Periodically, I’ll feel led to do a series of Prophetic Nuggets that are connected either by scripture or theme. Since the collections themselves begin to take on an extended meaning, I wanted to share them in their collective states here (the originals are on Daily Downloads from Heaven.) This is one such grouping that was inspired by Elisa‘s Our Songs of Ascent (originally shared on her blog called Waiting in the Wings). It is a series of 15 Prophetic Nuggets based on the “Songs of Ascent” (Psalms 120-134). Continue reading “Songs of Ascent (The Steps)”
I Am Here

A little over 2 years ago I was in a TERRIBLE spiritual storm. Attacks from people and demons, betrayal, rejection and sickness on every side. I was fearful, anxious and stressed. Continue reading “I Am Here”
Joyful Tears

Psalm 126:5 (NIV) Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.
You have sown many tears over the years and too often you can’t see if it’s harvest will actually come, but know and trust that Papa is working even when we can’t see it. The waiting time that comes after planting the seed and having to water it and having no control over the weather conditions and how they will affect the crops while they grow is not in our control. That is however, the most important time. That’s when our faith and trust in the Father grows. Continue reading “Joyful Tears”
Childlike Joy
Matthew 18:3 (NIV) And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Children blindly trust their parents and are happy and full of joy when they’re simply hugged, kissed or are just near them. They don’t have any worldly worries or concerns because they know that their parents will take care of everything. Continue reading “Childlike Joy”
Breakthrough: Though it Tarries, It Tarries Not

In previous posts, we’ve talked about Celebrating Each Breakthrough, and we’ve talked about Incremental Breakthroughs and Managing Our Expectations, but in the midst of all this talk about smaller breakthroughs, I don’t want us to lose sight of the fact that God also moves through big breakthroughs. Our focus on smaller breakthroughs is simply an acknowledgment that they are worth noting and celebrating, not that they are the only breakthroughs God does, for nothing is impossible with God. Continue reading “Breakthrough: Though it Tarries, It Tarries Not”
Lunchtime NOT Live: Believing What God Says
- Show and tell: Abiding in the Vine Dyed4you flute (Harmonic Drone in F)
- Testimony: agree with a spirit of life
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Let Me guide You in Truth
- Dyed4you Art: Daughter Live
- Dyed4you silk: 14×72 Healing Flow silk (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “Showing God is Worthy of Our Trust (Numbers 20)”
- Daily Downloads from Heaven available on Amazon – more info on the Author Meghan Williams page
Continue reading “Lunchtime NOT Live: Believing What God Says”
Trust Me
Proverbs 3:5 (AMPC) “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.”
Deuteronomy 1:29 …”Don’t be scared! Don’t be afraid… You won’t have to fight this battle yourselves; the Eternal your God, who always goes ahead of you, will fight for you… haven’t you seen the Eternal, your True God, carrying you the way a parent carries a child? … He always goes ahead of you… He always shows you the right way to go.”
Daughter, {hearing the tender sound of His voice} I see you. I see your pain. I know it has not been easy for you. Yes, I do see the battle raging—trust Me, you are not alone. Refuse to fight this battle in your own strength—your efforts have left you wounded. You’re feeling hurt, tired and alone. Come, {hand reaching} allow Me to lead the way {wipes tears, takes hand}. Breathe, daughter. {takes a shallow breath} Breathe deep. {pauses, close her eyes and breathes deep. As she breathes she releases the tension and tears begin to stream as she let’s go of all fear and anxiety. As she breathes deep she can feel strength being restored and a renewed sense of peace and trust}. “Look around! Do you see Heaven’s armies?! I told you, you are not alone.” {She opens her eyes. She is overlooking a large city filled with multitudes of Angels who are fighting on her behalf} Continue reading “Trust Me”
Come Out of the Box

Beloved, come out of the box and come out of hiding. Come out of the trap of thoughts that keep you hidden in shame and fear. Refuse to let self-limiting mindsets restrict and contain you. For when you allow your insecurities to govern and control you, they also restrict the movement of My Spirit through you. Continue reading “Come Out of the Box”
Stand Ready
Psalm 45:3 (NASB) Gird Your sword on Your thigh, O Mighty One, In Your splendor and Your majesty!
Beloved, stand ready. Be prepared to fight at My command. You do not war against flesh and blood, but against supernatural powers that would move against you and against My Kingdom. But do not be afraid, for I have overcome the wicked one.
Beloved, none can stand against Me. As My children stand with Me, they are aligned and prepared for victory. For I AM the victorious One. So stand. Resist the devil and all his efforts to move you. Stand in faith – unwavering. Stand with Me. Continue reading “Stand Ready”
Do I Trust
Do I trust Him with my life, or do I create strife.
Do I yield to His love, or act like it’s not enough.
Do I listen for His voice, or seek another choice.
Do I stop, be still and know; or am I too impatient to be slow.
Do I stay in the word, or listen to others I’ve heard.
Do I pray to Him, or just be quiet then.
I have a choice and I know it. He has clearly shown it.
Which way will I go, how much further along the road.
Until finally I lay down my piece of the crown.
The one I try to carry on my head but meanwhile my heart is dead.
Let me lay down my crown and exchange it for a gown.
Turn this heart of stone into a treasure only He can own.
Oh, to just trust that He really only wants the best for us.
To give myself away to Him is the greatest plan.
To let Him take me by the hand and lead me to the promise land.
Trust, trust Him I must, this is the better choice.
To let Him in my heart, to have a reason to rejoice.
Oh to trust Him more and more, is truly making my heart soar.