I AM Lord of All

Exodus 15:3 (AMP) The Lord is a warrior; The Lord is His name.

Beloved, I will not retreat from a fight. I battle for those I love because I deem you worthy. You are precious and prized – the apple of My eye, and when someone hurts you, it hurts Me. So leave justice in My hands, for only My judgment is righteous. 

You can trust in Me. You can trust your heart in My care. Give yourself to me fully – without holding back, and watch how I lavish My love upon you. I AM Lord of all. I AM. 

Be Strong in Faith

Luke 17:19 (AMP) Jesus said to him, “Get up and go [on your way]. Your faith [your personal trust in Me and your confidence in God’s power] has restored you to health.”

Beloved, be strong in faith, for the God you serve is worthy. I AM El Shaddai – God Almighty, the all-sufficient One. You can have full confidence in Me, for I AM all in all and nothing is too hard for Me.

As you move in confident faith, you broadcast to all your declaration that I AM God. This is a powerful spiritual weapon. It is that kind of faith that makes room for the supernatural to occur. So be strong in faith, and refuse to back down. Know that I AM that I AM, and I AM worthy.

YHVH Gibbor Milchamah (the Lord Mighty in Battle)

Psalm 24:8 (VOICE) Who is the glorious King? The Eternal who is powerful and mightily equipped for battle.

Beloved, rejoice for I AM the Lord of Hosts – YHVH Tsaba, the Lord mighty in battle – YHVH Gibbor Milchamah. Nothing defeats Me. Stand fast by My side and trust Me, refusing to allow your faith to waver, for you know My name. 

Beloved, is anything to hard for Me? Is anything beyond My reach? Refuse to allow circumstances or intimidation tactics from the enemy to induce fear or doubt. I AM the victorious One and you stand with Me.

Soak in the Sound of Heaven

1 Samuel 16:23 (JUB) And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took a harp and played with his hand; so Saul was refreshed and was better, and the evil spirit departed from him.

Beloved, soak in the sound of heaven, for it brings peace. The enemy hates that sound. What soothes and ministers to My children offends the ears of those who hate Me. So stay in My flow. Bask in it. 

Use your hands and mouth and whole body as a vessel for My songs to pour through. Make a joyful noise. Shift the atmosphere. Hold nothing back, and resist the urge to be caught up in skill level or lack thereof. Instead focus on what I look at: the heart. 

Stand Fast and Trust in Me

Jeremiah 32:17 (VOICE) Eternal Lord, with Your outstretched arm and Your enormous power You created the heavens and the earth. Nothing is too difficult for You.

Beloved, nothing is too difficult for Me. Will you believe what your natural senses are telling you above what My Word says? Surely not. Stand fast in faith. Ask for My truth over any situation, then hold fast to what I say and refuse to be moved. 

I delight in showing My power. I delight in making the impossible possible. I delight in changing hearts, healing the broken, and restoring that which seems beyond repair. Stand fast and trust in Me. 

Rally to Me

Isaiah 5:26 (GW) The Lord raises up a flag for the nations far away. With a whistle he signals those at the ends of the earth. Look, they are coming very quickly!

Beloved, come when I rally My people.  Be sure to heed My call. Come quickly. Respond in haste – as one sensitive to My lead. For when I unite hearts for My purpose, heaven and earth are moved, atmospheres are changed, and the hearts of men respond in love and truth. 

So come forth out of depression and sorrow, and step forth into the battle for victory. Rejoice and be glad as you stand in faith prepared to move. I AM that I AM – the Lord of Hosts is My name. Rally to Me.  Continue reading “Rally to Me”

Ride Forth

Revelation 19:14-15 (AMP) And the armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, [dazzling] white and clean, followed Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword (His word) with which He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He will tread the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty [in judgment of the rebellious world].

There is a call from heaven to don our linen robes, climb upon our horses, and ride into war with our King. But what does Kingdom warfare truly look like? In Scripture, we see a foreshadowing of Christ through the mighty warrior King David. David drew all of his strength from God alone. God preserved David in good times and in bad and ultimately empowered David to unify the Kingdom of Israel. David had perpetual victory in battle due to his strong connection with the King of Kings. Continue reading “Ride Forth”

Lead the Charge

“Anointed for War: Rallied Warriors” – by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

My vessel, you have been anointed for war. Even more, I have called you to lead others into battle. You know well that the weapons you wield are mighty in Me and not of this earth. I have anointed you with breakthrough power and might by My Spirit. Long-standing hinderances to the manifestation of My Kingdom will crumble when you lift up My Word as a banner. Through Me, you will overcome. Continue reading “Lead the Charge”

We Will Win the Day

Psalm 89:21 (VOICE) My strong hand will stay with him and sustain him, regardless of trial or foe. My mighty arm will be his strength and shield.

Beloved, be not concerned for the battle ahead, for victory is assured. The trials – though not easy – are surmountable with Me. Strength and character are honed in the fight, and singlemindedness of purpose. 

Embrace these blessings rather than simply longing for it to be over, which only seems to drag out the process. Trust that I AM sustaining you and My hand is at work for good, and that we will win the day. 

Tenacious Warfare

Jeremiah 51:27 (GW) Raise your battle flag throughout the world. Blow the ram’s horn among the nations. Prepare nations to attack Babylon. Tell the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz to attack it. Appoint a commander to lead the attack. Bring up horses like a swarm of locusts.

Beloved, keep your heart tuned into My frequency and keep your eyes at the ready. Be sensitive and know the times. Listen for when I rally My people – calling them together from the east and from the west. Respond to My cry. It is time to take action.

Prepare for battle, beloved – a war fought on your knees through the righteous prayer and intercession of the saints. They are as strong and mighty as rearing stallions – bold and fearless. So listen and respond. Join the troops, be tenacious in your warfare, and remember I AM always victorious.