
Jessica Smith Art

God told me that He is ROARING over His children! This is why I love drawing the roaring lion. He’s roaring over you! Roaring at your enemies. Roaring at the obstacles. Roaring at the darkness. How your enemies tremble in His presence. Demonic enemies become nothing at the blast of His nostrils… the sound of His thunder drains their strength. They become dust in the wind of His mighty Spirit. God is on your side. He invites you to take comfort in the safety of His embrace while He roars over you. Accept that invitation today and the joy of the Lord will be your strength. Continue reading “Roaring”

Lunchtime Live: Embracing Gratitude

Continue reading “Lunchtime Live: Embracing Gratitude”

Good Pain (Hosea 6:1)

Eyes of Mercy by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Recently, God has been talking to a couple of us on the Dyed4you Team about His mercy. And as He did, He began talking about His refining fire. Initially I was confused because I would not have thought of trials and refining as being connected to the mercy of God. But as Papa began to give the revelation, He brought to mind Misty Edwards’ song “Servant of All.” In the song, she makes reference to the fact that the Kingdom of God is an “upside down kingdom,” where we die to live and lose to gain. This seemed to parallel what we found with trials and the mercy of God. If we can embrace this upside-down nature, we can truly begin to flourish. Continue reading “Good Pain (Hosea 6:1)”

The Place of Preparation

Seek the Light” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

We may not always expect our place of preparation to be a pit as it was for Joseph (starting in Genesis 37), but such was certainly the case for me in my walk. Something my son Jonathan said to me some time ago comes to my mind a lot. When I spoke of how God seemed to use me more than I would have expected when I was in the pit, Jonathan’s reply was,“To you, it was a pit, but to God it was a place of preparation.” Continue reading “The Place of Preparation”

Eat, Sleep, and Be Merry

1 Kings 19:4-5 (VOICE) He journeyed into the desert for one day and then decided to rest beneath the limbs of a broom tree. There he prayed that his life would be over quickly and that he would die there beneath the tree. Elijah: I’m finished, Eternal One. Please end my life here and now , even though I have failed, and I am no better than my ancestors. Elijah then laid himself down under the broom tree and entered into a deep sleep. While he was sleeping, a heavenly messenger came and touched him and gave him instructions. Messenger: Get up, and eat.

Sometimes life and circumstances can feel so overwhelming. There are times we are so frustrated that there aren’t words to really express how we feel; we might even get a little dramatic – like Elijah. The beautiful thing is, Elijah wasn’t in some prayer closet on his knees praying “like he should.” He wasn’t moved to speak to God out of religious routine, it was out of relationship – he was just having a conversation out loud with God.  Continue reading “Eat, Sleep, and Be Merry”

His Banner Over Me is Love

{Dream} A tall lean woman with long brown hair down her back fighting against a whipping wind to erect a banner flag on a make shift pole out of a crooked long piece of wood. The banner has the colors of purple and turquoise. There is a tree in the middle that with a closer look are made out of peacock feathers. The phrase running through my head as she is raising this banner is “His Banner Over Me is Love.” The environment gives the sense of a war torn land. It’s dark with the wind whipping like there is a storm yet there is almost a glow of that purple and turquoise that are being reflected from the flag.  Continue reading “His Banner Over Me is Love”