Lose Yourself in the Ocean of My Love

Isaiah 43:2 (TLB) When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up—the flames will not consume you.

Beloved, regardless of the trials you face, I AM always with you and will never leave you. The waters that feel as though they might drown you cannot rend you from My grip. Release yourself to Me and allow the water of My Spirit to saturate you with the depths of My love.

Focus on My heart for you. Refuse to be distracted by the troubles and worries on every side for My love is larger than, grander than, bigger than anything else. Let it fill you and overwhelm you. As you’re lost in the ocean of My love everything else will pale in comparison. Allow the magnitude of all I AM to right-size everything else for, beloved, everything is small when compared to the vastness of Me. There is nothing to fear. You will not drown nor will flames overtake you, only the beauty of My love will overwhelm you, and that is a safe place to rest.

Rest in the Knowledge You are Mine

Isaiah 43:1 (TLB) But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says: Don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.

Beloved, can you hear Me calling you? Your name on My lips – sweet as honey and precious to Me. You are Mine. I have called you My own. I have ransomed you. The price has already been paid. Let your heart rejoice in the grace extended to you. Revel in it, beloved, for My mercy is a gift – an extension of My great love for you.

My perfect love leaves no room for fear. When you truly know Me, you know I fiercely love My children and jealously guard them. I stay close in times of trouble, and comfort in times of mourning. I will never leave you. I created you for My pleasure, beloved, and you do please Me. Rest in the knowledge you are Mine.


2 Kings 6:17 (GW) Then Elisha prayed, “Lord, please open his eyes so that he may see.” The Lord opened the servant’s eyes and let him see. The mountain around Elisha was full of fiery horses and chariots.

Beloved, ask Me to see. I have given you eyes to see and ears to hear so you are able. There is nothing to fear, for I AM with you always. Truly, legions of angels stand at the ready, engaging on your behalf at My request in response to your prayers. So ask, beloved.

Ask to see. Ask for help. Seek Me – My hand and My assistance. I AM YHVH Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts – leader of the heavenly armies. Nothing can stand against me and succeed. So stand with Me.

Mirror My countenance – one of peace and love firmly rooted in truth – be like Me. Love like you’ll never get hurt. Eyes wide open. Knowing your heart is in My hands and it is safe there. Your pain is never wasted, beloved – I collect every tear so priceless is your heart to me. Trust Me and trust My plans for you for I AM God and I AM good.

Allow My Perfect Love to Impart Perfect Peace

John 14:27 (TLB) I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

Beloved, peace is My gift to you. As you rest in the knowledge that I AM sovereign, I AM for you, I AM covering you, and I AM working all things for good; you can relax into that place of abandoned control – leaving the details to Me and receiving for yourself the peace that surpasses all understanding. For I AM faithful and the peace I bring is one that combats chaos, a strong and active peace. Unshakable and abiding.

When you truly comprehend and accept who I AM, you can stop trying to manage and manipulate the details and release them to Me knowing My ability to handle them far exceeds your own both because of My view (I see the beginning and the end) and because of My wisdom (I see the inner workings and know the secret thoughts of men’s hearts). And when all that is framed in My deep and unending love for you, you no longer will feel the need to usurp My role, but instead will happily place it in My hands and skip off with the lightness and joy of the child you are called to be. Beloved, allow My perfect love to impart perfect peace.

Confident Authority and Uprightness

Psalm 84:11 (VOICE) For the Eternal God is a sun and a shield. The Eternal grants favor and glory; He doesn’t deny any good thing to those who live with integrity.

Beloved, stand fast in My truth – armed and ready to withstand and not be shaken in the face of the evil one. I stand with you and enforce your victory. No weapon formed against you will prosper for you are Mine beloved and My covering rests upon you.

So walk in confident authority and uprightness; reflecting My character and nature that I might be made known. Extend grace even as you stand firm with your sword of truth and shield of faith to hand. Victory is Mine and it is assured.

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Isaiah 53:2 (NLT) My servant grew up in the Lord’s presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him.

Beloved, like My Son, grow in My presence. Like a tender shoot, I will protect you from the elements and nurture you to your full potential. For I see you even now as a grown tree – full and lush, bearing much fruit – the capacity for life within you is great, be mindful to cultivate that growth, to nourish it with My word, water it with My Spirit, and fortify it with My presence.

For the life within you is greater than just yourself. Allow it to multiply and bring forth increase. Be fruitful and multiply. Refuse to allow yourself to become dry and withered. Find the time – indeed make the time – do whatever it takes to carry what I AM bringing forth through you to full term. Behold I AM doing a new thing, will you not know it? [Sensing Him smiling as He asks because He already knows you will say yes – a thousand times yes]

Tender of Your Heart

Proverbs 3:5 (TPT) Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make.

Beloved, you are safe in My hands. Trust Me with your heart, your life, your plans. Look at the intricacies of My creation, the beauty of how the flowers and trees burst with the fragrances I’ve given them – the richness of the colors, even the textures of the creatures I’ve created.

I AM all about detail. I don’t overlook anything, and nothing is beneath My notice. Every part of you is safe with Me. I will saturate you with My love. Trust yourself in My hands. Let Me be the tender of your heart.

Reach for Me

Beloved, you are mine and eternally I shelter, guard and protect you. I seek you and call you into my sanctuary. You are mine Beloved and I cherish you with an everlasting love. My beloved, you are mine and earnestly I seek you. I seek you out and call you my own. Don’t turn away from me. Don’t deny me. Don’t refuse my love for you. Reach for me my beloved as I reach for you. Just as a child reaches for his mother and yearns to be held so I desire to hold you, caress you and blow kisses on your face, wipe your tears and run my fingers through your hair. My desire is to comfort you. Don’t push me away. Don’t resent my plans for you. It may seem painful at the time but the growth that comes from this pruning will be magnificent. You will be a radiant fruit bearing tree full of my righteousness and truth. You will share my love with others and pour out my heart on my children. Nothing is impossible for you because nothing is impossible for me. I love you my child. Be my hands and feet to the least of these. They are my children to and close to my heart. My heart aches for them. I long to pick them up, wipe their snotty noses, clean their cheeks and bring laughter to their eyes but they push me away. Be my hands and feet. Be my heart towards them that they may see me and believe that I am God, their father and good shepherd.

Beloved, sacrifice without obedience brings only harm and heartache. Seek my heart and know I will reveal all that you need to know as the timing approaches for each phase to be complete. You are my heart and I am proud of you. Delight yourself in me my love and I will make you a fisher of men, and restorer of life. My blood cries out to redeem the lost. Do not for sake me or my ways and I will bless you. I will redeem all that has been hidden and lost. My Beloved, come unto me and I will heal you. I will redeem you and make you whole. Thank you my beloved for restoring the life I have given you for bringing it back to life and redeeming what I have laid at your feet, your purpose, your destiny. Only you can make that choice. Only you can bear the cost and see the reward. Only you can make the choice to redeem all that I have given you. Thank you Beloved. Thank you Beloved, my Daughter, my Bride. Thank you.

Beautiful Life

Psalm 16:11 (VOICE) …You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment.

Beloved, My plans for you are beautiful and will fill you with more contentment than you can begin to imagine. Release yourself completely to My care and My loving hands. My plans for you are good plans – plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future.

Allow Me to direct your path. Even in the trials, joy will steady you as you willingly yield to Me. Beautiful is the life I have for you. Rejoice in it and in how I move in and through you, beloved. Continue reading “Beautiful Life”

Refining and Protecting

Hebrews 12:29 (NET Bible) For our God is indeed a devouring fire.

Beloved, I AM indeed a consuming fire. The fire of My presence is refining you like flames with gold and dross. I AM ever purifying and testing you that you might be made more radiant and beautiful – reflecting My glory more and more clearly. Submit to the process, worship Me in the midst, and trust yourself in My hands knowing I always operate for the good of those who love Me and are called according to My purpose.

As you surrender to My blaze, it also acts as a protection for you, for the enemy has no desire to draw near My scorching flames. In yielding and trusting, you further surrender your protection and wellbeing to Me, and I will not let you down.