Trust in Me and Soar

Isaiah 40:31 (VOICE) But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength. They will soar on wings as eagles. They will run—never winded, never weary. They will walk—never tired, never faint.

Beloved, soar with Me. If you are feeling weary or faint, lean more on Me – I can take it and I want to take it. I AM your stronghold, your strong tower, your place of safety and rest. Lean on Me and trust in Me. As you press in and trust Me more and more you are strengthened because I AM your strength.

Yield to My flow and soar with Me. As you trust Me and trust My direction, I will lead you how and where you need. The enemy wants you wasting time on things I have not called you to, allowing the “good” to steal your time and energy so the “best” never has its moment to come. He always tries to wear you out, but that is not of Me. Even I chose rest on the sabbath. Everything in its time and season, trust Me to know the flow.

I Surround You With My Favor 

Psalm 5:12 (AMP) For You, O Lord, bless the righteous man [the one who is in right standing with You]; You surround him with favor as with a shield.

Beloved, you never need to work to earn My favor – you already have it, you are clothed in it. You can focus on walking uprightly and cultivating relationship with Me because My favor isn’t anything you need to work for, it is given freely and surrounds you like a shield. I insulate and protect you because you are My beloved one in whom I AM well pleased.

Rest in that favor, knowing it is there for you – covering you – simply because you are Mine. Walk in the confidence that comes from knowing you are loved, cherished, and appreciated – for you are! I delight in you. You are the apple of My eye, My heart’s desire – the center of My world. Hear the love songs I sing over you and the sweet words of life and affection that I whisper in your ear. I AM with you always. I will never leave your side. You are priceless to Me. Rest in the safety of that understanding.

Watch and Wait

Exodus 14:14 (AMP) The Lord will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm.”

Beloved, there are moments to take up your sword and fight, and moments to rest and watch Me fight for you. This is the moment to keep silent and watch as I move on your behalf. Am I not God? Am I not sovereign? Is My hand too small? The concerns of your heart are moving Me to action, beloved. Watch and wait.

I AM YHVH Sabaoth (the Lord of Hosts) and the heavenly hosts are at My command. The kingdom of darkness will not stand against us. We move in righteousness and light. And darkness cannot overcome the light, but rather light overtakes the darkness. So shall I, the One who created light, overtake the adversary and the kingdom of darkness. Watch and wait.

Quiet your spirit as you wait. Pray. Stand in agreement with Me. Align your heart with Me as you rest and trust. You are in My hand and there is no place safer for you. As an impassioned Father, I AM moving on your behalf. Watch and wait.

BE with Me

Beloved, step into your closet and shut the door. Take a moment to exhale and pause and just rest in Me. Inhale and receive My love, My rest, My refreshing. Resist the urge to allow yourself to be pulled so many directions that you have nothing left and are running on empty. Remember I AM your source. I AM always right here – with you and waiting – ready to fill you and refresh you. Take that moment to pause and just BE with Me. I will meet you there.