Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

Job 28:28 (CSB) He said to mankind, “The fear of the LORD –that is wisdom. And to turn from evil is understanding.”

Beloved, as you see Me as I AM, you cannot help but be moved by My holiness and respond in kind. In reverential fear, choose to reject that which is evil and turn your back on sin. Resist temptation.

Allow your heart to be so tender that a gentle whisper from My Spirit brings conviction and change. Willingly yield to My Spirit, beloved, and choose to flow in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord.

Spirit of the Lord

Luke 4:18 (VOICE) The Spirit of the Lord the Eternal One is on Me. Why? Because the Eternal designated Me to be His representative to the poor, to preach good news to them.

Beloved, be My voice. Open your mouth and trust Me to fill it. Allow My Spirit to flow through you, to inspire thought and action, to give vision of the unseen, and to bring prophetic revelation in My perfect timing. Trust, and yield to My flow.

As you partner with My Spirit, you will see the miraculous take place. The supernatural will become as if it were common so clear and continuous its evidence. The gifts of My Spirit alive and on display for all to see. The beauty of My glory manifest on earth and in the heavens. Choose, beloved, choose to yield and flow in Me. Continue reading “Spirit of the Lord”

Flow as One

Ephesians 4:3 (AMP) Make every effort to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the bond of peace [each individual working together to make the whole successful].

Beloved, flow as one, for you are one. The Body of Christ. One body. United in purpose: bringing glory and honor to Me. Refuse to be distracted by personal agendas and selfish goals or motivations. Stay focused on Me – My plans, My direction, My kingdom.

Just as a physical body works together to keep the air that maintains life flowing through the body, work together as one to allow the flow of My Spirit throughout the Body of Christ – My breath invigorating and quickening.

Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger

Psalm 106:33 (AMP) Because they were rebellious against His Spirit, Moses spoke recklessly with his lips.

Beloved, be not riled. Rather hold your tongue and refuse to be provoked – even on My behalf. There are consequences to every word that falls from your lips; therefore, guard them carefully. Refuse to be baited into fruitless arguments or allow petty bickering to incite you to stoop to its level.

Walk in humility and wisdom, being slow to speak and slow to anger. Weigh each word and seek My Spirit’s counsel, for I AM the only one who fully knows the inner workings of men’s hearts, so ask Me for instruction on what to say and when to say it, and I will advise you with true wisdom that brings harmony. Continue reading “Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger”

My Word is Bedrock

Hebrews 10:23 (AMP) Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful [to His word];

I AM faithful from generation to generation. My Word is solid and true. My character is unimpeachable. Every promise I have given will come to pass as surely as the sun rises day after day (and in fact even more reliably).

And in the same way you would not beg the sun to rise, but rather simply wait in confidence for it to do so, so you can simply wait on My promises to come to pass without beseeching Me for them to happen. If I have said it, it is so. My word is bedrock.

Steadfast Love

Jeremiah 31:3 (GW) The Lord appeared to me in a faraway place and said, “I love you with an everlasting love. So I will continue to show you my kindness.

Beloved, regardless of where you are – regardless of how far you’ve wandered, My love for you remains the same. My heart for you is steadfast and true, and nothing in heaven or on earth can alter it one iota.

I will spend eternity drawing you closer to Myself, for the depth of My love is greater than you could imagine and My longing for you, My beloved, is unending and profound. Though you can search to the ends of the earth – exploring high and low, you will never find anything more steadfast than My love for you. Continue reading “Steadfast Love”

Child of the Light

Ephesians 5:13 (VOICE) When the light shines, it exposes even the dark and shadowy things and turns them into pure reflections of light.

Beloved, resist the urge to be intimidated by darkness for the power of My light far exceeds the deepest of night. One pinprick of light disperses the oppressive gloom, and you are a carrier of My light – you are filled with it.

So radiate without shame. Let it burst forth from you in all its inherent glory. You have a light that darkness cannot diminish or quell. Know and understand the power within you. You carry the Spirit of the Almighty.

What or who can stand against you when you are filled with Me? Where is the purpose in being afraid? Does light tremble in fear darkness may overcome it? Never! Be confident, bold, and steadfast as you walk as a child of the Light. Continue reading “Child of the Light”

Stronger Together

1 Corinthians 12:12 (VOICE) Just as a body is one whole made up of many different parts, and all the different parts comprise the one body, so it is with the Anointed One.

Beloved, be one as I AM One. Whole, but unique. Individual, but connected. Separate, but the same. An eye can see much, but without the legs to take it places and the brain to process its vision, it is without greater purpose. In the same way, remember you are stronger and more effective together.

And in the same way an eye, an ear, and a nose process the same situation differently, understand that your unique perspective may seem foreign to some. So extend grace and patiently educate, helping others to understand what is different from them just as you should seek to do for things that are unusual to you.

Strengthen the Body

1 Corinthians 12:27 (TLB) Now here is what I am trying to say: All of you together are the one body of Christ, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.

Beloved, be intentional to strengthen the connections within the Body. The enemy seeks to divide, so resist the urge to allow your focus to remain on differences or areas of possible offense. Instead look for ways that giftings and strengths can best compliment one another. There is room and purpose for all within the Body of Christ. Each person is vital to success. Because each person is different, it is easy to become tempted by feelings of loneliness, discouragement, or despair. So be vigilant to create connection and build one another up.

Beloved, in the same way that a puzzle cannot be completed if you lose even one tiny piece, so you must ensure that your brethren in Christ are not lost or stolen. Each of you is vital to the whole. Each person is worth the time and effort to draw in and strengthen. And even as your iron sharpens iron and the sparks fly, simply wait for those sparks to fade and choose to live in peace and harmony as one—one strong one. Continue reading “Strengthen the Body”

El Ori (God my Light)

Psalm 27:1 (VOICE) The Eternal is my light amidst my darkness and my rescue in times of trouble. So whom shall I fear? He surrounds me with a fortress of protection. So nothing should cause me alarm.

Beloved, I AM Light. I AM the source. You act as My rays – shining out for all the world to see. Darkness cannot stand in the face of the blinding beauty of heavenly light. Reflect Me. Allow My pure light to warm those around you, and draw them to Me without a word – simply by your radiant glow.

I bring clarity. I bring truth. In Me no confusion can remain. I AM the Light of the World – there is no changing darkness in Me, I AM the light of revelation, and I AM the bringer of truth. No darkness may remain, the enemy must flee. So breathe easy, beloved, and rest in the glorious radiance of El Ori.