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- Card Pull: Guard Your Thoughts (which includes me tattling on myself and sharing a related story – “what story are you telling yourself?”)
- The “GUARD YOUR THOUGHTS” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Warrior Bride” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “We all struggle with thoughts and behaviors that are no longer serving us, but some cause even more harm because they’re toxic, and it’s time to let them go. Just as your physical body experiences pain or discomfort when it’s holding waste or toxins, emotional toxins causes harm too. Take a moment to intentionally dump the toxins and refuse to pick them back up because it’s time to move on and heal.”
The Gift of the Present Moment
{vision} One day as I was praying for wisdom in carrying out a long-term goal, I saw a vision of a Christmas tree with presents beneath it. In my spirit, I saw myself waking up each morning like I did as a child on Christmas morning—with a feeling of excitement, expectation, and hope.
Refuse to Take the Bait
Psalm 142:4 (GW) Look to my right and see that no one notices me. Escape is impossible for me. No one cares about me.
Beloved, though there may be times you feel overlooked, unseen, unimportant, and worthless, those feelings are not communicating truth to you. Refuse to take the bait. The enemy seeks to convince you of these things, but he is a liar and the father of lies.
Remember that David, a man after My own heart, a man quoted and beloved, a man still inspiring multitudes hundreds of years later felt the same way. You never know the full impact your life and actions have.
So keep your eyes and heart fixed on Me. Focus on obedience, and knowing and loving My Word. Abide with Me, and allow a life cultivated in that fertile soil to bear fruit and do so abundantly. Continue reading “Refuse to Take the Bait”
Closer Still
Psalm 55:1 (TPT) God, listen to my prayer! Don’t hide your heart from me when I cry out to you!
Beloved, I hear you. Your heart and thoughts are precious to Me. You don’t need to fight for My attention, you have it. My gaze is fixed on you. I can’t get enough. What matters to you, matters to Me.
So cry out knowing I AM listening. Cry out knowing I AM there with you. Pour out your thoughts and fears, your heart and tears, I want it all – the fullness of you.
Then listen, beloved, for My whispered words as I share My heart with you. As you give Me your heart, I hold Mine there for you beckoning you closer still. So come, beloved, come. Closer still.
Boldly Evident
Ephesians 6:13, 17 (AMP) Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger]…And take the helmet of salvation…
Beloved, you have the mind of Christ. Refuse to allow the enemy to set up camp in your thought life. He may pester and poke, but only you can grant him access. So send him packing. Take the thought bombs he lobs at you captive. Refuse to take the bait.
Worry is not from Me. Fear is not from Me. Lust is not from Me. Greed is not from Me. Beloved, you know Me. Filter your thoughts through My word and My heart and you will clearly know which ideas originate from above and which come from below. Think on that which is good and perfect and true, assume positive intent, and walk in integrity of character that the joy of your salvation might be boldly evident for all to see.
Be at Peace
Matthew 6:27 (CSB) Can any of you add one moment to his life-span by worrying?
Beloved, refuse to allow the enemy to tempt you into useless cycles of fruitless energy by worrying. Trust in Me. I AM sovereign. I AM almighty. Nothing shocks or surprises Me. Nothing catches Me off guard. Rest in that knowledge.
You don’t have to be in control or even try to understand all the why’s of a situation, you can simply rest knowing that One who is for you does know, and trust Me to lead, guide, and protect you in the midst. Lean on Me. Rest in Me. Be at peace.
Hear Me Even in Your Sleep
Job 33:15-16 (AMP) In a dream, a vision of the night [one may hear God’s voice], When deep sleep falls on men While slumbering upon the bed, Then He opens the ears of men And seals their instruction,
Beloved, hear My whispers as you sleep. Recognize My heart. Know My voice. Feel My touch. Receive My wisdom. Heed My warnings. Feel My hand upon you as I seal My instruction in your heart. Yield to My direction. Hold fast when you awaken. Refuse to allow My download to be stolen or dismissed.
I have opened the ears of your heart. You can hear Me, beloved. Choose to be open and rest. Choose to listen. I AM moving as you sleep. I never slumber, I never sleep. I AM always aware of you and the things pertaining to you. So rest in Me, knowing I AM covering you. Healing and speaking. Protecting and refreshing.
Open your heart to hear My voice as your flesh is silent and your natural mind is not spinning or fighting My words with your own sense of logic or understanding. Hear Me, beloved. Receive, understand, and yield. Continue reading “Hear Me Even in Your Sleep”
Tune in to My Voice and Hold Fast to My Truth
Ephesians 6:17 (AMP) And take the helmet of salvation…
Beloved, the enemy is a liar and the father of lies. His desire is to debilitate you with fear and doubt and unbelief. Do not listen to him. Remember who you are to Me. Remember what I have called you to. Remind yourself of My promises and My truth. I AM love and I love you with an everlasting love that can never change, do not let the enemy tell you differently.
Do not concern yourself with the fact that you hear his whispers – of course you do, he is working at all times towards your demise – but rather focus your efforts and energies on Me and My promises that his whispers would be of no avail. Force them into a position of powerlessness by being so secure in My truth that you are unshakable.
This, beloved, is your helmet of salvation. Your mind protected from his onslaught, his thought bombs diffused by My truth. Hold fast and do not waver in your trust in Me and knowledge of the truth. Close your ears to his lies and tune in to My voice as you hold what I have said dear in your heart. I AM truth.
2 Corinthians 10:5 (VOICE) We are demolishing arguments and ideas, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of the one true God. We are taking prisoners of every thought, every emotion, and subduing them into obedience to the Anointed One.