Delivered Promises

Revelation 21:11 (VOICE) It gleamed and shined with the glory of God; its radiance was like the most precious of jewels, like jasper, and it was as clear as crystal.

Beloved, what I promise, I deliver. And when it arrives, it is typically bigger, better, and more beautiful than could have been expected. I AM more than enough. Hold to Me. My word is unshakable. If I have said it, it is done. Immovable and unstoppable, My word will always accomplish My will.

I AM more than enough. Be satisfied in Me, not in what I can give you, but in Who I AM. I have not forgotten the promises made you, the time for their fruition is nearly upon us. Patience My love. Trust Me and hold fast.

I AM Your Strong Tower

Isaiah 58:8 (VOICE) Then, oh then, your light will break out like the warm, golden rays of a rising sun; in an instant, you will be healed. Your rightness will precede and protect you; the glory of the Eternal will follow and defend you.

Beloved, as you walk in righteousness it is My joy to defend you. I will silence the tongues that seek to slander you and bring destruction on those who would seek your ruin. Behold I AM a Jealous God. I love My people beyond comprehension and woe to them that would stand against you.

I have warned not to touch My anointed. I have cautioned and made the consequences clear. I protect what is Mine, and beloved, you are Mine. I both cover you with My feathers (gently protecting), and I AM the Lord of Hosts (waging war on your behalf). You are not without covering. I AM your strong tower. You are safe in Me. Continue reading “I AM Your Strong Tower”

Lead by Example and Pray

Proverbs 14:34 (VOICE) Living according to God’s instructions makes a nation great, but sin colors those who commit it with disgrace.

Beloved, lead by example. Walk in freedom unhindered by sinful pursuits. Keep your mind – thoughts and actions – fixed on Me. Operate in love rather than being tempted to pride or judgment. Encourage others to be their best selves by being your best self. Show them what it looks like. Let them ask you how to walk that way rather then judging their ungodly behavior as they are still in the world.

Pray for them. Pray for your nation. Pray for your leaders. I AM sovereign. I lift men up and make them great. Trust that My will can be accomplished and pray that it would be. Ultimately you are in My hands and that is a good place to be. Continue reading “Lead by Example and Pray”

I AM Willing Because You Are Worth It

Psalm 136:1 (VOICE) Let your heart overflow with praise to the Eternal, for He is good, for His faithful love lasts forever.

Beloved, I AM good. My heart towards you is good. I AM unchanging. Ever faithful. Steadfast. Worthy of your trust. Pause and reflect on that. Pause and consider if you truly believe that My heart towards you is good, or if you just pay lip service to those sentiments you know you’re supposed to have.

I desire real relationship with you. I desire authenticity. Yes, I want you to trust Me and yes I’m worthy of that trust, but I want it to be freely given – not out of a sense of obligation, but from a heart overflowing with love for Me. If that isn’t where you are yet beloved, I’m not angry about that. I’m willing to put in the time and work to show you who I AM. Are you willing to take the time and open your heart to see Me as I AM?

See Yourself Rightly

Romans 12:3 (CJB) For I am telling every single one of you, through the grace that has been given to me, not to have exaggerated ideas about your own importance. Instead, develop a sober estimate of yourself based on the standard which God has given to each of you, namely, trust.

Beloved, refuse to let pride have any hold in your life. Nor let false humility take root. Seeing yourself as less than what You were created to be does just as much disservice to Me as your Creator as allowing yourself to be puffed up. Ask Me for an accurate understanding of who you are. Then when I tell you, believe Me. Allow Me to mold your understanding of yourself – what you’re capable of, who you’ve been created to be, how I see you, and who you truly are.

You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. Allowing yourself to believe that and using that which you’ve been given to its fullest honors Me. So resist the urge to hold back – whether you’re tempted to do so for fear of failure or because others are intimidated by the greatness in you or any reason in between – think only of pleasing Me, beloved. The thoughts and concerns of man should not hold more weight than Me. Trust Me. Trust My judgment in how I have created and called you. See yourself rightly and be all I have made you to be.

Able and Willing 

Psalm 40:5 (CJB) How much you have done, Adonai my God! Your wonders and your thoughts toward us — none can compare with you! I would proclaim them, I would speak about them; but there’s too much to tell!

Beloved, I AM the God of Wonders. Pause and behold My handiwork. See Me for who I AM. Do not allow doubt or circumstances to minimize Me in your eyes. Nothing is too hard for Me. And I love you. You are My beloved, My heart, apple of My eye, and center of My world.

Do you think that I could part the seas, but somehow be incapable of moving on your behalf? Or perhaps you think Me able but unwilling? Don’t fall prey to those lies, trust Me. Trust My plans for you, and yield to Me. Look with wonder upon My glory. Watch Me in action. Refuse to be moved or shaken. Know that I AM God.

Yield to My Sanctification 

John 17:17 (AMP) Sanctify them in the truth [set them apart for Your purposes, make them holy]; Your word is truth.

Beloved, allow yourself to decrease that I might increase within you. Yield to My refining process. Let Me burn away the dross leaving you brilliant and sparkling that you may shine blindingly brightly. This is My sanctifying process. The process by which you become more like Me – more radiant – that your countenance might glow from My glory. Waves of glory!

I have new levels for you. Shifting the atmosphere and opening up heaven to draw you in closer still to Me. Allow Me to gently change you into the fullness of all I’ve called you to be. Give the process the time it needs, the journey itself is a blessing and rushing the process only causes you to miss points along the way so yield to both My process and My pace. I will increase My blessings upon you. Receive it, beloved.  Continue reading “Yield to My Sanctification “

Take the Limits Off Your Expectations of Me 

Isaiah 45:3 (JUB) And I will give thee the hidden treasures and the well-guarded secrets that thou may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who gives thee thy name.

Beloved, nothing is hidden from Me. I haven’t lost anything nor will I ever struggle to put something in your hand. I AM sovereign. Be a yielded vessel and truly surrender all you have to Me that I may position you and equip you as I desire. Hold Me and relationship with Me dearest of all.

I will whisper to you secret things you have not known.  I will supernaturally provide for you. I will move in and through you in ways you cannot imagine. See with My eyes and hear with My heart. Know that each soul is more valuable to Me than any amount of silver. Discern true worth and refuse to be sucked in by the world’s system. Allow Me to move. Take the limits off your expectations of Me and give Me room to perform.

Let Your Cry of Victory Ring

Psalm 118:16 (VOICE) The mighty arm of the Eternal is raised in victory; the right hand of His has shown His power.”

Beloved, raise a shout of victory! We shall not be defeated. Sound a cry in declaration that we are victorious. Raise your voice! Do not be afraid that you will be put to shame, lean on Me. Trust in Me. I AM the God of heaven (El Shamayim) and earth, the Lord of Hosts (YHVH Sabaoth), the King of Glory (Melek Kabowd) – nothing is too hard for Me!

Rightly understand Who I AM and what I AM capable of. I AM the God who parted the sea, brought forth water from a rock, and sent manna from heaven. I make a way where there seems to be no way. Don’t focus on possible solutions YOU see in a situation, for I see things you do not. So simply focus on Me, on who I AM, and let your victory cry ring!