Stand in Faith

Exodus 14:14 (NLT) The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

Beloved, stand in faith – that is your role. Stand, trusting Me to fight on your behalf. Trusting that I will be victorious. Trusting Me. Rally your heart, and declare My name to the nations. Stand in agreement with all I AM – the Lord strong and mighty, victorious in battle. 

Beloved, stay calm – calm because you trust Me at My word. If you believe My promises, what have you to fret over? I AM true to My word. I AM faithful from generation to generation. And I AM victorious. 

Your calmness is warfare. It is a declaration of trust. It is a silent battle cry. It is an act of faith. Never underestimate the power of faith nor the weight an act of faith has in the spiritual realm. So stand in faith, beloved, and watch as I move.

Rise Up

“Wake Up” – by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Rise up, My people, rise up. The alarm sounds for the time of war, and I need you to be awake and vigilant. There is much territory for the kingdom of light to take, and I have fully equipped you to cast out the kingdom of darkness. Therefore, take care not become lax and forget who you are and what I have called you to do. Resist the voice of defeat which would have you believe you are a victim of any earthly circumstance. Shake off the weariness of past battles fought in your own strength. A new day of war is ahead—a war already won by My might and My Spirit. Continue reading “Rise Up”

Find the Truth in My Gaze

Proverbs 16:6 (TPT) You can avoid evil through surrendered worship and the fear of God, for the power of his faithful love removes sin’s guilt and grip over you.

Beloved, not only is your praise a mighty weapon, but it is a fearsome shield as well. It keeps your attentions focused on that which is good and true, and protects you from the enemy’s diversions. A besotted bride is not tempted by another, for her gaze is too well-fixed on the one she holds so dear. 

And, as this bride rests in the adoration of her beloved, she is not thinking of all the ways she’s missed the mark or all her personal shortcomings, for her reality is painted by his perception – that of his pure and spotless bride. In the same way, beloved, find your truth in My gaze. 

Praise-Filled Warrior

Psalm 149:3-4 (TPT) Break forth with dancing! Make music and sing God’s praises with the rhythm of drums! For he enjoys his faithful lovers. He adorns the humble with his beauty and he loves to give them the victory.

Beloved, rejoice and be glad for I AM good. I crown you with righteousness and cloak you in mercy. Declare My faithfulness in all the land. Sing praise to the One who is worthy – the One who loves you beyond comprehension. Sing the song of one who is deeply loved, for you are. 

Dance, beloved. Dance with joy as one who has been redeemed and set free. Give yourself as a joyous wave offering before your King. Rejoice, beloved. Be a praise-filled warrior with eyes firmly fixed on Me. 

Mighty Weapon of War

Psalm 149:6 (TPT) God’s high and holy praises fill their mouths, for their shouted praises are their weapons of war!

Beloved, shout your praise. Make a joyful noise and let it ring throughout the land. Refuse to withhold your worship, instead pouring it out like fresh ointment upon the feet of your Savior King. For He is worthy. 

Declare His worth for all to hear. Make your lives a living testimony – a reflection of that which you speak. Allow the fullness of your being to bring a sacrifice of praise, and know that declaring His worth is a mighty weapon of war. 

First Love

Beloved, I remember when you would not so much as take a step without asking Me if you were supposed to. Nothing shook your walk with Me. You were steadfast – immovable. I long for more of those days. I long for your first love, but something has shifted. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I have not changed or moved. My heart toward you has not changed. I am ever with you, and I will never forsake you. I have blessed you and bestowed spiritual gifts on you. I have remained the same.  Continue reading “First Love”

Let Love Be Your Battle Cry

Psalm 105:19 (NKJV) Until the time that his word came to pass, The word of the Lord tested him.

Beloved one, remember that each time you take a step to grasp ahold of My promises for your life that you are also attempting to take territory for the Kingdom of Heaven. This means that you are stepping onto a battlefield, declaring war against the darkness which seeks to maintain its hold on your inheritance. Therefore, do not be surprised that the enemy will resist you and the manifestation of My Word in your life. He will try to convince you that My promises are not true or that they are not for you. He will accuse you in an attempt to make you forget that you are clothed in My righteousness and that My favor is upon your life. Continue reading “Let Love Be Your Battle Cry”

Choose Who to Trust

Jeremiah 17:7 (VOICE) But blessed is the one who trusts in Me alone; the Eternal will be his confidence.

Beloved, choose to trust in Me, for I AM faithful and worthy. Blessed are those who put their unfettered trust in Me – those whose confidence is in Me. I will not leave you or forsake you. If your trust is in Me, you do not trust in vain.

I AM the mighty deliverer. Would you rely on the weapons and wisdom of men when you have Me on your side? Surely not. Walk in wisdom rooted in a fear of the Lord. I will not lead you astray.

Called and Commissioned

Judges 6:12 (ESV) And the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, “The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor.”

Beloved, I AM with you. In every battle, with every tear, I never leave your side. For I have called and commissioned you, and I will not leave you helpless. You were created for such a time as this, so walk forth in bold confidence of who you are in Me.

Be not afraid of the plans I have for you, for I will not leave you friendless nor ill-equipped for what lies ahead. I AM faithful to prepare you and supply your every need. Trust Me. Trust My heart for you. And trust Me to lead.

Confident Assurance

1 Kings 18:44 (AMP) And at the seventh time the servant said, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is coming up from the sea.” And Elijah said, “Go up, say to Ahab, ‘Prepare your chariot and go down, so that the rain shower does not stop you.’”

Beloved, step out in faith. Trust that I will meet you there. Know My instructions in your heart, and declare My words with your mouth. Then watch with eager expectation as I bring to fruition the promises at hand.

Refuse to be discouraged regardless how intimidating the foe. As long as you yield to Me, victory is assured. Stand tall in confident assurance, knowing I AM with you. I call you mighty warrior, and the hosts of heaven respond to your lead. Walk in the fullness of the mantle resting on you.