Gifted and Anointed

Jeremiah 1:5 (AMP) “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Beloved, you will not haphazardly stumble upon your call. There is nothing arbitrary about the path you’re walking. Even in events that may be seemingly random, My hand is always at work. I have called you. I have chosen you. So trust that I have and will continue to equip you every step of the way.

Resist the temptation to minimize the value of what you bring to the world. Simply because certain things come more easily to you than others does not make them valueless, it simply means they’re gifts I’ve anointed you to operate in. Embrace them wholeheartedly – with childlike faith trusting Me to lead and guide you every step of the way.

My Word is Bedrock

Hebrews 10:23 (AMP) Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful [to His word];

I AM faithful from generation to generation. My Word is solid and true. My character is unimpeachable. Every promise I have given will come to pass as surely as the sun rises day after day (and in fact even more reliably).

And in the same way you would not beg the sun to rise, but rather simply wait in confidence for it to do so, so you can simply wait on My promises to come to pass without beseeching Me for them to happen. If I have said it, it is so. My word is bedrock.

Make Me Your Firm Foundation

John 1:1 (NLT) In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Beloved, I AM. I AM the Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end. From the foundations of the earth I have always been. I AM everlasting, and My Word endures forever. No firmer foundation can be found, for I AM steadfast and unchanging. Everything else is soft ground and sinking sand compared to My solid bedrock. Make Me your firm foundation.

I AM truly reliable, I AM completely faithful, and My love for you is steadfast. In a world of chaos and uncertainty, I AM your hiding place and your strong tower. I AM resolute and unwavering, a fixed point in a sea of motion. Grab hold and refuse to let go. Beloved, make Me your firm foundation.

Revealer of Truth

Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV) For the word of God [is] living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Beloved, My Word reveals truth. By equipping you with truth, not only does My Word protect you from lies others would attempt to pass off as truth, but it keeps you from deceiving yourself as well.

In the light of My Word, you cannot hide. You are naked and welcome to be unashamed, for, beloved, I do not give revelation to bring you shame, but rather to heal you and make you whole.

Just as impurities must come to the surface of a wound and be cleaned away so complete healing may come, so must you release the falsehoods you’ve embraced as truth. See yourself rightly. Discern My love for you accurately.

Allow My living breathing Word to bring life and make you whole. My Spirit quickening the truths to your heart, and My immense love for you revealing itself page after page.

My Word is a Mighty Weapon

Proverbs 30:5 (NLT) Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.

Beloved, My Word is a mighty weapon – a two-edged sword. It is unbreakable and true. I AM your shield – put your faith in Me. Stand fast in the day of trouble and rely on your firm foundation to keep your stance secure.

I will not shake. I will not move. My Word is true, and a safety to all who cling to it, for I AM steadfast and mighty, and My Word gives keen insight that uncovers dark motives and hidden agendas. Trust in Me. Trust in My Word. Look to Me for your protection.

I Lead You Rightly

Jeremiah 32:19 (VOICE) Your instructions are great, and Your actions are too wondrous for words. You see all that happens on this earth; You know what everyone does, and You deal with each fairly.

Beloved, I AM righteous and I AM fair. I AM trustworthy, and I know and see all. Resist the urge to try to take control, and instead trust My capable hands and My wise heart. I AM not biased, and I judge based on truth.

My perspective is broad, deep, and detailed. I know and understand all the hearts, motivations, and circumstances involved in every situation. You cannot say the same. Only I AM God.

The only way for you to respond fairly in any situation is to trust Me to lead. I see what you do not, but if you allow My Spirit to guide you, you can navigate with My perspective. But to do so, you must yield to Me.

Trust Me when I challenge you not to react. Responding in haste without My perspective will often lead to unnecessary hurt and confusion. When I encourage temperance it isn’t because I don’t care about your feelings or because I want to give someone a pass on their poor behavior, but rather I’m seeing things you do not. Trust Me, beloved. I lead you rightly.

Lovingly Pruned

John 15:2 (VOICE) My Father examines every branch in Me and cuts away those who do not bear fruit. He leaves those bearing fruit and carefully prunes them so that they will bear more fruit;

Beloved, yield to My loving pruning. I see the areas in your life that are bearing fruit and wish to strengthen those by eliminating the ones that aren’t bearing fruit (or are bearing wrong fruit). Trust Me to know the difference.

I’m not removing areas because I’m mad at you or trying to punish you, so resist the urge to cower or try to cling to that which I’d remove. This isn’t a punishment, it’s a part of healthy growing. So yield, allowing Me to lovingly prune away that which hinders or is unneeded. Trust Me have the wisdom to do so, and to do it gently and in love.

Faithful to the End

Psalm 30:11 (VOICE) You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing; You stripped off my dark clothing and covered me with joyful light.

Beloved, I AM faithful to the end. I always see you, for I AM El Roi, the God who sees. I AM equipped and fully able. I fiercely love My children. I AM devoted, and I move on your behalf. Rejoice in that victory. Give praise and honor to My name. Let the earth be filled with the sound of your joy, and may your life testify to the goodness of who I AM.

When the daylight comes and the night has passed, do not withhold your praise – not from a place of obligation, but from an overflow of love and joy. May your heart burst forth in zealous declaration that the God you serve – the only true God – is good and worthy of all praise.

Love Without Reserve and Love Well

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …How are you any different from others if you limit your kindness only to your friends? Don’t even the ungodly do that?…

Beloved, there would be no need for Me to encourage you to love someone if they were someone you found easy to love. You would do it instinctively. So be mindful not to dismiss My instruction simply because it is difficult, challenges you, or makes no sense to your natural mind.

You do not see the hearts of men as I do, but if you trust My leading, you can navigate the murky waters of their inner workings with ease as you yield to My direction. I will not steer you wrongly.

Remember that simply because things look messy does not mean they aren’t exactly as they should be. When a cook is working on an elaborate meal, it is not unusual for things to look chaotic while the creation is underway, but a masterpiece still comes forth.

Refuse to be discouraged by the work in progress and simply trust My Spirit to lead you rightly. Love without reserve and love well. Continue reading “Love Without Reserve and Love Well”

Morning Dance

Psalm 126:5 (TLB) Those who sow tears shall reap joy.

Beloved, I have promised and I will deliver. I AM good to My word. Rest in a place of joyful expectation, even when the night is long and the sky looks dark, know that I AM with you, My angels surround you, and I AM faithful. I watch over My word to perform it. Stand fast and believe. Let joyful expectation be your mien.

Dance, beloved – as in your mourning you expect your morning, dance, for the dawn is coming. Worship as you wait, knowing I AM faithful. Knowing I AM good. Knowing I AM with you. And knowing I AM worthy. Give praise, and give it freely and without reserve. Bring forth your mourning dance that it might become your morning dance. Continue reading “Morning Dance”