Psalm 77:1 (VOICE) I cry up to heaven, “My God, True God,” and He hears.
Beloved, when you cry out to Me, I always hear. No matter where you are or what you’ve done, I AM always listening. I do not turn a deaf ear to you in punishment or neglect. Those who know Me know that does not align with My character.
Just as an earthly parent uses wisdom in granting their children’s requests, so do I. In the moments I don’t respond the way you expected, know that is not a sign of My neglect, but rather of your inappropriate expectations. I’m not a genie in a bottle to call and command, so be sure that is not your expectation.
What I AM is El Chai – the Living God, and I love My children, and am mindful of their needs and their cries – of all things concerning them. So know that I AM present and listening. I will never leave you nor forsake you. So cry out to Me, beloved, for I AM listening.
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