In Freedom You Are Made Whole

Revelation 12:11 (KJV) And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Beloved, the threat of death no longer hangs over you for I have given you everlasting life. The enemy cannot steal this gift. Though he will try to thwart My plans in the earthly realm, eternity is in My hand and you, beloved, are Mine.

In this place of life is freedom, for no threat can change your eternal home as you cling steadfastly to Me. And in that freedom you are made whole. In that freedom, your light shines brightly – radiantly reflecting My glory – and drawing others to My Son.

Refuse to be dimmed. Refuse to be intimidated, clinging steadfastly to the truth of Who I AM. I AM YHVH, the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, the Eternal One, and I reign.

Sing Precious Songbird

Psalm 104:33 (TLB) I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will praise God to my last breath!

Beloved, break forth in song – refuse to be made silent. For your delight is a blessing to Me and brings glory to My name. It shifts the atmosphere and declares My goodness. It magnifies Me and brings honor to My name. So sing, precious songbird, sing!

Never discount the power of your song. The sound coming forth breaks chains and sets the captives free. The angels respond to your voice – even the armies of heaven move out on the notes carried by your breath. Your voice changes things. It shifts things in the unseen realm as well as the seen. Refuse to be silent anointed songbird, release what I have placed within you for it is lovely and more powerful than you know.

Dragon Slayer

Revelation 12:4 (AMP) And his tail swept [across the sky] and dragged away a third of the stars of heaven and flung them to the earth. And the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.

Be mindful beloved, that the evil one is always waiting to steal your fruit and destroy your inheritance. And yet, victory is already in your hand. Be aware, but not overwhelmed. Refuse to be intimidated or to surrender to fear. Stand tall and be steadfast, victory is assured.

Trust My Spirit to lead and instruct. Stay in the flow. Nothing is too hard for Me. The enemy of your soul will not overtake you, refuse to allow him to distract your gaze, press into Me. Together we will fight. Together we will succeed. Like a dragon slayer of old, no foe is too great to defeat. I AM with you.

Make Room for Me to Move

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …respond to the very ones who persecute you by praying for them…

Beloved, prayer releases people and situations into My very capable hands. Refuse to be impressed by the hurtful words and actions the enemy would distract you with, and instead see with My eyes and perceive what is at the root.

Pray healing and restoration over those who would do you harm. That in no way gives approval to their wrongs, it simply shifts the spiritual atmosphere and makes room for Me to move. Be intentional to invite Me into every moment and trust Me to move. Continue reading “Make Room for Me to Move”

I AM the Waymaker

Isaiah 43:16 (TLB) I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a path right through the sea.

Beloved, I AM the Waymaker. You need not be concerned as to how or why, just know I AM. In times of trouble, look to Me. As you do – as your faith and trust in Me is made evident in your actions and your praise – I AM lifted up. Like a standard of victory before a contending army, I AM YHVH Nissi. I AM the Lord your banner. Who can stand against Me?

I AM the Lord of the breakthrough and the restorer of your souls. I jealously guard you and love you beyond your wildest imaginings. I AM good. Refuse to be discouraged. Refuse to be impressed with the attacks that the enemy launches, refuse him the praise of acknowledgment and fix your eyes on Me, the author and finisher of your faith. Behold, I’m doing a new thing, watch as I bring the breakthrough. Continue reading “I AM the Waymaker”

Keep Your Mind Fixed on Me

Exodus 28:36 (KJV) And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it, like the engravings of a signet, Holiness To The Lord.

Beloved, keep your mind fixed on Me and My ways. Meditate on My word and let it so saturate who you are that your thoughts and deeds align with it without hesitation. Be so firmly rooted in My thoughts, that no suggestion that is in opposition – whether it be from human or spiritual origin – leads you astray.

Reject that which is not of Me and that which I declare evil. Refuse to give it place in your life. For beloved, the enemy will exploit any and every toehold he is granted, so refuse to give him access to torment you. Resist the devil and he will flee. Stand fast in truth, taking every thought captive, and offering holiness unto Me. Continue reading “Keep Your Mind Fixed on Me”

Mighty in Me

2 Corinthians 10:4 (NKJV) For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,

Beloved, be not defenseless in the face of your enemy, but rather having donned your armor, cling to your shield of faith and wield your sword of truth. For I have equipped you to withstand the onslaught of the enemy of your soul.

And yet, just as one would not attempt a marathon never having trained, be mindful to exercise your faith at all times to be prepared for the times of turmoil which will surely come. I AM with you to strengthen you. Do your part, for I have not left you helpless or defenseless, but mighty in Me.

Stones of Remembrance

Joshua 4:7 (GW) You should answer, ‘The water of the Jordan River was cut off in front of the ark of the Lord’s promise. When the ark crossed the Jordan, the river stopped flowing. These stones are a permanent reminder for the people of Israel.’”

Beloved, there are moments worth capturing in a way that fosters remembrance. Moments that bolster your faith and remind you who I AM and that I AM faithful and true. Don’t lose sight of those moments or allow them to simply pass by with the emotions of that instant quickly fading and moving on. Take the time to establish a method of remembering that you might be able to stand strong in the days of hopelessness and opposition because you know that you know I AM good.

Be intentional about acknowledging My good works, and thankful about each blessing. I love to lavish My children, but refuse to do so at the cost of their character. So keep your heart humble, refuse to operate in entitlement but rather in childlike trust. Take the time to place “stones of remembrance” that you will always remember who I AM and how I move. I AM a good Father and I love My children. Continue reading “Stones of Remembrance”

Arm Yourself

Ephesians 6:13-17 (AMP) Therefore, put on the complete armor of God…And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Beloved, arm yourself by immersing yourself in My word. How can one combat a lie – how can one even recognize it – if one does not take the time to know the truth? Without a foundation of truth, you are ill equipped to stand against the evil one, and that vulnerability is one too easily leveraged by the forces of darkness.

But when you have feasted on My word – meditating on it and allowing it to go deep within your heart – My Spirit will quicken it to your remembrance in a moment of need, a sharp-edged sword able to separate not just truth from a lie, but even the intricacies of twisted truths. Remember beloved, when My Son was tempted in the wilderness, the enemy quoted My word to him. It is not enough just to read, one must learn to understand, to know My heart. As you study, My Spirit will teach you. Intentionally unite in purpose allowing the breath of My Spirit to quicken My truth in your heart. Continue reading “Arm Yourself”

Clothed in Strength

Proverbs 31:25 (NLT) She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Beloved, allow your joy and trust in My faithfulness to bubble up and overflow. With YHVH Sabaoth (the Lord of Hosts) and the hosts of heaven on your side, you know you have nothing and no one to fear. Your future is safe in My hands.

Let the joy of victory ring. Let your strength be like the finest garments, and your gentle dignity – your steadfast honor and quiet assurance – be as lovely accessories, accentuating the beauty of your faith in Me as you stand assured with joy.