Choose Who to Trust

Jeremiah 17:7 (VOICE) But blessed is the one who trusts in Me alone; the Eternal will be his confidence.

Beloved, choose to trust in Me, for I AM faithful and worthy. Blessed are those who put their unfettered trust in Me – those whose confidence is in Me. I will not leave you or forsake you. If your trust is in Me, you do not trust in vain.

I AM the mighty deliverer. Would you rely on the weapons and wisdom of men when you have Me on your side? Surely not. Walk in wisdom rooted in a fear of the Lord. I will not lead you astray.

Intertwined Strength

Ecclesiastes 4:11 (AMP) Again, if two lie down together, then they keep warm; but how can one be warm alone?

Beloved, I have created you for multiplication. Though yes, you can accomplish much alone, I have made you for connection, and for the power that is found there. Resist the urge to to avoid it, it is worth the effort.

It is worth the frustration in moments of misunderstanding, and worth the character building that occurs when you must operate in grace and humility to create unity. Though it takes work – without a doubt, it truly is worth it.

So resist the temptation to protect your heart by holding others away, and choose instead to love as if you’ll never get hurt. Trust your heart to me, and choose to walk in love and experience intertwined strength. Continue reading “Intertwined Strength”

Listen to the Sound of Heaven

Revelation 19:6 (AMP) Then I heard something like the shout of a vast multitude, and like the boom of many pounding waves, and like the roar of mighty peals of thunder, saying, “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, [the Omnipotent, the Ruler of all] reigns.

Beloved, lift your voice and join in with heaven’s sound – all praise be to the One who is worthy! May your feet join in the beat and your arms join in the wave offering – hold nothing back, for victory belongs to the Lamb.

Declare I AM righteous in the heavens. Declare I AM holy in the earth. Declare that I AM sovereign over all creation. Declare, beloved, declare. Listen to the sound of heaven and join in with their cry. “Holy! Holy! Holy!” am I.

Confident Assurance

1 Kings 18:44 (AMP) And at the seventh time the servant said, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is coming up from the sea.” And Elijah said, “Go up, say to Ahab, ‘Prepare your chariot and go down, so that the rain shower does not stop you.’”

Beloved, step out in faith. Trust that I will meet you there. Know My instructions in your heart, and declare My words with your mouth. Then watch with eager expectation as I bring to fruition the promises at hand.

Refuse to be discouraged regardless how intimidating the foe. As long as you yield to Me, victory is assured. Stand tall in confident assurance, knowing I AM with you. I call you mighty warrior, and the hosts of heaven respond to your lead. Walk in the fullness of the mantle resting on you.

Steadfast Trust

Psalm 112:7 (AMP) He will not fear bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting [confidently relying on and believing] in the Lord.

Beloved, align your heart and expectations with My truth, for it is steadfast and unmovable – a stronghold and a place of safety. Steadfastly trust Me. For I AM good and perfect and true. I AM worth your praise and your devotion, so remain devoted.

Though the winds and waves may come, and the cares of life may close in, I will never change. I AM a solid rock – your firm foundation, and you can safely rest in Me. Even sorrow in Me brings strength, and even trials in Me yield character. So stay true and refuse to waver, keeping your gaze fixed on Me as your guiding star. Continue reading “Steadfast Trust”

Declare with Courageous Confidence

Acts 4:31 (VOICE) They finished their prayer, and immediately the whole place where they had gathered began to shake. All the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began speaking God’s message with courageous confidence.

Beloved, you have been filled and empowered by My Holy Spirit. Walk the victory My Spirit brings. With courageous confidence declare My Word and in unwavering expectation watch for My promises to unfold. I AM faithful and you are mighty in Me.

You are equipped, beloved. Protected in the armor of God with My heavenly hosts at the ready beside. Never doubt our strength or give in to the temptation to fear. I AM steadfast and I AM sure. Prophesy, beloved. Declare My Word into all the earth. For I AM good and greatly to be praised.

Stay in the Light

Luke 8:17 (VOICE) Hidden things will always come out into the open. Secret things will come to light and be exposed.

Beloved, I AM not blind, nor do I hide My eyes from the things done in darkness. I AM the bringer of light because I AM light. I AM the revealer of mysteries and I expose the acts of wickedness and deception. I see and understand every motivation of every heart, and I shed light and bring truth that all will see and know and that every excuse is brought to naught.

For I AM holy, and I will not be mocked. Wickedness begets wickedness, and righteousness is born of truth. So hold fast to the truth and stay in the light. Walk rightly. My sheep know My voice and another’s they will not follow. Trust that I will bring forth truth, and fix your gaze on Me. Continue reading “Stay in the Light”

Manifest Support

Psalm 3:5 (VOICE) I lie down at night and fall asleep. I awake in the morning— healthy, strong, vibrant —because the Eternal supports me.

Beloved, when you lie down I AM there, and when you rise up I AM there. I AM always with you, and My hand always upholds you. My support of you is steadfast, and in it you can find rest and peace. Dwell in Me. Allow yourself to feel My touch, for it is there – steadfast and sure, unchanging and steady, I AM there.

Knowing I AM with you and that I support you, look to Me. Look to Me in times of trouble. Look to Me for comfort. Look to Me for encouragement. Find in Me your joy. Whatever the need, look to Me.

Manifest Protection

Psalm 3:3 (VOICE) But You, Eternal One, wrap around me like an impenetrable shield. You give me glory and lift my eyes up to the heavens.

Beloved, you are safe in My arms. Just as a child might run to a parent to find shelter in their arms from threats and terrors seen or unseen, so My arms welcome you and surround you like a shield – a manifest protection.

Find your safety here. You are My precious child. My peace I’ve given you, and My peace I bring. Cling to Me even as you hold tight to the corners of your faith, like a blanket wrapped tightly around you – refuse to let go of the peace given you by faith.

Refuse to Take the Bait

Psalm 142:4 (GW) Look to my right and see that no one notices me. Escape is impossible for me. No one cares about me.

Beloved, though there may be times you feel overlooked, unseen, unimportant, and worthless, those feelings are not communicating truth to you. Refuse to take the bait. The enemy seeks to convince you of these things, but he is a liar and the father of lies.

Remember that David, a man after My own heart, a man quoted and beloved, a man still inspiring multitudes hundreds of years later felt the same way. You never know the full impact your life and actions have.

So keep your eyes and heart fixed on Me. Focus on obedience, and knowing and loving My Word. Abide with Me, and allow a life cultivated in that fertile soil to bear fruit and do so abundantly. Continue reading “Refuse to Take the Bait”