His Depths Know No Bounds

Job 36:26 (TLB) God is so great that we cannot begin to know him. No one can begin to understand eternity.

Beloved, I AM limitless. My depths know no bounds. There is always more – always more love, always more revelation, always more wisdom, always more mysteries – always more of Me. You cannot reach the ends of Me, for I AM greater than you know – but how worthy of pursuit!

Choosing to spend your life plumbing My depths is a life well spent. Bear in mind, My love, that the journey is the point. All of those precious revelations and moments along the way may not be an ultimate destination, but they are the primary purpose. Relationships are always built in the moments. Choosing to “waste” your moments on Me is never the wrong choice.

Keep My Precepts Forever Before You

Psalm 119:141 (VOICE) I may be insignificant to some and hated by others, but at least I do not forget Your precepts.

Beloved, never lose sight of the basics – the foundation of your faith. It is not a simple thing to allow My word to truly be your anchor. It takes dedication and focus over time – keeping the main thing the main thing. Focus, beloved. Be intentional and make the time.

The gifts of My Spirit are an outpouring of relationship with Me, and knowing Me through My word is foundational in that process. In the fun and excitement, don’t lose sight of the essentials. Keep My precepts forever before you. Meditate on them day and night. Seek Me in My word, for when you seek Me there, surely you will find Me. Continue reading “Keep My Precepts Forever Before You”

Make Me Your Top Priority

Psalm 37:4 (TPT) Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life, and he will provide for you what you desire the most.

Beloved, make Me your top priority – not as a chore or something to check off your to-do list, but truly find joy and life in your relationship with Me. Let it be authentic. Share your deepest thoughts and hopes, confess your deepest concerns and fears – give them all into My capable hands.

Let the time in My presence shape and mold you. Let it inspire and encourage you. Let the hope found in the promises of My word bolster your faith and keep your time of waiting expectant because you know that you know I will move on your behalf because I AM faithful. Hope in Me.

Be a Living, Breathing Testimony

Colossians 1:10 (VOICE) May their lives be a credit to You, Lord; and what’s more, may they continue to delight You by doing every good work and growing in the true knowledge that comes from being close to You.

Beloved, draw near. Come close and abide. Fix your heart on Me and hold Me close, meditate on My word – delight in Me. Make Me your filter, see everything through Me and My heart. Refuse to experience the world simply through the reactions of your flesh or be slave to your fickle emotions, but rather be firmly rooted in Me.

May your life be a testament to Me. You are a child of the day. Shine, beloved, reflect the Son. May the peace in your heart be the evidence of your time dwelling in My presence. Let My joy pour forth and infiltrate everything you do. Bear fruit. Give evidence of your relationship with Me. Be a living, breathing testimony.

An Audience of One

Galatians 1:10 (VOICE) Do you think I care about the approval of men or about the approval of God? Do you think I am on a mission to please people? If I am still spinning my wheels trying to please men, then there is no way I can be a servant of the Anointed One, the Liberating King.

Beloved, be free from the desire for the approval of man. For if you are driven by their fickle opinions, your goal will be an ever moving target. If you allow their praise to build you, remember in due season you will deal with their criticism, which often is unfounded and rooted in wrong motives, for I AM the only righteous judge. Would you give them such power over you?

Longing for their praise gives them far more influence in your life than is right or good for your heart. Focus your energy on being a God-pleaser. Play to an audience of One. Allow My praise and judgment to guide your actions, for My expectations are made clear in My word and you have the support of My Spirit to walk them out. Keep your heart fixed on Me and trust Me to rightly guide you. I will not steer you wrong.

Passionately Pursue

1 Corinthians 12:31 (TPT) But you should all constantly boil over with passion in seeking the higher gifts. And now I will show you a superior way to live that is beyond comparison!

Beloved, passionately pursue Me. Passionately pursue My gifts and the fruits of My Spirit. Refuse to settle for a lack luster, mediocre relationship with Me. What I have for you is rich and deep, it is powerful and sweet, it is life-changing, and it is worth fighting for – worth pursuing.

Don’t waste time or focus on being envious of others’ walks with Me because each is unique and special just as each person is unique and special. I meet each of you exactly where you need. You don’t need – nor should you want – a duplicate of what someone else has, but rather something uniquely wonderful tailor-made just for you. That is a superior way to live – it is beyond comparison.

Zealous Pursuit

Proverbs 23:17 (TPT) Don’t allow the actions of evil men to cause you to burn with anger. Instead, burn with unrelenting passion as you worship God in holy awe.

Proverbs 21:23 (NKJV) Whoever guards his mouth and tongue Keeps his soul from troubles.

Be zealous for the Lord at every waking moment. He is the reason you have air in your lungs! He is the reason we have yet another day as a gift to bless His Holy name. That’s our purpose, to bring Glory to His name and have His light shine through us.

But be careful… Don’t let your burning passion and zeal for Him quicken your tongue. Always seek His wisdom and humble yourself first before taking a step in so called “righteous anger”. Regardless of what you witness and know, the Lord is aching over His lost children, be what Jesus called us to be… LOVE! Love conquers all! All you have to do is plant a seed.

[Zealous Pursuit originally posted on Larisa-Chirila.com, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

Immerse Yourself in Me

John 17:17 (VOICE) Immerse them in the truth, the truth Your voice speaks.

Beloved, saturate yourself in My word. In the same way you get to know people in your life by spending time with them, you will come to know Me with greater understanding the more time you spend with Me and in My word.

Listen for My voice. Be slow to speak, for I know your heart, so be intentional to pause and be still. Wait on Me. Abide with Me. Dwell in My presence. I AM with you always, be intentional to tune in to My frequency. Immerse Yourself in Me.

Meditate on My Word

Psalm 119:18 (TPT) Open my eyes to see the miracle-wonders hidden in your word.

Beloved, ask Me to open your eyes to the glory of who I AM. Ask Me to bring deep revelation through My word. Desire to see and know. Crave to hear and understand. Then taste and see the beauty of all I AM.

If you would know Me, meditate on My word, beloved. My heart and My ways are embedded on each page. Pursue Me. Allow My heart as revealed through My word to change and mold you, making you more like Me.

Pursue Me and Hold Nothing Back

Psalm 25:14 (TPT) There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises.

Beloved, press in. Refuse to settle for less than My perfect will for your life. Go all out. Excel at being a lover of God. Lavish Me with your time and affections. Hold nothing back. You determine the closeness of our relationship because My pursuit of you is limitless, but you must choose your part.

The difference between a shallow acquaintance and a fervent relationship is significant. Would you rather be dwelling in My Holy of Holies or wandering the outer court? How much do you truly want to know Me? Do you share your intimate secrets with acquaintances or close friends? You are made in My image, beloved. Pursue Me as you desire to be pursued. I AM worth it.