Firmly Rooted in Me 

John 15:5 (VOICE) I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear great fruit. Without Me, you will accomplish nothing.

Beloved, stay rooted in Me. Abide in Me. Rest, tarry, remain… BE with Me. Then watch. Watch the fruit pour forth from your life – so much you can’t contain it. So much it cannot be ignored or denied. My hand of blessing evident on your life.

Resist the urge to cut yourself off from My life-giving flow. Like a flower cut and placed on display, the appearance of life will linger for a season, but when you are cut off from life, you are dying – even if it isn’t immediately evident. Distractions will always be around you, vying for your attention, cultivate steady focus – be firmly rooted in Me.

Essential Faithfulness and Truth

Psalm 89:8 (AMPC) O Lord God of hosts, who is a mighty one like unto You, O Lord? And Your faithfulness is round about You [an essential part of You at all times].

Beloved, My faithfulness surrounds Me. It is evident in everything I do and everything I AM. Those who know Me (truly know Me), know I AM faithful, always mindful of My word – watching over it to be certain it comes to pass. I speak only truth for I AM truth. My promises are affirmed – a certainty – bringing forth a resounding “Amen” (So be it)! Thus My character is unimpeachable, sterling, true.

So let your yes be yes and your no be no. Reflect My character, walking in your own faith and faithfulness. May your mouth speak only truth, and may your heart reflect on that which is good and faithful. Be like Me, for you are made in My image. May your integrity be an essential part of who you are and how you are known, that you may be more like Me thus bringing Me glory. Continue reading “Essential Faithfulness and Truth”

Silk: Trust Him To Make It So

Photo May 26, 11 56 36 AMGod is so fun. 🙂 Not long ago, we shared a silk letter He’d given us called Trustworthy. This silk was birthed as an expansion of the other – it extends it and adds more specificity. The silks look similar (this one is the same colors, but over-dyed with black and shimmered with copper), and the themes are similar of course – most of the Trustworthy word is included in this one. We pray it will bless you.  Continue reading “Silk: Trust Him To Make It So”

Hold Fast to the Vision

Zechariah 4:10 (TLB) Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin…

Beloved, hold fast to the vision I have placed in your heart for it will come to pass and is in fact already here and breaking forth. See the tiny sprouts of green? That is new life bursting forth – a small beginning. Beloved, guard and protect these tender shoots and all they represent, for the enemy of your soul would love to steal, kill, or destroy it; but as you nurture and water it, it will flourish and come to its full fruition.

Resist the urge to be frustrated or impatient at the time required in growing. Remember the journey is needed preparation for what lies ahead. Stay the course. Rejoice in each victory and success no matter how small. Expectantly await the fulfillment of My promises for they will not return void. Hold fast to the vision for it will come to pass. Continue reading “Hold Fast to the Vision”

Resist the Temptation to Doubt

Genesis 21:1 (VOICE) The Eternal One kept His promise

Beloved, I AM not a man that I should lie. Nor the son of man that I should repent. I AM infallible. Unchanging. Steadfast. I always keep My promises. I AM faithful from generation to generation. I AM slandered and accused, yet I remain the same: deeply in love with My people.

Resist the temptation to doubt Me when time goes long and the wait becomes agonizing. My plans and timing are for your good. Wait in patience, trusting Me. Do not make an idol of your desire to understand or demand that I explain Myself to you. Am I not God? Would you sit in judgment of My reasoning? Surely not!

You are My child. My beloved one. My heart towards you is good. Trust Me. Believe in My love, kindness, and affection for you, for when you know – truly know – there is no room to doubt My heart for you. My love for you is that great. Overwhelming. Bask in that love as you wait, knowing I AM true to My word.

Numbers 23:19 (GW) God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn’t change his mind. When he says something, he does it. When he makes a promise, he keeps it.

Unimpeachable Promises

2 Peter 3:9 (GW) The Lord isn’t slow to do what he promised, as some people think. Rather, he is patient for your sake. He doesn’t want to destroy anyone but wants all people to have an opportunity to turn to him and change the way they think and act.

Beloved, I do not promise lightly, nor do I neglect My word once given. My promises are ALWAYS delivered on. My timing of that fulfillment is what man has struggled with since the beginning of time, and yet time and again I have demonstrated My faithfulness, that I AM completely trustworthy. Do not be tempted into a place of doubt, for in your heart of hearts you know that I AM true. My word is steadfast and sure. I AM unchanging; the same yesterday, today, and forever. I AM unimpeachable.

So beloved, wait patiently for all I have promised, knowing it WILL come to pass, knowing My timing is perfect. Know that if I seem to tarry, there is a good purpose in doing so. I love My children and am always acting on their (your) behalf as a Father who adores His children and protect them even as He blesses and rewards them. Trust Me.

Tune in to My Voice and Hold Fast to My Truth

Ephesians 6:17 (AMP) And take the helmet of salvation…

Beloved, the enemy is a liar and the father of lies. His desire is to debilitate you with fear and doubt and unbelief. Do not listen to him. Remember who you are to Me. Remember what I have called you to. Remind yourself of My promises and My truth. I AM love and I love you with an everlasting love that can never change, do not let the enemy tell you differently.

Do not concern yourself with the fact that you hear his whispers – of course you do, he is working at all times towards your demise – but rather focus your efforts and energies on Me and My promises that his whispers would be of no avail. Force them into a position of powerlessness by being so secure in My truth that you are unshakable.

This, beloved, is your helmet of salvation. Your mind protected from his onslaught, his thought bombs diffused by My truth. Hold fast and do not waver in your trust in Me and knowledge of the truth. Close your ears to his lies and tune in to My voice as you hold what I have said dear in your heart. I AM truth.

2 Corinthians 10:5 (VOICE) We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One.

Let Me Love You

Beloved child, envision being taken gently by your hands, your tears and fears being wiped sweetly from your face, and being lovingly looked in the eyes knowing the purity of the Spirit. Abba gently and with much tender love exhorts you to remember and know that He is not a MAN. Again, sweet and precious child; Abba Father is not a man. He does not and cannot lie. He is everything a man is not; everything a man cannot be. He is a tender, compassionate, loving Father who cares and loves you deeply. His love and promises concerning you are sealed and forever settled in heaven. Continue reading “Let Me Love You”