When the weight of the world comes creeping in, the thought of simply resting may seem unthinkable, if not impossible. Yet was it not our Savior who slept in a boat while a storm raged overhead (Mark 4:38)? In that light, the impossible suddenly becomes possible. Rest is always accessible through the Spirit that dwells within us—if we are willing to lighten our loads. Continue reading “Lighten Your Load”
Rest Awaits

How does one deal with the swirling chaos that may surround us,
Losing focus as it blinds us?
Overwhelmed and in despair,
Seems no one stops and bothers to care. Continue reading “Rest Awaits”
Eat, Sleep, and Be Merry
1 Kings 19:4-5 (VOICE) He journeyed into the desert for one day and then decided to rest beneath the limbs of a broom tree. There he prayed that his life would be over quickly and that he would die there beneath the tree. Elijah: I’m finished, Eternal One. Please end my life here and now , even though I have failed, and I am no better than my ancestors. Elijah then laid himself down under the broom tree and entered into a deep sleep. While he was sleeping, a heavenly messenger came and touched him and gave him instructions. Messenger: Get up, and eat.
Sometimes life and circumstances can feel so overwhelming. There are times we are so frustrated that there aren’t words to really express how we feel; we might even get a little dramatic – like Elijah. The beautiful thing is, Elijah wasn’t in some prayer closet on his knees praying “like he should.” He wasn’t moved to speak to God out of religious routine, it was out of relationship – he was just having a conversation out loud with God. Continue reading “Eat, Sleep, and Be Merry”
Catch the Rhythm
Beloved, there can be a fine line between living your life in a state of striving and operating from a place of rest. The difference between striving and rest comes when you try to create a rhythm in life as opposed to quieting yourself and simply finding it. I created all life to exist in the flow and rhythm of my Spirit. From the waters of creation, My Spirit has guided all things to flow according to My will. It knows My perfect pattern and plan by which all life can flourish and prosper. Continue reading “Catch the Rhythm”
Just Be

Just be, beloved. There is a time and season for all things—time to learn, to do, and to explore in life. However, in every moment, no matter what activity it contains, I call you to simply be. Breathe, live, and move in Me, beloved. Pause to recognize how My Spirit fills you and gives life and purpose. Continue reading “Just Be”
Lunchtime Live: Make Time to Pause
- Show and tell: Fire and Colour Promised Kingdom feature
- Testimony: Dyed4you Art Lion Flags at the Beach
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Choose to Pause (Selah)
- Dyed4you Art: Selah (Divine Interlude)
- Dyed4you silk: large handled extra long bendie flag called Sabbath Rest (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: Waiting in the Wings post called “Just Be” (also releasing on Dyed4you Ministries blog tomorrow)
- Music: Background music is from Music to Pray By
- Daily Downloads from Heaven available on Amazon – more info on the Author Meghan Williams page
Let Go
Beloved, you are so precious to me. Let go of your self-criticism and trust the good I am unfolding in your life. You are perfectly situated to receive messages of this moment… just quiet your mind enough to hear them.
You have spent a lot of time playing the “Martha” role lately. Make space for a season of “Mary.” Receive that blessing and you will find you genuinely have more to give. Cherish and guard that precious time as closely as you would your most prized possession.
Answer the invitation of your soul to meet in stillness. You hear it calling… notice how habits and things that feel urgent fill your time and leave little space for what is most important. Are you ready to let go of your compulsion to manage details and make space to breathe in the inspiration I have for you?
My timing is perfect, dear one. All is well. Letting go of a sense of duty or control, imagine what action flowing from inspired listening will look like.
What is True
You are one with Being. There is nothing for you to figure out, only for you to find that you already know in your innermost part. I made you whole and any understanding that you are less than that is based on an illusion. Be present with the stillness within you and you will find this true.
Be Still
Be. Still. And. Know. I AM. God.
Be. Still. And. Know. I AM. With. You.
Be. Still. And. Know. I. Care.
Be. Still. My. Child.
Be. Still.
Be. Continue reading “Be Still”
Rest in Joy
Romans 12:12 (VOICE) Do not forget to rejoice, for hope is always just around the corner. Hold up through the hard times that are coming, and devote yourselves to prayer.
Beloved, choose to rest in joy. There is always something for which to have gratitude. At all times and through every experience, you can choose to maintain a state of joyous appreciation for My goodness to you. Joy is a choice.
So choose to rest in joy even as you persist in prayer – trusting Me to move rightly, for I AM good. Your concerns are important to Me and never out of My thoughts. I never treat your heart lightly, beloved. So resist the urge to indulge in worry, and rather choose to be steadfast in joyful gratitude.