Recently, one evening, I felt the urge to spend time with the Father. I spoke, “Come, Lord Jesus! Come, Spirit of the Lord, fall on me and fill me with Your glory!” Soon, I saw a vision of a potter’s hands working on a clay vessel that was spinning on his wheel. I heard the words, “Released into the Potter’s hands.” Continue reading “Life on the Potter’s Wheel”
Complete Transformation

Recently, God has been speaking to me about the lifecycle of a butterfly. But let’s begin by looking at 2 Corinthians 5:17 (TPT), which reads, “Now if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Everything is fresh and new.”
God is speaking of COMPLETE transformation here. And this connects to the solid, amazing, life changing, invigorating truth that God revealed and astounded me with as I researched the butterfly process. This truth is so wonderful. I never saw the depth of this amazingly beautiful yet grotesque and magnificently designed truth until I researched the butterfly and learned the details of its transformation story. Continue reading “Complete Transformation”
The Place of Preparation

We may not always expect our place of preparation to be a pit as it was for Joseph (starting in Genesis 37), but such was certainly the case for me in my walk. Something my son Jonathan said to me some time ago comes to my mind a lot. When I spoke of how God seemed to use me more than I would have expected when I was in the pit, Jonathan’s reply was,“To you, it was a pit, but to God it was a place of preparation.” Continue reading “The Place of Preparation”
Recreated by His Word

Psalm 33:6, 9 (NKJV) By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. … For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.
To read the first chapter of the book of Genesis, I never cease to be in awe of how God brought about creation through the breath of His mouth. What He spoke came forth into existence just as He envisioned. And what began in chaos and void, was shaped and filled into a thing of beauty. Creation is God’s canvas and the very the manifestation of His thoughts. But have you ever considered how creation is still responding to God’s words? Even more, have you ever considered how you and I are being created—or recreated—by the words that God speaks? Continue reading “Recreated by His Word”
Fly with Me
2 Corinthians 5:17 (TPT) – Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new.
Beloved, resist the urge to cling to old identities simply because they are familiar. Or to allow those around you to convince you that you are the same, for you are not. You are a new creation in Me. Step forth into the new you and refuse to be drawn back by others’ expectations.
A butterfly coming forth in all its glorious splendor has no trace of its caterpillar form, nor could it emulate it if it tried. Similarly, you have been radically transformed, beloved. You are made new. So fly with Me in the fullness of your newly transformed self.
Be Transformed By My Glory
2 Corinthians 3:18 (VOICE) Now all of us, with our faces unveiled, reflect the glory of the Lord as if we are mirrors; and so we are being transformed, metamorphosed, into His same image from one radiance of glory to another, just as the Spirit of the Lord accomplishes it.
Beloved, be transformed by My glory. Not changed in little, near unnoticeable increments, but rather wholly, completely, and radically transformed. Become a new creation in Me. Let the power of My glory bring forth metamorphosis and be made new.
Resist the urge to fight My transforming power. Refuse to be intimidated by change. Know that I AM with you always and My plans for you are good plans. Then yield to My wonder-working power and be made new.
YHVH Bore (the Lord your Creator)
Genesis 1:2 (VOICE) At first the earth lacked shape and was totally empty, and a dark fog draped over the deep while God’s spirit-wind hovered over the surface of the empty waters. Then there was the voice of God.
Beloved, I AM YHVH Bore, the Lord your Creator, and I AM still speaking life today. Just as My Son called Lazarus from the tomb and He came forth, so I AM calling to the dry, wounded, and dead places in your heart and calling out, “Come forth, beloved. Come forth!”
Hear and respond to My voice. Be transformed into the fullness of all I have called you to be. Be as radically changed as the caterpillar to the butterfly, unrecognizable in your glorious metamorphosis. Allow all you are – all I have made you – to shine forth unhindered bringing glory to My name. Continue reading “YHVH Bore (the Lord your Creator)”
More Like Me
Romans 12:2 (TPT) …be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.
Beloved, surrender your thoughts to Mine. Trust My perspective and trust Me to bring truth, for I AM truth. Allow My Holy Spirit to align your thoughts to Mine – make My views and beliefs your own, for Mine are rooted in truth. For I see and I understand.
Resist the urge to allow your personal experiences to cloud your understanding of truth. Often the words and actions of those around you reflect a perspective based in falsehood. Simply because it is reflected does not make it true.
So look to Me to bring truth and clarity, and then believe what I tell you. When I say you are beautiful and loved and precious, those things are fact regardless of whether others have reflected those truths to you accurately. So fix your gaze on Me, and allow Me to transform your mind by helping you be more like Me. Continue reading “More Like Me”
I Never Forget
Isaiah 49:15 (NKJV) “Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you.
I have not forgotten what I have spoken over you, beloved. When I make a promise, I keep it. When I make a plan for your life, I am faithful to see it through to completion. My words are Spirit and they are life, and they never return to Me void. Therefore, trust in Me to fulfill the promises I have spoken. Resist the urge to doubt or think that I have lost sight of the plan for your life. Continue reading “I Never Forget”
Respond to My Call
Luke 10:41-42 (TPT) The Lord answered her, “Martha, my beloved Martha. Why are you upset and troubled, pulled away by all these many distractions? Are they really that important? Mary has discovered the one thing most important by choosing to sit at my feet. She is undistracted, and I won’t take this privilege from her.”
My Bride, do not be troubled by the cares of this world. And resist the urge to fret over the actions (or inaction) of your brethren. For I am calling all to arise, trim wicks, and burn brightly with My love. If you expend your energy immersed in worry and fear, your time will be spent striving and accomplishing little. And if you are primarily concerned with judging the behavior of others, you risk falling asleep and becoming lax in your own spiritual growth. I desire that you would simply rest in Me and flourish. Abide in Me, and bear the fruit of My Spirit for all to see. Continue reading “Respond to My Call”