Keep Your Heart Fixed on Me and Walk Well

Psalm 17:5 (NLT) My steps have stayed on your path; I have not wavered from following you.

Beloved, stay fixed on Me. My desire for you to follow Me far surpasses your own, so trust that as your heart stays fixed, I will guide your steps. I will surround you with guardrails and angels – anything I need to do to help you succeed. Trust Me to lead.

But when there are moments you stumble, trust Me to snatch your feet from the net. Trust that My hand is ever extended to you for you to grab that I might pull you free. And trust that any seeming misstep will be used for good – to grow and teach you (or others) – not one thing is wasted. So keep your heart fixed on Me and walk well.

Rest in the Knowledge You are Mine

Isaiah 43:1 (TLB) But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says: Don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.

Beloved, can you hear Me calling you? Your name on My lips – sweet as honey and precious to Me. You are Mine. I have called you My own. I have ransomed you. The price has already been paid. Let your heart rejoice in the grace extended to you. Revel in it, beloved, for My mercy is a gift – an extension of My great love for you.

My perfect love leaves no room for fear. When you truly know Me, you know I fiercely love My children and jealously guard them. I stay close in times of trouble, and comfort in times of mourning. I will never leave you. I created you for My pleasure, beloved, and you do please Me. Rest in the knowledge you are Mine.

Choose the Better Way

Genesis 15:17-18 (AMP) When the sun had gone down and a [deep] darkness had come, there appeared a smoking brazier and a flaming torch which passed between the [divided] pieces [of the animals]. On the same day the Lord made a covenant (promise, pledge) with Abram…

Beloved, My covenant fire stands true today – My promises to you intact. My love for you is still burning strong –  its flame unquenchable. I never forget My word. I watch over it to perform it, patiently waiting to see it come to pass. I hold Myself accountable. You need not wonder if you wait in vain for as surely as the sun will rise (and indeed even more surely), so My word is steadfast and true.

I breathe on you My breath of life. My words carried on that breath also promising life and life more abundantly. Will you rest in it? Will you trust in Me? Allow My holy fire to consume and refine you? Yield, beloved. Choose the better way, surrender to My heart.

Let My Touch on Your Life Testify

Psalm 103:5 (AMPC) Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is like the eagle’s [strong, overcoming, soaring]!

Beloved, allow My word to satisfy you as the choicest meat and richest honey. And My Spirit to refresh and restore you. Be saturated and rejuvenated in My presence. Allow Me to buoy you – lifting and strengthening you – you are an overcomer!

Let My touch on your life testify to My goodness, announcing to the world that I AM fulfilling, revitalizing, and sustaining. Let My joy radiate from your face that the lightness of your countenance might attest to My love for My children. Let your expectation of good cause you to shine like a beacon of hope in the darkness, for I AM good and I relish delighting Myself in you.

Bringing Forth the Good

2 Corinthians 12:7 (AMP) Because of the surpassing greatness and extraordinary nature of the revelations [which I received from God], for this reason, to keep me from thinking of myself as important, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan, to torment and harass me—to keep me from exalting myself!

Beloved, do not think for one moment that I will not allow you to walk through trials – even in the natural, children who are indulged and overprotected become spoiled and entitled – so I will allow trials to mold character in your life and I do this for your own benefit. What I promise you is that I will be with you through them all, I will never give you more than you can handle (with Me), and I will use them all for good.

So as you find yourself in the midst of trials, look for Me there. Seek Me and ask Me what I AM working in the midst of it to grow and bless. Trust that My heart toward you is good and My plans for you are good. Refuse to allow that perspective to waver. The enemy will whisper lies to you about My character, refuse to listen and cling to Me all the more. I will never leave you or forsake you, so stand fast and allow Me to bring forth the good. Continue reading “Bringing Forth the Good”

I Still Choose You

Revelation 2:4 (TPT) But I have this against you: you have abandoned the passionate love you had for me at the beginning.

Beloved, I will not settle for anything less than your whole heart. I’m not an old shoe to grow comfortable in. I AM worth your fiery passion and abandoned restraint. There is no need or reason to hold back from Me. I want all of you and I love you unconditionally. I AM not shocked you are not perfect. I love you – flaws, imperfections, and all.

I still choose you. Knowing everything about you – every time you’ll choose to wound me, every time you’ll prefer to pour out your affections to someone or something who does not hold you at the immeasurable value I do – and even knowing all that, I still choose you. I still love you. I AM not angry or upset with you. You hold My heart, and my grace for you exceeds comprehension.

My Promises are Assured

Psalm 103:4 (AMPC) Who redeems your life from the pit and corruption, Who beautifies, dignifies, and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy;

Beloved, I love you too much to leave you on a path of hurt and destruction. I made a way and have drawn you to Myself. I have crowned you with unfailing love and compassion. You are priceless to Me and worth dying for.

Just as My covenant with Abraham is unconditional, so is My covenant of love with those who’ve chosen Me. Simply cling to Me and trust that My promises – Blood-covered and enforced – will not return void. I watch over to perform them and delight in bringing them to pass for it pleases Me to bless My children. Rest in My promises, beloved, for they are assured. Continue reading “My Promises are Assured”

Train Your Gaze on Me

Exodus 23:13 (VOICE) Be careful to do all that I have instructed you. Do not even acknowledge the names of other gods or let their names spill from your lips.

Beloved, refuse to acknowledge the enemy by giving him credit in your life. I AM your God and I will not share with another. Resist the urge to point at his opposition and use it as a barometer for your walk saying, “I know I am doing something right because he is opposing me.” The enemy will always oppose you because I love you. He will always lay traps to ensnare you because you are precious to me.

Look to Me, beloved, and keep your eyes fixed. Trust that I will guide you with My eye. Train your gaze upon Me never allowing it to waver. I AM the Lord your God. I AM the faithful God. Keeping My promises from generation to generation. My promise you have. My love you have. My acceptance you have. I AM all you need. Continue reading “Train Your Gaze on Me”

Come Soar in My Love

Exodus 13:22 (GW) The column of smoke was always in front of the people during the day. The column of fire was always there at night.

Beloved, I AM always with you and I will never leave you. Abide with Me. Absorb the peace found in My presence and let your spirit take flight. As you soar with Me, feel the wind of My Spirit. Let Me bring you higher and higher. Trust Me.

Place your hand in Mine, beloved. Let Me carry you away. Behold, you are beautiful My love and you have captured My heart. You have captivated My gaze. You are the apple of My eye, the center of my world. Just as young lovers cannot get enough of each other’s presence, so I long to be with you. Will you abide with Me? Come soar in My love.

Look to Me

Isaiah 33:22 (NLT) For the Lord is our judge, our lawgiver, and our king. He will care for us and save us.

Beloved, resist the urge to lean on yourself or to look to a human to care and provide. For ultimately I AM the one truly reliable and steadfast, and though I may work through those around you to minister to your needs, always remember I AM the source.

I AM Palet (your deliverer) and El Elyon (God Most High). I AM where your help comes from. I AM Elohim Mishpat (God of Judgment/Justice). I AM Elohim Emeth (True God/God of Truth). I make wrong things right. I save the lives of My children, and I cherish and protect them. I AM their provider (YHVH Yireh) and I AM YHVH Nissi (the Lord your banner/your victory/miracle). Depend on Me. Continue reading “Look to Me”