Your Ego

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …I say to you, love your enemy…

Beloved, choose not to respond as the world does. Resist the urge to indulge your flesh, and refuse to take offense or seek out retribution. Put others in My hands and simply operate in love. This doesn’t mean openly and continually being exposed to abuse – for that is not My heart for you – but rather, in the moments you’re faced with adversity, respond in steadfast, life-changing love.

You never know when an unexpected response of love – a kind and gentle word – will shift someone’s entire life. Be willing to pay the cost of your pride. When your identity is in Me, your fleshly ego is a price well-paid to change a heart. And though you may not see the impact your love has, I do. I see it as a most beautiful and pleasing sacrifice, most acceptable in My sight. Continue reading “Sacrifice Your Ego”

Singleminded Pursuit

Exodus 23:2 (VOICE) Even if the majority of people are doing evil, do not follow them…

Beloved, choose rightly regardless of circumstance or influence. Know My word so well that your compass is not shaken regardless of who is wandering off the path. Be steadfast in righteousness, and pray for those who have compromised themselves – for “there but for the grace of God…”.

Stay in a place of humility, not judging those who’ve stumbled, but gently encouraging them to right by walking steadfastly in ways that please Me. Have compassion, but don’t be tempted to concede as much as one step on a path not of Me. Refuse to be swayed regardless of who has (or how many have) chosen that which displeases Me. Make My will your focus and destination, and be singleminded in that pursuit.

Look Beyond Yourself

Proverbs 6:16-19 (VOICE) Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates; no, make it seven He abhors: Eyes that look down on others…

Beloved, I have called you to walk in humility, not to be self-focused, but rather to put others first, and to be more conscious of their importance than that of your own. Raise your eyes. Refuse to be fixated on self. Look beyond yourself, not in a neglectful way or considering yourself of no value, but rather confident in the understanding that I AM infinitely mindful of you and your needs, and that I will take care of you as you look to others. Continue reading “Look Beyond Yourself”