Be. Still. And. Know. I AM. God.
Be. Still. And. Know. I AM. With. You.
Be. Still. And. Know. I. Care.
Be. Still. My. Child.
Be. Still.
Be. Continue reading “Be Still”
Trust Me
Proverbs 3:5 (AMPC) “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.”
Deuteronomy 1:29 …”Don’t be scared! Don’t be afraid… You won’t have to fight this battle yourselves; the Eternal your God, who always goes ahead of you, will fight for you… haven’t you seen the Eternal, your True God, carrying you the way a parent carries a child? … He always goes ahead of you… He always shows you the right way to go.”
Daughter, {hearing the tender sound of His voice} I see you. I see your pain. I know it has not been easy for you. Yes, I do see the battle raging—trust Me, you are not alone. Refuse to fight this battle in your own strength—your efforts have left you wounded. You’re feeling hurt, tired and alone. Come, {hand reaching} allow Me to lead the way {wipes tears, takes hand}. Breathe, daughter. {takes a shallow breath} Breathe deep. {pauses, close her eyes and breathes deep. As she breathes she releases the tension and tears begin to stream as she let’s go of all fear and anxiety. As she breathes deep she can feel strength being restored and a renewed sense of peace and trust}. “Look around! Do you see Heaven’s armies?! I told you, you are not alone.” {She opens her eyes. She is overlooking a large city filled with multitudes of Angels who are fighting on her behalf} Continue reading “Trust Me”
Stand Ready
Psalm 45:3 (NASB) Gird Your sword on Your thigh, O Mighty One, In Your splendor and Your majesty!
Beloved, stand ready. Be prepared to fight at My command. You do not war against flesh and blood, but against supernatural powers that would move against you and against My Kingdom. But do not be afraid, for I have overcome the wicked one.
Beloved, none can stand against Me. As My children stand with Me, they are aligned and prepared for victory. For I AM the victorious One. So stand. Resist the devil and all his efforts to move you. Stand in faith – unwavering. Stand with Me. Continue reading “Stand Ready”
The Name of the Lord

Proverbs 18:10 (AMP) The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runs to it and is safe and set on high [far above evil].
Occasionally, there can be times of spiritual warfare where fear and anxiety can plague a believer; keeping the enemy at bay often requires persistence and a commitment to having the mind of Christ. I remember in one particular season, the battle was even more difficult because I could not always stop in the middle of what I was doing to pray, discern, and address every fear and shift my thought life. One night, I went to bed physically exhausted—both from a long day of work and the nagging grip of anxiety that had plagued me all day. Yet in my exhaustion, I found myself wielding a powerful weapon against that anxiety—the Name of the Lord. Continue reading “The Name of the Lord”
I AM Unshakable
Hebrews 12:28-29 (VOICE) Therefore, let us all be thankful that we are a part of an unshakable Kingdom and offer to God worship that pleases Him and reflects the awe and reverence we have toward Him, for He is like a fierce fire that consumes everything.
Beloved, I AM unshakable. My Kingdom knows no end. I AM a fierce and mighty warrior – a blazing fire and a roaring lion, shaking all that can be shaken so that what may stand firm will remain.
As you are tested in the fires, you need not be afraid. In the valley of the shadow of death, I AM with you – you have nothing to fear. Join forces with Me. Stay by My side and trust Me, for I AM unshakable. Continue reading “I AM Unshakable”
No Longer Slaves

Exodus 12:41 (NKJV) And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years—on that very same day—it came to pass that all the armies of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt.
There comes a point in our spiritual journey where God calls us to shift how we see our relationship with Him and how we see ourselves. So often we may find ourselves focusing on God as our refuge and our deliverer. And indeed, He is all that and more to us; He has delivered us out of bondage with a mighty hand. And yet, an amazing truth is that God delivered so that we might join forces with Him. We are no longer slaves, instead, we have been called to stand by the side of our King as a mighty army. Continue reading “No Longer Slaves”
King of Kings
I am the King of Kings and Lord of lords. My Name is above every other name on this Earth. Each country bears my divine creative mark. Each tribe of people on the earth; uniquely made for a plan and purpose.
All interwoven for a beautiful masterpiece, created to bring Me – the King of Kings – all glory. Continue reading “King of Kings”
Refuse to Believe the Lies
John 10:27 (AMP) The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.
Beloved, refuse to believe the lies that the enemy throws your way. You are Mine, and those who are Mine know My voice and they will not follow another’s. So pause as you listen, and recognize who is speaking that you might rightly determine which words are of value and to which you should pay no heed.
For the enemy of your soul will always toss “thought bombs” at you like grenades. Their intention is to maim and destroy. Refuse to give them power by simply rejecting them as you identify their origin. Toss them out, beloved. Take every thought captive and make it submit to My truth.
Beloved, you know Me. You know My heart towards you is good. Refuse to believe anything less. Refuse to settle for anything less. Know that you are precious, prized, the apple of My eye – My heart’s desire. Know the truth of your identity as you rest in the cocoon of My love. Continue reading “Refuse to Believe the Lies”
The Battlefield
The battle is fierce. I look around and see all who have fallen, my heart melts with fear. I hear Your voice on the battlefield telling us to be encouraged, to keep our eyes fixed on You. You raise your gold shield to defend that which is Yours. I run closer to You when something catches my attention. I look away from You for just a second and I am pierced by an arrow of the enemy and I fall to the ground. I try to get on my feet only to I fall back to the earth. You look over Your shoulder and tell me, “Child, get back up!” Again, I try to rise but the pain and the fear are unbearable. I sink into back to the ground and sob, “I’m sorry Lord. I can’t.” Continue reading “The Battlefield”
Powerful Love
A powerful love that cuts through the darkness. Nothing can stand against it. Our God reigns in our hearts and minds. No thought, mindset, disease or curse can stand against the weapon of God’s love. His spirit of Truth will demolish every stronghold. He will not let anything stand against His authority, His power, His kingdom’s reign. We are commissioned to stand with Him, arrayed in His power and authority to dispatch all darkness and bring His great light. Continue reading “Powerful Love”