Train Your Gaze on Me

Exodus 23:13 (VOICE) Be careful to do all that I have instructed you. Do not even acknowledge the names of other gods or let their names spill from your lips.

Beloved, refuse to acknowledge the enemy by giving him credit in your life. I AM your God and I will not share with another. Resist the urge to point at his opposition and use it as a barometer for your walk saying, “I know I am doing something right because he is opposing me.” The enemy will always oppose you because I love you. He will always lay traps to ensnare you because you are precious to me.

Look to Me, beloved, and keep your eyes fixed. Trust that I will guide you with My eye. Train your gaze upon Me never allowing it to waver. I AM the Lord your God. I AM the faithful God. Keeping My promises from generation to generation. My promise you have. My love you have. My acceptance you have. I AM all you need. Continue reading “Train Your Gaze on Me”

Let Victory Be Your Song

2 Timothy 1:7 (VOICE) You see, God did not give us a cowardly spirit but a powerful, loving, and disciplined spirit.

Beloved, let My love for you embolden you. Let it fill you with confidence in Me. You walk in victory when you walk with Me. Refuse discouragement. The enemy will always try to distract you with seeming failures and he loves to malign My character, but you know and walk in Truth.

Let victory be your song. Let My joy wrap through your soul filling you with strength. Radiate the assurance of one who knows Me. Be filled with the knowledge of Me and be overwhelmed by My love.

Far More With You

Exodus 14:19 (VOICE) God’s messenger, who had been out front leading the people of Israel, moved to protect the rear of the company; the cloud pillar moved with him from the front to the back of them.

Beloved, I AM your covering. My heavenly hosts stand at the ready – guarding and protecting – alert and ready to execute My command. Our desire is to protect you from that which would seek your harm. I AM on your side and the hosts of heaven act on My behalf.

Whether you physically see My presence before you, I AM always with you. My hosts ever around you. Truly, beloved, there are far more with you than against you. Ask Me to open your eyes that you might see. Continue reading “Far More With You”

Refining and Protecting

Hebrews 12:29 (NET Bible) For our God is indeed a devouring fire.

Beloved, I AM indeed a consuming fire. The fire of My presence is refining you like flames with gold and dross. I AM ever purifying and testing you that you might be made more radiant and beautiful – reflecting My glory more and more clearly. Submit to the process, worship Me in the midst, and trust yourself in My hands knowing I always operate for the good of those who love Me and are called according to My purpose.

As you surrender to My blaze, it also acts as a protection for you, for the enemy has no desire to draw near My scorching flames. In yielding and trusting, you further surrender your protection and wellbeing to Me, and I will not let you down.

Let Your Anticipation Testify

Psalm 130:6 (VOICE) My soul waits for the Lord to break into the world more than night watchmen expect the break of day, even more than night watchmen expect the break of day.

Beloved, be a watchman on the wall. Alertly fix your gaze, watching expectantly for Me to breakthrough for I AM the God of the breakthrough. Let your heart stand in faith, knowing with full certainty that I will move suddenly. It may seem as though I tarry, but I tarry not.

Anticipate Me. Sober, alert, and ready – expectant, filled with confidence and trust in Me and My word. May your anticipation alone testify to your faith in who I AM and My faithfulness.

Pleased to Serve

Psalm 104:4 (VOICE) You make Your messengers like the winds; the breeze whispers Your words, Your servants are like the fire and flame.

Beloved, My hosts surround you fulfilling My commands. They carry out each of My instructions with precision and dedication, and it pleases them to do so – to serve the sons of man on My behalf.

They serve Me because they see Me in all My glory and grandeur, they know I AM God. How awesome and humbling it is for them to see you – who have seen Me as through a glass, darkly – yielded and worshipping Me with whole hearts! Yes beloved, they are pleased to serve the ones who operate in such faith.

Be aware of their presence. Be aware and know they are an extension of Me. Continue reading “Pleased to Serve”

Unaware But Not Unappreciative

Psalm 91:11 (NET) For he will order his angels to protect you in all you do.

Beloved, I AM the Lord of heavenly armies. All the hosts of heaven are at My command, and you are My most prized possession – the apple of My eye and core of My heart – you are vital to Me. Therefore I have given My angels charge over you, to guard and protect you, and it is their pleasure to carry out My command.

They are ever present, acting on My behalf and for your benefit. Beloved, you will never fully know all that has been averted and minimized that sought to do you harm that My faithful hosts have shielded you from. It is understood that you are unaware of all that happens on your behalf, but do not be unappreciative simply because you are unaware. Be slow to accuse Me of negligence and remember I desire good for you even more than you do for yourself.

I AM Your Strong Tower

Isaiah 58:8 (VOICE) Then, oh then, your light will break out like the warm, golden rays of a rising sun; in an instant, you will be healed. Your rightness will precede and protect you; the glory of the Eternal will follow and defend you.

Beloved, as you walk in righteousness it is My joy to defend you. I will silence the tongues that seek to slander you and bring destruction on those who would seek your ruin. Behold I AM a Jealous God. I love My people beyond comprehension and woe to them that would stand against you.

I have warned not to touch My anointed. I have cautioned and made the consequences clear. I protect what is Mine, and beloved, you are Mine. I both cover you with My feathers (gently protecting), and I AM the Lord of Hosts (waging war on your behalf). You are not without covering. I AM your strong tower. You are safe in Me. Continue reading “I AM Your Strong Tower”

I AM Who I AM and I AM Unchanging 

Revelation 19:11 (AMPC) After that I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse [appeared]! The One Who was riding it is called Faithful (Trustworthy, Loyal, Incorruptible, Steady) and True, and He passes judgment and wages war in righteousness (holiness, justice, and uprightness).

Beloved, I AM faithful. I AM true. I AM fiercely loyal and perfectly steadfast. I can be fully trusted and I AM incapable of being corrupted or influenced to change My character. I AM who I AM and I AM unchanging. You can depend on Me. If I say it. I will do it.

I AM love, rich in mercy, and slow to anger. When I wage war, I do so with integrity in justice. I AM holy. I fight on behalf of the ones I love. I am stirred with righteous anger towards the enemy and his plots and ploys against you. I will not be silent for I am YHVH Sabaoth (the Lord of Hosts) and I will fight for those I love and on their behalf for they rely on Me and I AM faithful and steadfast, and I AM victorious. Continue reading “I AM Who I AM and I AM Unchanging “

My Light Prevails

Psalm 18:11-12 (TPT) Wrapped and hidden in the thick-cloud darkness His thunder-tabernacle surrounding Him. He hid Himself in mystery-darkness, the dense rain clouds were His garments. Suddenly, the brilliance of His presence breaks through…

Beloved, in the shadow of the Almighty – My shadow – you are safe, protected, restored, recharged, prepared, transformed, and made whole. My brilliance breaks through – both from Me directly and from you as one who carries My presence. It is a deep warfare – light chasing the darkness – and not even chasing, dispelling. Almost like no fight is necessary, but simply to “be.” Simply to shine.

I bring beauty even in your night seasons, and reveal the mysteries of heaven in the hidden places. I AM the Revealer of Mysteries – Gelah Raz – the Holy One of Israel. Make Me your dwelling place, your shelter in the storm because even when the storm rages, My light prevails.