Rest and Know You Are Mine

Psalm 68:6 (NLT) God places the lonely in families…

Beloved, you are not alone. I AM with you and I will never leave you. Though there may be times your earthly family lets you down, I will never leave you or forsake you. I have chosen you and will never let you go.

I hold you close in your times of need, and I send others to be a blessing on My behalf. Beloved, embrace those I put in your life. Allow those divine connections to nurture your spirit and build you up. Allow them to reflect My heart to you and speak life over you. Allow them to clearly reflect back to you the truth of who you are rather than a distorted perception.

But even in these special friendships that are a gift from Me, remember that though they may reflect Me and act on My behalf, they are not Me and cannot act as a replacement. I work through them, but ultimately the love you seek is found in Me.

I know the truth about you and believe it unwaveringly. I know that you are precious, you are worth knowing, and you are worth loving. You are beautiful, cherished, and My heart for you is steadfast. But most of all, I have claimed you and called you My own. So, beloved, rest and know that you are Mine.

Intertwined Strength

Ecclesiastes 4:11 (AMP) Again, if two lie down together, then they keep warm; but how can one be warm alone?

Beloved, I have created you for multiplication. Though yes, you can accomplish much alone, I have made you for connection, and for the power that is found there. Resist the urge to to avoid it, it is worth the effort.

It is worth the frustration in moments of misunderstanding, and worth the character building that occurs when you must operate in grace and humility to create unity. Though it takes work – without a doubt, it truly is worth it.

So resist the temptation to protect your heart by holding others away, and choose instead to love as if you’ll never get hurt. Trust your heart to me, and choose to walk in love and experience intertwined strength. Continue reading “Intertwined Strength”

Key to the Kingdom: Act in Humble Obedience

1 Corinthians 15:58 (VOICE) My dear brothers and sisters, stay firmly planted—be unshakable—do many good works in the name of God, and know that all your labor is not for nothing when it is for God.

Beloved, keep your hands to the labor I have entrusted to you. Be not moved by what you see (or don’t see) in the natural, for I see the hearts of all and I instruct you accordingly. Simply respond in humble obedience trusting that your labor is not in vain and that My work will be accomplished in My perfect time.

In seed time and at harvest, I AM still God. Trust Me when the fruit is ripe and when the growth is occurring by faith beneath the surface. In every moment I AM at work and My presence is made known. Trust your hope in My hands, for I AM faithful.

The Truth About Blessings

Numbers 23:20 (VOICE) Look here, I received a word of blessing, and He has spoken a blessing. I cannot take it back.

Beloved, My promises are yes and amen. I AM not capricious nor am I looking for reasons to change My mind. When I bless, I have blessed, and that blessing remains.

Resist the urge to be offended if the blessing is conditional, for I make the conditions known from the onset that you may choose rightly. Refuse to behave like a spoiled child who feels entitled to all life’s joys without care or responsibility.

What kind of Father would I be if I corrupted My children? I AM a good Father. So yes, some blessings come as a result of behavior, but also some come simply as a result of My generous love and desire to bless (like sunshine and rain).

So receive with gratitude all you have been given. Trust that I have reason for each thing I grant or withhold, release or delay. But you can rest assured that each decision is being made from a heart filled with love for you, and that even in the moments of trial I AM there. Continue reading “The Truth About Blessings”

Steadfast Trust

Psalm 112:7 (AMP) He will not fear bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting [confidently relying on and believing] in the Lord.

Beloved, align your heart and expectations with My truth, for it is steadfast and unmovable – a stronghold and a place of safety. Steadfastly trust Me. For I AM good and perfect and true. I AM worth your praise and your devotion, so remain devoted.

Though the winds and waves may come, and the cares of life may close in, I will never change. I AM a solid rock – your firm foundation, and you can safely rest in Me. Even sorrow in Me brings strength, and even trials in Me yield character. So stay true and refuse to waver, keeping your gaze fixed on Me as your guiding star. Continue reading “Steadfast Trust”

Manifest Provision

Galatians 6:7 (VOICE) Make no mistake: God can’t be mocked. What you give is what you get. What you sow, you harvest.

Beloved, trust the process. You have been faithful to give, so you will be faithful to receive. Resist the urge to be impatient in the pause in between the two. For a cheerful giver gives simply for the joy of giving, not as a manipulation to receive. So keep your heart pure and give from a place of loving obedience, and refuse to let anything steal that joy.

I AM faithful and I AM good. What I have said, I will do. I cannot operate in a manner opposed to My character. So quietly wait in steadfast assurance knowing that I will multiply back to you your harvest. I AM fertile soil, so when you sow in Me you will reap abundantly.

Manifest Support

Psalm 3:5 (VOICE) I lie down at night and fall asleep. I awake in the morning— healthy, strong, vibrant —because the Eternal supports me.

Beloved, when you lie down I AM there, and when you rise up I AM there. I AM always with you, and My hand always upholds you. My support of you is steadfast, and in it you can find rest and peace. Dwell in Me. Allow yourself to feel My touch, for it is there – steadfast and sure, unchanging and steady, I AM there.

Knowing I AM with you and that I support you, look to Me. Look to Me in times of trouble. Look to Me for comfort. Look to Me for encouragement. Find in Me your joy. Whatever the need, look to Me.

Ask But Trust

Luke 18:7 (AMP) And will not [our just] God defend and avenge His elect [His chosen ones] who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay [in providing justice] on their behalf?

Beloved, do you think I ignore your petitions when you don’t see the answers you expect in your desired timeframe? Do you think Me callous to your cries, or unmindful of your needs? If so, you malign My character.

For I AM a good Father who deeply loves His children and is mindful of every plea. I hurt when you hurt, and I rejoice when you rejoice. Nothing within your sphere is beyond My notice. You do not have to plead for Me to care for your concerns because I care deeply even before you say a word.

Beloved, remember I AM God. I see all and know all. I AM the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I know when the thing you seek will bring consequences you neither want nor need, so trust Me to be God. Trust that I love you and will exercise wisdom and move on your behalf. Trust that I have a good plan even in the midst of trials.

And regardless of all, simply continue to ask. Ask in faith – trusting My judgment and will, but asking nonetheless just as a child does to a beloved parent, making their thoughts and desires known and submitting them to their parent for consideration all the while trusting they will be taken care of because they are loved.

Refuse to Take the Bait

Psalm 142:4 (GW) Look to my right and see that no one notices me. Escape is impossible for me. No one cares about me.

Beloved, though there may be times you feel overlooked, unseen, unimportant, and worthless, those feelings are not communicating truth to you. Refuse to take the bait. The enemy seeks to convince you of these things, but he is a liar and the father of lies.

Remember that David, a man after My own heart, a man quoted and beloved, a man still inspiring multitudes hundreds of years later felt the same way. You never know the full impact your life and actions have.

So keep your eyes and heart fixed on Me. Focus on obedience, and knowing and loving My Word. Abide with Me, and allow a life cultivated in that fertile soil to bear fruit and do so abundantly. Continue reading “Refuse to Take the Bait”

Desert Bloom

Isaiah 35:1 (GW) The desert and the dry land will be glad, and the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.

Beloved, I have created you to flourish in rough terrain. Refuse to let the rocks and desert deter you from making progress, for I have equipped you to succeed – to flourish even in hostile territory. Nothing can hold you back. I AM on your side.

There is strength in your beauty, beloved. Put it on display for all to see. Don’t hold back. Expand to the left and the right – stretch out your reach and stake more territory, for I AM with you, My heavenly hosts surround you, and I AM protecting you at every turn. Listen for My voice and respond. It is time to bloom. Continue reading “Desert Bloom”