Spirit of Might

Judges 14:6 (NKJV) And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and he tore the lion apart as one would have torn apart a young goat, though [he had] nothing in his hand. But he did not tell his father or his mother what he had done.

Beloved, in your weakness My strength is made perfect. Allow My strength to be made manifest in you, for I AM a Mighty God – El Gibbor, and I AM YHVH Sabaoth – the Lord of Hosts. Who can stand against those who stand with Me?

Be of good courage and stand in faith. Yield to My Spirit of Might and allow My Spirit to flow through you in power and authority. Empowered by My Spirit, victory is always assured. You need not operate in strength of the flesh, for My Spirit is all you need. You will stand, you will withstand, and you will succeed.

Weapons of War / Implements of Peace

Joel 3:10 (VOICE) Hammer your sickles into swords. Forge your pruning shears into spears. For this final battle, even the weakling must say, ‘I am a warrior!’

Beloved, there is a time of peace and a time of war. Be sensitive to My Spirit to know the season and the times. And in each season, take the time to prepare whether you be reworking your plowshare into a sword or reverting your weapon of war to an implement of peace. 

Be prepared to build. Be prepared to tear down. Be prepared and flow in unity with My Spirit that you might also be in harmony with your brothers and sisters in Christ as we all move together as one, for together we are mighty. Continue reading “Weapons of War / Implements of Peace”

Child of the Light

Ephesians 5:13 (VOICE) When the light shines, it exposes even the dark and shadowy things and turns them into pure reflections of light.

Beloved, resist the urge to be intimidated by darkness for the power of My light far exceeds the deepest of night. One pinprick of light disperses the oppressive gloom, and you are a carrier of My light – you are filled with it.

So radiate without shame. Let it burst forth from you in all its inherent glory. You have a light that darkness cannot diminish or quell. Know and understand the power within you. You carry the Spirit of the Almighty.

What or who can stand against you when you are filled with Me? Where is the purpose in being afraid? Does light tremble in fear darkness may overcome it? Never! Be confident, bold, and steadfast as you walk as a child of the Light. Continue reading “Child of the Light”

Knight of Light

Psalm 18:28 (TPT) God, all at once you turned on a floodlight for me! You are the revelation-light in my darkness, and in your brightness I can see the path ahead.

Beloved, you are a reflection of Me. I bring light to the darkness, and you – under My authority and acting on My behalf – are a knight of Light, a warrior for Truth. Simply by reflecting Me and walking steadfastly in truth, you take territory. You shine, and you shine brightly. Darkness has no choice but to flee.

You are empowered from on high. Never forget your Source. I AM the only true light, and there is no substitute. A counterfeit is known by knowing so intimately what is true that a lie cannot deceive. So bring My light, let it be known in all the earth that no counterfeit or substitute would even be a temptation to those around you because the vibrancy and warmth of My light is irresistible. Continue reading “Knight of Light”

Emanate Light

Matthew 5:16 (VOICE) You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation, so men and women everywhere may see your good actions, may see creation at its fullest, may see your devotion to Me , and may turn and praise your Father in heaven because of it.

Beloved, you are My ambassador, a representative of Me. Choose your actions accordingly for the world will know Me through you. May you walk in mercy. May you extend much grace. And may you saturate those around you with love. May you walk in humility and give compassion without reserve.

These fruits of My Spirit on display are a bright light slicing through the darkness surrounding you. The actions speak louder than any words could – penetrating even the hardest of hearts. So emanate light, beloved. Throw it forth liberally and without reserve that the world might see and know I AM good.

My Voice Thunders

Isaiah 54:17 (VOICE) But no instrument forged against you will be allowed to hurt you, and no voice raised to condemn you will successfully prosecute you. It’s that simple; this is how it will be for the servants of the Eternal; I will vindicate them.

Beloved, My voice thunders. It out blasts and supersedes every other voice. I always have the last word and My word never returns void. It always accomplishes that which it sets out to do.

My quietest whisper carries more weight than any other utterance. Fret not over the voices that surround you and instead seek Me for My word on every matter, for in the end, nothing else matters. I will have the last word and it will prevail.

YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner) & About Flag Ministry

Exodus 17:15 (NLT) Moses built an altar there and named it Yahweh-Nissi (which means “the Lord is my banner”).

Beloved, I AM your banner, your miracle, your declaration of victory. Lift Me high. Exalt Me and lift your hands in holy reverence for I AM worthy of your praise. I AM a sign and a symbol to any who would look that you have been set free. You have overcome.

In honor of Me, lift your hands. In honor of Me, raise high your symbol of victory. Your unabashed faith in who I AM and willingness to hold nothing back are powerful messages in the spiritual realm. You declare Me faithful – your very actions announcing to any with ears to hear that I AM God and I AM worthy of your devotion. Praise Me for I AM good. Continue reading “YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner) & About Flag Ministry”


Nehemiah 8:10 (GW) …Don’t be sad because the joy you have in the Lord is your strength.

Beloved, when you find your joy in Me, it is unshakable. I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever, so when you root yourself in Me, you have a foundation that is solid. It cannot be moved by outside forces. When your joy is in Me, it cannot be stolen. There is strength in that foundation.

As trials in life come – and they surely will – they cannot steal your joy because it is found in Me. Draw strength from that. The winds and waves may come, but your roots are in solid ground. Draw strength from Me. I AM unchanging and unwavering. I AM the one that holds you as priceless and loves you beyond measure. Be rooted in that love.

But beloved be cautioned, you can choose to release your joy. It cannot be taken from you, but you can give it up. So refuse the temptation to give in. The enemy will lie and cheat and steal to try to release your hold on what is rightfully yours, but refuse to yield. Hold tight and be unshakable.

The Power of One

Ezekiel 22:30 (VOICE) I searched for one man among them, a man who could build the wall and stand in the gap before Me and advocate for the land, a man who could convince Me not to destroy it; but I found no one.

Beloved, don’t underestimate the impact of one person, one voice. I am looking for one person to agree with My heart, let that be you. Stay tuned to My frequency. Let what moves Me, move you. Then respond accordingly. Trust My Spirit to lead.

The enemy will always seek for ways to silence and distract you, so keep your heart in tune with Mine and refuse to be silenced, refuse to be scattered, refuse to be moved. Never underestimate the power of one, the power you hold as you align with Me. Continue reading “The Power of One”

Refuse to be Silent

Acts 18:9 (TLB) One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t quit!

Beloved, refuse to shrink back. Refuse to be cowed. No ploy of the enemy or criticism of man is worth bowing to fear. I AM with you. My grace sustains you. You are worthy and beloved by Me – not for what you do, but for who you are. And yet stand fast, refuse to be moved. Refuse to allow your testimony to be tarnished or stolen. You are able to withstand. My grace is sufficient.

For I, even I, have put the words in your mouth. So let them flow forth – allowing them to flow unhindered – planting seeds and watering each in their season. And watch beloved, for I will surely plant them in fertile ground and that will yield beautiful fruit. Rich is the reward.