Be Naked and Unashamed 

James 5:16a (AMP) Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored.

Beloved, do not let pride or shame or fear of judgement keep you from confessing your sins. The enemy desires to keep you in bondage to them, wrapping you tightly in feelings of guilt and shame because he knows your confession will usher in freedom for you and he wants to keep you from it. Don’t let him.

Be naked and unashamed, willing to be transparent and vulnerable with your siblings in Christ. Trust that I will protect your heart, and trust that I will move in theirs as they respond to you and pray for you. Allow the fullness of your healing to come. Be restored and fully transformed. Be free.

Alive in His Love (Moments with God)

{my heart cries} You died for us. It’s not a myth. It’s not a fable. You are alive. You are ALIVE! You rose from the grave after my sins You paid. Hallelujah.

{He responds} I love you, beloved, and you were well worth the cost. Removed as far as the east is from the west, I see your sins no more. Behold, you are beautiful My love. Your eyes are like dove’s eyes. Made pure – washed clean – in the Blood. Beautiful, My love. Your eyes, they overwhelm Me. You think I overwhelm you, but you overwhelm Me! My love for you defies description. My heart is for you.  I AM steadfast and true. My love for you unchanging. Respond to Me. Melt into Me. Yield. I AM safe and My love shelters, protects, and restores. You are Mine. Continue reading “Alive in His Love (Moments with God)”

Silk: I Am My Beloved’s

This is a fun silk because the Dyed4you Community birthed it together. I shared this image of a silk I’d created on our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page and below are the pieces everyone shared. From that Father filled it out even more finishing out the new word for the silk called I Am My Beloved’s. I pray that the words ministers to you as well as the video I shared at the bottom with a pair of XL (light) dowel flags made in this style.  Continue reading “Silk: I Am My Beloved’s”

Kisses of My Mouth

Song of Solomon 2:4 (AMP) “He has brought me to his banqueting place, And his banner over me is love [waving overhead to protect and comfort me].

I cover you with My love – shielding and cocooning you. Protecting, encouraging, nurturing, and restoring you with My presence and the fervency of My devotion. I nourish you with the sweetest of kisses from My mouth. Pause, beloved, and feel My love overtake you. Nothing have I withheld from you. The depths of My heart for you are incalculable so do not try to measure it, simply receive it as the gift it is. Let it be sustenance to your weary soul.

Watch for My kisses from heaven as I move in your life and the world around you. I AM leaving love notes for you everywhere, simply pay attention and find them. Notice even the most minute details I have aligned to demonstrate My love for you: whether it be in the rainbows and flowers that bring a smile, or the butterfly in a moment you needed to be reminded of beauty; the rainy nights that sooth your soul, or the vibrant sunshine that warms your heart – I AM here and I AM moving. I AM moving all around you, see Me. My heart is on display.