Beautiful Life

Psalm 16:11 (VOICE) …You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment.

Beloved, My plans for you are beautiful and will fill you with more contentment than you can begin to imagine. Release yourself completely to My care and My loving hands. My plans for you are good plans – plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future.

Allow Me to direct your path. Even in the trials, joy will steady you as you willingly yield to Me. Beautiful is the life I have for you. Rejoice in it and in how I move in and through you, beloved. Continue reading “Beautiful Life”

Increase Comes Through Me

John 15:4 (GW) Live in me, and I will live in you. A branch cannot produce any fruit by itself. It has to stay attached to the vine. In the same way, you cannot produce fruit unless you live in me.

Beloved, increase comes from Me. Stay firmly rooted. Life can only come from the source. Draw from Me. Drink deeply from My living water – the flow of My Spirit – be saturated in My presence and allow that rich, life-giving atmosphere to bring forth much fruit.

Deep wells pouring forth, gurgling up from deep within you as My Spirit stirs and hovers over you as you rest and dwell in My presence. Behold, I AM doing a new thing, will you not know it? [I sense Him smiling as He asks that as though He knows already of COURSE you will want to know it.] New life – increase – is coming. Increase is here. Continue reading “Increase Comes Through Me”

Pursue Me 

Psalm 84:10 (NIV) Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Beloved, there is no place so sweet as My presence. I AM worth the time – worth the effort. The rest and refreshing that comes in My presence is deep and cleansing. Fight through the noise around you to find that quiet place of peace. I AM there. I AM waiting. I AM always with you.

Be hungry and thirsty for Me beloved. Be insatiable. I AM worth it. Just knowing Me is worth the blessings that pour forth from time with Me. I AM worth your pursuit. Find the time. Refuse to allow distractions to keep you from being with Me. I AM like air to you – necessary for life for I AM life. I AM the life giver. I AM the healer. I AM the refresher. I AM the Lover of Your Soul. Pursue Me. Continue reading “Pursue Me “

My Crowning Glory 

Isaiah 62:3 (VOICE) And you will be the crowning glory of the Eternal’s power, a royal crown cradled in His palm and held aloft by your God for all to see.

Beloved, you are My crowning joy, a sparkling gem, My delight, the apple of My eye. My glory is made manifest in you and in your life. I display you for all to see – exalting you that those around you might see Me.

So shine brightly, beloved. It is not arrogance to live to the fullest of what I’ve created you to be. It is honoring to your Creator. Do not be shamed into diminishing yourself into a muted version of you simply because others are jealous, intimidated, or judgmental. You are My joy and glory. Live to please Me.

Win Them Without a Word

Ephesians 6:13a, 15 (AMP) Therefore, put on the complete armor of God…  and having strapped on your feet the gospel of peace in preparation [to face the enemy with firm-footed stability and the readiness produced by the good news].

Beloved, share My word. Speak My truth. Speak it in actions birthed from obedience and love. More are watching you than you realize, so never forget Who you host and let the light, joy, peace, and love of My Spirit pour out from within you. Snatch others from the grip of the enemy with My strong love.

For it is a gospel of peace; that peace that surpasses all understanding that is your inheritance. Cultivate it. Cherish it. Refuse to allow the enemy to steal it. Let it surround you so as you step close to others, they feel it and want it for themselves. You will win them without a word, beloved, simply through the peace and love in your presence that come from Me.

Be Changed in My Presence 

Matthew 27:51 (TLB) And look! The curtain secluding the Holiest Place in the Temple was split apart from top to bottom; and the earth shook, and rocks broke,

Beloved, I removed the separations between us. I’ve granted you access and encouraged you to come boldly and expectantly. I want time with you face-to-face. I want My glory to reflect on your countenance. I want you to spend time in My presence not asking for anything or feeling the need to do anything, just simply being. Being together. Being quiet. Being one.

Come and be changed in My presence. Come and be moved. Let Me love you and teach you how to love like Me. To simply be more like Me. Holy. And hear the angels surrounding My throne crying “Holy! Holy! Holy!” Be immersed in Me. Let the atmosphere of heaven penetrate your soul. Be forever changed in My presence and made whole.

I Surround You With My Favor 

Psalm 5:12 (AMP) For You, O Lord, bless the righteous man [the one who is in right standing with You]; You surround him with favor as with a shield.

Beloved, you never need to work to earn My favor – you already have it, you are clothed in it. You can focus on walking uprightly and cultivating relationship with Me because My favor isn’t anything you need to work for, it is given freely and surrounds you like a shield. I insulate and protect you because you are My beloved one in whom I AM well pleased.

Rest in that favor, knowing it is there for you – covering you – simply because you are Mine. Walk in the confidence that comes from knowing you are loved, cherished, and appreciated – for you are! I delight in you. You are the apple of My eye, My heart’s desire – the center of My world. Hear the love songs I sing over you and the sweet words of life and affection that I whisper in your ear. I AM with you always. I will never leave your side. You are priceless to Me. Rest in the safety of that understanding.

Develop a Taste for Me 

1 John 2:15 (TLB) Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God;

Beloved, don’t be taken in by the bright lights and sparkle of this world. It is all flash and glamour – an illusion, a spell intended to deceive you and make you believe there is something of substance there, of value, but there is not. Like trying to sustain life eating cotton candy, there is no true value there and it loses its appeal quickly in the face of true need.

You can develop a taste for anything. And doing so will mold your preferences. If you develop a taste for the things of this world, it is what you will crave. You may have even been raised to crave this world, but your tastes can change and you can change them intentionally.

My Word and My Kingdom were meant to sustain. They have true substance. I AM what your soul needs to be satisfied; anything else is just filler and an ineffective substitute. Develop a taste for Me.