{Vision} I saw the Lion of Judah breathing life on earth and creation, and that which looked dead began coming alive again. The river of life flowed from between His feet. A child stood next to the lion with a hand on Him and was laughing with joy and delight. I got the sense that this child was saying, “Again! Again! Do it again!”
After this vision, several words were highlighted to me: delight, laughter, joy, creation, restoring, renewing, tenderness, repentance, redemption, freedom to create, and creative breath.Continue reading “Wind of Life”
“Ekklēsia (Assembly)” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
One day as I was pondering the subject of fellowship, the Holy Spirit dropped a download into my spirit. A picture came to mind of a group of people gathered together for a potluck meal. However, I knew the dinner was symbolic of spiritual communion.
The Spirit highlighted the fact although this was one community meal, it had contributions from every individual. I was immediately reminded of how God has taught me that I can learn something from every person that I encounter, regardless of their age, social, cultural, or even religious differences.
More often than not, we are trained to look to people of power, status, and experience to be our teachers. We may find ourselves impressed by those who are eloquent speakers, professionals with titles, or individuals who walk in a heavy anointing. And while there is certainly knowledge and wisdom to be gained from these individuals, they are not the only vessels God can teach us through. If we are not careful, we can miss the voice of our Master speaking through the humblest vessels. Therefore, we must strive to keep our ears tuned to listen.
Countless times, God has fed me spiritual food through strangers on the street, a random YouTube video or television program, the uncanny insight of a child, or even wise words from someone of a different belief system than I. Yet it has required humility to receive from God in such a way. In John 10:27, Christ says that His sheep know His voice. When you are intimate with the Word of God—the voice of truth—you can discern that voice anywhere.
I think of the story of the Roman centurion in Matthew 8. This man wasn’t a Jew and could be considered an outsider by all accounts. And yet, he recognizes the truth when he sees it. He acknowledges Christ and the authority he walks in. And ultimately, his faith along with his insight about Christ’s authority impresses our Lord. And to this day, the centurion’s words are still teaching those of us who read the Scriptures. How incredible!
I believe that the true blessing of spiritual fellowship can be found when we recognize that everyone has something of value to bring to the table. The Holy Spirit can teach and speak through us all—and that includes you. Today, I sense Holy Spirit stirring us to listen for the Master’s voice wherever we go. Like children, let us be humble and open to learning, no matter the vessel God chooses to work through.
Matthew 8:11 (NIV) I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.
Proverbs 15:15 (TPT) Everything seems to go wrong when you feel weak and depressed. But when you choose to be cheerful, every day will bring you more and more joy and fullness.
I have one life to live
I choose to live life free
Free from my past
Free from opinions
Free from any lies
I once believed about me Continue reading “Live Life Free”
When you immerse your thoughts in My truth, it sanctifies you and bears witnessin your spirit man. There is no difference between anyone in regards to purification through My Spirit because it all comes through the circumcision of faith in Jesus.It is only the faith and My grace that this process can occur. Be assured that sanctification on your behalf came through believing in the finished work on the cross. This is so that I will sanctify and cleanse you with the washing of the water through My Word. Continue reading “The Spirit Sanctifies”
“Refreshing Presence” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
My child, what fears have gripped your heart? Hand them over to Me, I’ll take them. I promise, you have nothing to fear, for I AM here. I AM with you, in you, and all around you. As you go throughout your day, take time to breathe. As you inhale, breathe in My truth by focusing your attention on Me. In the stillness of taking in that breath, hear My words, “Fear not, I AM with you.” As you exhale, release, let go. Let go of fear, lies, and distractions. They only come to steal your attention and to draw your awareness away from the truth, that I AM always with you.
Isaiah 41:10 (AMP) “Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation].’”
“Emboldened by the Sustaining Source” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
2 Corinthians 3:12 (TPT) So then, with this amazing hope living in us, we step out in freedom and boldness to speak the truth.
You have been called to be bold for His Glory and His Holy name. Through Christ we have been set free, thus you have been empowered to speak the truth. Being bold doesn’t mean you have to beat others over the head with the truth. Simply stand firm for the truth of who our Heavenly Father is. Your life is the testimony of truth.
When you feel uncertain, grow weary or hopeless, with boldness approach our Heavenly Father. Allow Him to grow your boldness in multiple ways, one of which should be how to pray with boldness. Be persistent to pursue His promises for you. When your heart’s desire aligns with His, He will not deny you.
1 John 5:14 (TPT) Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before him, for if we present any request agreeable to his will, he will hear us.
John 10:27 (AMP) The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.
Beloved, refuse to believe the lies that the enemy throws your way. You are Mine, and those who are Mine know My voice and they will not follow another’s. So pause as you listen, andrecognize who is speaking that you might rightly determine which words are of value and to which you should pay no heed.
For the enemy of your soul will always toss “thought bombs” at you like grenades. Their intention is to maim and destroy. Refuse to give them power by simply rejecting them as you identify their origin. Toss them out, beloved. Take every thought captive and make it submit to My truth.
Beloved, you know Me. You know My heart towards you is good. Refuse to believe anything less. Refuse to settle for anything less. Know that you are precious, prized, the apple of My eye – My heart’s desire. Know the truth of your identity as you rest in the cocoon of My love. Continue reading “Refuse to Believe the Lies”
Song of Songs 4:1 (TPT) Listen, my dearest darling, you are so beautiful—you are beauty itself to me! Your eyes glisten with love, like gentle doves behind your veil. What devotion I see each time I gaze upon you. You are like a sacrifice ready to be offered.
My Bride, as much as possible, choose to see yourself the way that I see you. Let the words you speak and think towards yourself align with what I would say and think of you. I am not ashamed, disgusted, or displeased with you. You are My precious creation, in whom I find much delight.Continue reading “The Beauty in You”
Psalm 105:1 (AMP) O give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the people.
Beloved, you know My name, and you’re well familiar with My nature. Will you tell the world who I AM? Give thanks to Me, and make My deeds known among the nations. Share unashamedly about how I have moved in your life.
Testify, beloved. Share the truth of My character, for so many have a skewed and false view of who I AM. It isn’t your job to change their minds, but it is your job not to hold back from speaking truth – the truth of who I AM, how I move, and the power of My love.