Prepare Yourself in Him

Be Still” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

{hearing} You can’t be prepared for all of it, so, prepare yourself in Me.

With the way our world is and our current reality, there is a lot of fear, a lot of worrying, a lot of opinions floating around, a ton of emotions, incredible division, and a lot of speculation as to what is happening from a biblical perspective. There is no way for us to really look ahead and prepare for what is to come. I think it’s fair to say there is no telling what on earth is ahead.  Continue reading “Prepare Yourself in Him”

Unshakable Trust

1 John 4:13 (AMP) By this we know [with confident assurance] that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given to us His [Holy] Spirit.

Regardless how dim your current circumstances may seem, regardless how hopeless it may all look, regardless how much it appears your prayers aren’t being answered, Trust Him! Know that our Heavenly Father is always working, even when we can’t see it. So resist the urge to question Him “why” and trust Him with an unshakable trust knowing He’s got your very best at heart. Then when you get your “suddenly” know that it’s due to Him having worked behind the scenes preparing all things ahead of time as they needed to be aligned!

[Unshakable Trust originally posted on, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

Lunchtime Live: Cherished 

Continue reading “Lunchtime Live: Cherished “

Breakthrough: Though it Tarries, It Tarries Not

Mighty Breaker Anointing by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

In previous posts, we’ve talked about Celebrating Each Breakthrough, and we’ve talked about Incremental Breakthroughs and Managing Our Expectations, but in the midst of all this talk about smaller breakthroughs, I don’t want us to lose sight of the fact that God also moves through big breakthroughs. Our focus on smaller breakthroughs is simply an acknowledgment that they are worth noting and celebrating, not that they are the only breakthroughs God does, for nothing is impossible with God. Continue reading “Breakthrough: Though it Tarries, It Tarries Not”

Lunchtime Live: His Timing/Seasons

Continue reading “Lunchtime Live: His Timing/Seasons”

Come Away

Isaiah 60:8 (EXB) The people are returning to you [Who are these who fly…?] like clouds, like doves flying to their nests [shelters; windows].

Beloved, I AM your home, so fly home to Me. Abide in Me. Resist the urge to stay busy. Instead, make time to dwell with Me. Oh the adventures we will have, when you make time for Me.

So run to Me, beloved. In Me, you will soar. Wait upon Me, and rise up on wings like eagles as you soar in the Spirit with Me. Come away with Me, beloved. Come away. 

Glorious Expectation

Psalm 18:30 (TPT) What a God you are! Your path for me has been perfect! All your promises have proven true. What a secure shelter for all those who turn to hide themselves in you! You are the wrap-around God giving grace to me.

Beloved, rest in My promises. You have only to yield to receive the fullness of them. Keep your eyes on Me and walk in humble obedience trusting that My hand will bring it all to pass. 

Stay hidden in Me. I AM your rock and shelter, and I AM wholly faithful and true. Trust in Me and trust in My word, for, beloved, it shall never return void. Lo, it will always come to pass. So wait in glorious expectation for My promises to be made manifest. 

Hope as You Wait

Romans 12:12 (VOICE) Do not forget to rejoice, for hope is always just around the corner. Hold up through the hard times that are coming, and devote yourselves to prayer.

Beloved, hope as you wait. Stay in a place of joyous expectation because you know who I AM and you know My character. You trust Me. You choose to trust Me.

Share your heart with Me in prayer. And remember to cast your cares on Me, for I AM fully willing and able to carry it all. So stir up your hope, and wait in joyous peace knowing the God you serve is completely faithful. 

Gates of Healing

Acts 3:9-10 (TPT) When all the people saw him jumping up and down and heard him glorifying God, they realized it was the crippled beggar they had passed by in front of the Beautiful Gate. Astonishment swept over the crowd, for they were amazed over what had happened to him.

Beloved, don’t forget to be amazed. Have eyes to see My touch when I move and stand in awe. For I AM God and I AM able. Rejoice and glorify My name. 

Be expectant and wait on Me. Look to Me first. And recognize the miraculous when I move. For I AM supernatural – I can move far beyond what your natural expectations may be, so increase your faith and swing wide the gates of healing.